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Market price monitoring
Technical Assistance for Development of Strategy for Alignment with Common Market Organization (CMO) Requirements TR2014/AG/10-A1-01/001 This Project is co-financed by the European Union and the Republic of Turkey Market price monitoring Recording and reporting of beef, pig and sheep carcass prices Training on classification March 2018
Overview of current legislation
Quick review of Union legislation Calculating average national prices Calculating average EU-28 prices Annual reporting of Member States to the European Commission
Review of Union legislation (1)
Regulation (EC) No 1249/2008 (beef , pig and sheep carcasses) Overall aim: continuous monitoring of developments on Union beef, pig and sheep market basis for EU support measures (e.g. public intervention, private storage, exceptional support measures, etc.)
Review of Union legislation (2)
BEEF Member State and EU market prices are recorded and relate to the following conformation and fat cover classes for the categories : Category Z: U2, U3, R2, R3, O2, O3 Category A: U2, U3, R2, R3, O2, O3 Category B: R3 Category C: U2, U3, U4, R3, R4, O3, O4 Category D: R3, R4, O2, O3, O4, P2, P3 Category E: U2, U3, R2, R3, R4, O2, O3, O4
Review of Union legislation (3)
PIG The prices are determined using the quotations recorded for carcasses weighing: — 60 to less than 120 kg of grade E, S — 120 to less than 180 kg of grade R. The choice of weight categories and any weighing is left to the Member States concerned. The market price for pig carcasses in a Member State shall be equal to the average of the quotations for pig carcasses recorded on the representative markets or quotation centres of that Member State.
of Union legislation (4)
LAMB of Union origin Member States whose sheepmeat production exceeds 200 tonnes per year communicate to the Commission the average price for each quality of lamb within the Community scales, together with an indication of the size of each quality The term ‘quality’ means the combination of classes of conformation and of fat cover HEAVY Lamb prices LIGHT Lamb prices
Beef price reporting
Review of Union legislation (3): Who should report weekly prices?
Abattoirs slaughtering per year ≥ 20,000 adult bovines reared by it or on its behalf and/or animals purchased by it Natural or legal persons sending per year ≥ 10,000 adult bovines for slaughter to an abattoir Abattoirs, designated by the Member State, slaughtering per year < 20,000 adult bovines reared by it or on its behalf and/or animals purchased by it Natural or legal persons, designated by the Member State, sending per year < 10,000 adult bovines for slaughter to an abattoir
Review of Union legislation (4): Representative prices for national production
Prices must be recorded for at least: 25% of slaughtering in regions covering at least 75% of total slaughtering in the Member State and 30% of adult bovines slaughtered in the Member State
Review of Union legislation (5)
Market price to be established = price paid to supplier for animal upon delivery to slaughterhouse, excluding VAT, expressed per 100 kg of the cold weight of the carcass presented according to EU reference presentation
Corrections? Cold weight? Warm weight minus 2% Excluding VAT?
Reference presentation of carcass? Coefficents in Regulation (EC) No 1249/2008 Price at entry of abattoir? Correction for (average) transport costs Supplementary payments? Correction if amounting to more than 1%
Correction for transport costs?
