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Global Interdependence

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Presentation on theme: "Global Interdependence"— Presentation transcript:

1 Global Interdependence

2 Agenda 1. Quick Review Genocide and Terror (10)
2. Lecture: Global Interdependence/Post Cold War India (20) 3. Comparing leaders: Indira Gandhi vs. Thatcher (10) 4. Developed vs Developing World Guess that location!! (10) 5. Quick Discussion: Problems with Globalization 6. SOL Review Day 1: Renaissance and Reformation/Ottoman and Mughal Empire.

3 Economic Interdependence
Companies have a global role in society. McD’s, KFC, Coca Cola. Common Currency (European Union) Travel in EU countries easier. Turkey….. Any problems within a country can become a global issue economically. Economic Downturn in 2008 occurred worldwide. Greece hit so hard it almost left EU.

4 Globalization of Companies

5 Developing vs Developed World
Developing Countries often are more agricultural or industrial, focusing on raw materials. Standard of Living is lower. Population growth is high, along with infant mortality. There is little regulation with maintaining environmental protections.

6 Does Government play a role?
Some claim that a free market system guarantees a better standard of living, vs one that is limited. Does government regulation lead to better social conditions?

7 Cold War Worldwide Margaret Thatcher
Prime Minister of Britain until 1990. Known as “Iron Lady” for her strong stance on Communism. Supported Reagan Indira Gandhi Before her assassination in 1984, she sought ways to develop a nuclear program in India. Developed close ties with the Soviet Union

8 Developed? Or Developing?

9 Developed? Or Developing?

10 Developed? Or Developing?

11 Developed? Or Developing?

12 Developed? Or Developing?

13 Developed? Or Developing?


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