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9) What is the mass? ______ Beaker Flask 7) Name: ___

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Presentation on theme: "9) What is the mass? ______ Beaker Flask 7) Name: ___"— Presentation transcript:

1 9) What is the mass? ______ 722.9 Beaker Flask 7) Name: ___
Measures: ___ Units: ___ Graduated Cylinder 4) Name: ___ 5) Measures: ___ 6) Units: ___ TBB Mass Volume mL g 9) What is the mass? ______ 722.9 Beaker Flask 7) Name: ___ 8) Name: ___ 10) How long is the line? ___ 2.35 cm


3 Making Observations and Inferences…
Must be graduating from high school today… Wearing graduation caps… Casey and Josie are standing in front of Siegel High School.

4 Making Observations and Inferences…
She surprised him with a gift.

5 Making Observations and Inferences…
Jim decided to have a much bigger breakfast than usual.

6 Making Observations and Inferences…
Coach Harris doesn’t want to go to work today.

7 The Scientific Method

8 Observe & Ask a Question The observation leads to a question.
# 1 (cover): Observe & Ask a Question The first thing you do during an investigation is make a careful OBSERVATION. The observation leads to a question. ?

9 #2: Gather Information This is where you do some research. Gather information and prior knowledge.

10 #3: Form a Hypothesis A HYPOTHESIS is an educated guess. What do you think will happen based on the information you just gathered?

11 A good experiment just tests one thing at a time.
#4: Test/Experiment A good experiment just tests one thing at a time.

12 Analyze the Results and Write a Conclusion
#5: Analyze the Results and Write a Conclusion Organize all the data in a chart/graph so you can easily compare the results. Put your data into sentences and state if your hypothesis was right or wrong.

13 Others can give suggestions Experiment can be copied
#6: Communicate Results Share the outcome of your experiment. Others can give suggestions Experiment can be copied Test can be improved Save money and research time Make sure results are accurate

14 GLUE!!!!! Put glue on the back of your mini-book and glue it in your composition notebook..

15 For Example 1. Ask Question/Observation: How many of each color M&M are there? 2. Gather Information: Use prior knowledge and discuss your past experiences. 3. Hypothesis: Make an educated guess. Red____ Blue____ Green_____ Yellow_____ Brown_____ Orange_____ 4. Test Hypothesis: Find out many of each color there really is. 5.Record Data in Table/Graph: Red Blue Green Yellow Brown Orange 6. Conclusion: In paragraph form state your hypothesis and whether it was right or wrong. Also, include your actual results. 7. Communicate Results: Share results.

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