Who delivers animals at abattoir gate? Price to be reported Supplier delivers animal and is paid 100. 100 Abattoir collects animal and charges supplier (5). Supplier receives 100 – 5 = 95. 100 Abattoir collects animal and pays 95. Supplier is not charged for transport costs (5). = 100 Estimate
Per head or live weight purchases
In case it relates to significant number, to derive individual price on carcass weight basis: Aim: to ensure representative prices Note: rules on flat-rate purchases (if > 35% of total national slaughtering) Price for live animal Carcass weight Live weight price per kg × live weight Carcass weight
Flat-rate purchases (1)
If carcasses in a batch relate to not more than 3 consecutive conformation classes and 3 consecutive fat classes in the same category: OR Price shall be taken into account for conformation class in which largest number of carcasses is classified If they are equally divided amongst the classes, for the middle of those classes, where such class exists In all other cases, price is not taken into account
Flat-rate purchases: Some examples (2)
Batch 1: 10 carcasses (Category A) (3xU4) 1xR3 4xU3 2xO2 Class U predominant Flat rate price applicable to conformation class U only (fat class 3) Batch 2: 12 carcasses (Category C) (1xU5) 4xR3 1xU4 2xO4 2xU3 2xO3 No predominant class Flat rate price applicable to (middle) conformation class R only (fat class 3) Batch 3: 10 carcasses (Category D) 3xR4 2xP2 2xO3 2xP3 (1xP4) Class P predominant Flat rate price applicable to conformation class P only (fat class 3) Batch 4: 10 carcasses (Category E) 5xU3 3xR2 2xR4 No predominant conformation class (5U/5R) No middle class possible This batch cannot be used for price reporting Batch 5: 10 carcasses (Category E) 7xU3 1xR2 2xR3 Class U predominant Flat rate price applicable to conformation class U only (fat class 3)
Weekly reporting of beef carcass prices
Market price to be established = price paid to supplier for animal upon delivery to slaughterhouse, excluding VAT, expressed per 100 kg of the cold weight of the carcass, presented according to EU reference presentation Regulation defines: Who should report: abattoirs, traders How to report: methodology to calculate prices, electronic data transmission (Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2017/1185), etc.
Average Union prices BEEF – average EU price For a given category:
the weighted average of the national market prices recorded for the class. Weighting is based on the proportion of quantities of that class slaughtered in each Member State to total EU slaughterings of that class. the weighted average for each conformation class shall be the weighted average of the average Community prices for the fat cover classes which constitute that conformation class. Weighting is based on the proportion of slaughterings of each fat cover class to total slaughterings of that conformation class in the EU.
Average Union prices BEEF – average EU price For a given category:
the weighted average of the average Union prices . Weighting is based on the proportion of the quantities slaughtered in each class to total EU slaughterings in the category. The average Community price for all categories together is the weighted average of the average prices. Weighting is based on the proportion of each category to total slaughterings of adult bovine animals in the EU.
Average Union prices PIG – average EU price Determined on the basis of the prices on entry into the slaughterhouse, excluding value added tax, paid to suppliers of live pigs. For the calculation of the Union market price, the prices recorded in each Member State are weighted by using coefficients expressing the relative size of the pig population of each Member State. The coefficients are determined on the basis of the number of pigs counted at the beginning of December each year.
Average Union prices LAMB (light and heavy) – average EU price Prices are weighted by using coefficients expressing the relative size of the sheepmeat production in each Member State to the total EU sheepmeat production. Please note that EU prices for sheep, are averages of the national prices communicated by Member States weighted with coefficients. The coefficients attributed to Member States' prices were modified on 1rst July 2017; from this date, the coefficient used for each Member State corresponds to this Member State 's share in volume in total EU production over the last three years.
Average national price
BEEF: The prices reported are the average price per class. PIG: The market price for pig carcases in a Member State must be equal to the average of the quotations for pig carcases recorded on the representative markets or quotation centres of that Member State. LAMB: The prices reported are the average price per class
Member States’ annual reporting to the European Commission
BEEF: confidential list of price reporting abattoirs and natural/legal persons a list of the regions for which prices are recorded and the weighting attached to each the total number of adult bovine animals slaughtered in the previous calendar year broken down for each category, conformation and fat cover classes
Role of carcass classification and weekly price reporting
You can find the beef and pig prices on the website of the Meat Market Observatory (see statistics): and the sheep ones: You can also have a look at the new AGRI portal data in the pilot for pigmeat data:
Role of carcass classification and weekly price reporting
Continuous monitoring of EU beef, pig and sheep market developments basis for the weekly price reporting by all 28 MS. These prices constitute the most direct and regular market indicator we get. They are published on the website, and provide market transparency. From experience, we know that these prices are used by the sectors (industry and producer organisations); agricultural lobby; specialised media; public administrations; market research institutes; etc.
Role of carcass classification and weekly price reporting
Role in commercial operations => quality-based payment of cattle, pig and sheep suppliers, price transparency, etc. => used for intra-EU trade: the animal's sex; category; lean meat content (pig) carcass weight and classification results are among the key factors determining the price => the classification system provides a "common EU language" to describe the quality of carcasses
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This publication has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union
The contents of this publication is the sole responsibility of NIRAS IC Sp. z o.o. and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union
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