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Public schools should not attempt to preserve the home language of non-English speaking students BY: Nouf almutlaq.

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Presentation on theme: "Public schools should not attempt to preserve the home language of non-English speaking students BY: Nouf almutlaq."— Presentation transcript:

1 Public schools should not attempt to preserve the home language of non-English speaking students BY: Nouf almutlaq

2 Introduction: In the current scenario, the issue of English language and other languages in public schools has become very pressing. There are both supporters of idea who want to preserve the languages in the public schools and there are those who consider it a bad idea. Personally my belief and topic of my assignment are against the idea of preserving these languages. There are many reasons behind it and some of them are explained below.

3 According to article 1 Whether English must be used as a medium of imparting knowledge in schools?
There are two theories or opinions of people over teaching English as foreign language in countries where English is not the native language. First one is that English must be taught to the students keeping in view the cultural values and norms of the English speaking countries Secondly English must be used to teach students without considering their norms and cultures Both of these theories have supported the fact that English must be used as a medium of education in the countries where English is not the native language as it helps in creating bilingual individuals

4 According to article 2 Why English language is criticised and other languages are supported by people for use in public schools? English does not consider itself superior as compared to other languages. There is a social theory in this regard which is causing the issue for use of native language and narrowing the learning skills of students. People consider it an act of racism and social concern which makes them against the use of English as common medium for earning and enhancing the language skills

5 According to article 3 What are the reasons behind preserving home languages in public schools and how it could be made easier for students with English as second language? As the issue of preserving non English language in public schools is concerned it cannot be denied that students with English as a second language do face a lot of issues in the schools and then in higher education as well. Their grades are badly affected due to their poor understanding and impede their way of success or performance in public schools. But this cannot be made as an excuse to make a non English language preserved in the public schools.

6 Conclusion: Hence concluding my discussion I would say that there are many difficulties for students with English as second language in schools. Their grades are affected and they face many challenges however preserving home languages in schools won’t solve the issue. A mix of languages will impede the learning process difficult and it’s only the social concern for the preservation of languages which make people criticize the English language as a common medium for imparting knowledge.

7 Question

8 References: Bozburun, E. N. (2011). Instructional Practices That Hinder And Support Esl Students In The Self-Contained ESL Classroom and The Mainstream Classroom. MA TESOL Collection. Cem, & Alptekin, M. (1983). The question of culture: EFL teaching in non- English-speaking countries. ELT Journal. Imhoff, G. (1990). The Position of U. S. English on Bilingual Education. The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science,

9 Thank you

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