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Absolute Monarchs in Austria & Prussia

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1 Absolute Monarchs in Austria & Prussia
Support or criticize this statement: “There are just some jobs that a woman can’t do; leading a country is one of them.”

2 Absolute Monarchs Austria & Prussia

3 Austria

4 Austria The Hapsburgs of Austria remained the most powerful kings in central Europe

5 Austria Charles VI worked out a Pragmatic Sanction with other German kings that changed Austrian law to allow Maria Theresa to rule & keep Austrian lands under one Hapsburg ruler Austria was very diverse & difficult to rule; the only thing that held it together was that a Hapsburg king controlled it all But Austrian king Charles VI had a daughter Maria Theresa; no woman had ever ruled Austria

6 Austria Maria Teresa proved to be a good queen for Austria:
She reduced the role of noble lords & strengthened the power of the monarch She limited the amount of work that nobles could force their peasants to do BUT…her power was challenged by kings in Prussia

7 Prussia

8 Prussia Prussia was a territory of scattered lands in the NW region of the Europe ruled by the Hohenzollern Dynasty The Lutheran Hohenzollerns were a rival family of the Catholic Hapsburgs

9 Prussia To ensure that Prussia became a respected nation, King Fredrick William built a strong military. He “rented” his army to assist in European wars as a way of gaining $$$ & power.

10 Prussia Fredrick William I—Doubled the size of the Prussian army & made it the strongest military in Europe; as king, he cared little for anything other than his army.

11 Prussia When Maria Theresa took over Austria, Prussia’s new king Fredrick (II) the Great attacked Austria to gain land Prussia won this War of Austrian Succession

12 Austria vs. Prussia Maria Theresa wanted Silesia back & started another war in 1756 called the Seven Years War; European nations formed alliances: Austria, Russia, France …vs…Prussia & England British & French colonists fought each other in America (French & Indian War) Austria lost; Prussia kept Silesia & England gained Canada from France

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