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grammar ı1 WEEK 9:modals Permıssıon,lack of /prohıbıtıon,possıbılıty NİŞANTAŞI ÜNİVERSİTESİ © Mühendislik Mimarlık Fakültesi
AROUND THE WORLD This is Jenna and she is travelling around the world. Let’s join her and find out the mysteries of our world. Jenna started to pack up for this journey 3 months ago. She likes to be prepared. She always searches for details about the countries she is going to visit. She doesn’t want to commit crimes in a foreign country so surfs on the internet and finds these; Jenna is 25 years old. She likes to travel a lot. She likes to learn about new cultures and new people. NİŞANTAŞI ÜNİVERSİTESİ ©
AROUND THE WORLD In Milan, citizens must smile at all times, or face a fine, except during funerals or hospital visits. Frowners could face a hefty fine. Bad news for pregnant women, small children, and those prone to upset tummies: In Switzerland you're not allowed to flush the toilet after 10 p.m. as they think it is noise pollution. In Singapore you must never chew gum in public spaces. The city of Petrolia in Ontario has a law that limits excessive noise. The rule states that no yelling, shouting, whistling or singing is allowed at any time. Leave your stilettos at home if you're planning on sightseeing around Greece's historic cities. High heels are illegal at certain ancient monuments because they can damage them, and because they often threaten preservation efforts . Scots who really need to go are in luck: The country has an old law ; if a stranger knocks on your door asking to use the toilet you must let them in. The city of San Francisco has banned any and all feeding of pigeons within city limits. Forgetting your wife's birthday is a crime, in Samoa. NİŞANTAŞI ÜNİVERSİTESİ ©
Read the ınformatıon and answer the questıons
Which is the strangest one? Do you know other strange rules? Write T for true F for false. You must smile in Tuscany/Italy You don’t have to flush the toilet before 10 pm in Switzerland You don’t have to worry about chewing gum in Singapore’s public places. In Ontario, you must never yell, shout, whistle. You have to wear low heeled shoes in Greece’s historic cities. You don’t have to worry about finding a toilet in Scotland, you can just knock any door. You mustn’t feed the pigeons in San Francisco. You have to remember your wife’s birthday in Samoa. Now work in groups and come up with laws for your own country. NİŞANTAŞI ÜNİVERSİTESİ ©
Modals for oblıgatıon (must / MUSTN’T)
MEANING FORM Read the sentence and choose the correct option. You mustn’t feed the pigeons in San Francisco. - Mustn’t means that something is/isn’t allowed. In Milan, I must smile at all times. -This is a rule / recommendation. NİŞANTAŞI ÜNİVERSİTESİ ©
Modals for oblıgatıon (have to/ DON’T HAVE To)
MEANING FORM 1st- A man has to remember his wife’s birthday in Samoa. 2nd- You don’t have to worry about finding a toilet in Scotland. Which sentence means …..? -There is no need to do this.______ -There is an obligation to do this.______ NİŞANTAŞI ÜNİVERSİTESİ ©
Prepare a constıtutıon
Work as a group of 3. Walk around the classroom Prepare the contitution of Turkey and write sentences about what citizens must/musn’t/have to/don’t have to do. Walk around the classroom and read others’ contitutions. Take notes of rules that you like and in the end, choose the best constitution. Explain why this is the best. NİŞANTAŞI ÜNİVERSİTESİ ©
References heels-in-greece-9 donkeys-sleep-bath-Oklahoma-strangest-laws-word.html Oxenden, C., Latham-Koenig, C., & Seligson, P. (2009). New English File: Pre-intermediate-Student’s Book and Workbook. Oxford University Press. NİŞANTAŞI ÜNİVERSİTESİ ©
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