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K.P.I. PRESENTATION 2016 & January to June -2017 11/10/2018.

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Presentation on theme: "K.P.I. PRESENTATION 2016 & January to June -2017 11/10/2018."— Presentation transcript:

1 K.P.I. PRESENTATION 2016 & January to June -2017 11/10/2018

2 2016-Full year performance
KPI Goals Goal-2016 2016-Full year performance Goal-2017 2017 –1st quarters 2017 –2nd quarters 2017 – 1st Half Performance rd Quarter KPI -Goal Sewing Efficiency Avg. 60.00% 50.16% 60% 56.43% 56.23% 56.33% Cutting Efficiency Avg. 75.00% 65.38% 80% 74.88% 73.79% 74.33% Finishing Efficiency Avg. 70.00% 56.08% 70% 61.28% 58.59% 59.94% Production Achievement (from plan) 100% 96.90% 96.56% 92.49% 94.42% Planned Produced Vs Actual Produced Hrs. (Avg.) 95.62% 92.35% 91.85% 92% Monthly Planned Production 650000 456003 561000 445938 469524 457731 Final Inspection Pass rate. (Quality) 98% 93.60% 95.47% 95.18% 95.32% Cut to Ship ratio. (with on time Del) 96.93% 97.01% Order to Ship ratio. (with on time Del) 102% 100.16% 100.67% 101.27% 100.92% Air/Prepaid Shipment 0% +0.55 % .037% 0 %

3 Production & IE 11/10/2018

4 Month wise Cutting Prod -2016-2017
Production January 516808 398973 February 498453 395394 March 597951 511380 1st Quarter (Avg.) 537737 435249 April 621375 428823 May 622549 546852 June 488496 441262 2nd Quarter (Avg.) 577473 472312 July 406185 August 300583 September 198121 3rd Quarter (Avg.) 301630 October 355345 November 491122 December 441130 4th Quarter (Avg.) 429199 Avg. 461510 453781 11/10/2018

5 Month wise Cutting Efficiency -2016-2017,Plan effi-80%.
Achieve Effi. January 68.50% 64.94% February 78.18% March 69.50% 81.50% 1st Quarter (Avg.) 68.83% 74.88% April 67.15% 76.51% May 59.05% 72.95% June 61.10% 71.91%  2nd Quarter (Avg.) 62.43% 73.79% July 67.50% August 53.63% September 52.04% 3rd Quarter (Avg.) 57.72% October 67.52% November 70.20% December 77.68% 4th Quarter (Avg.) 71.80% Avg. 65.38% 74.34% 11/10/2018

6 Year wise cutting Efficiency -----AAL

7 Month Wise Factory PCD Hit Rate
2016 2017 Style Qty PCD Hit Qty Pcd hit rate% Pcd hit rate % January 21 13 62% 30 43% February 19 14 74% 17 11 65% March 27 23 85% 10 53% April 34 26 76% 36 9 25% May 81% 40 29 73% June 15 67% 19   14 74%  July 12 100% August 79% September 8 38% October 6 40% November 87% December 18 44% Ttl 237 165 70% 56% 11/10/2018

8 Month Wise input delay status-2016
Style Day Delay Reason July'16 kamilla Patches Mom fit 7 Sample & Fabric Delay Receive August'16 PP652,R H, J H, Q H 13 Sample, Fabric & Thread Delay Receive September'16 PB226,J s,Q F,U F,U F,U F,U F,U F,U F,Q F,Q F,R U,VICKY Jacket 21 Sample, Fabric , Thread & Main Label Delay Receive October'16 Vicky Shorts,Q H,Summer Denim Jegging,Snow Mom fit,201721,401721,221721,241721, 17 Buyer Comments, Fabric, Main label & Zipper. Delay Receive November'16 Winter Denim Jegging-250 & 505, R S 30 Buyer Comments & Fabric Delay Receive December'16 Alyana Jacket,J S, Jegging-505,R U,Susana Jacket,Jegging-800,A U, TOM-3 , QQ987 55 Sample,Fabric,Thread, Zipper, Care label receive in delay & line taken input delay. 11/10/2018

9 Month Wise input delay status-2017
Style Day Delay Reason January'17 R S,JKS-046,Stud Jacket-143, A U,Romantic Jacket,Skirt F034,R U,R S,Jegging-250,505,407,811, HW damage PunkDRESS,Susana Jacket, 63 Sample, Buyer Comments, PO, Fabric, Over Lock Thread & Zipper receive in delay february'17 A U,A U,Rip knee short white,RD222,Jegging-505 17 Fabric, Pkting & Main , Size, Care label delay receive March'17 TROPICAL PRINT CONTRAST,VJM00011U-PLUS,VBM00012S-MISSY,PETO NINA, Franco 18 Sample, Fabric, Main label, Care label, & Barcode label receive in delay April'17 Q F,Q F,U F,Q F,U F,Q F,Maternity ps auth Dark,REG MID PS DENIM,312752,242747,222747,212752, ,512752 40 Sample, Fabric, Retake label, Care label & Zipper receive in delay. May'17 MARDY,VJM00011J ,VBM00080X,Violet,LEGGING,Q F,U F,Q F,RF604 25 June'17 R U,452799,552799,Q F ,TOM-3 24 Fabric Receive in delay Total 330 11/10/2018

10 Month Wise Work station Achievement
2017 Work station Achievement January 50 February March 1st Quarter (Avg.) April 69 May June 2nd Quarter(Avg.) July August September 3rd Quarter(Avg.) October November December 4th Quarter(Avg.) Avg. 59.5 11/10/2018

11 Month Wise avg. SMV saving fm costing SMV & Process wise.
Production Saving $ January 2.46 383333 41898 February 2.18 419935 31133 March 2.12 534547 44839 April 1.97 431646 40522 May 2.26 560012 77589 June 2.29 416914 25483 Ttl  261464 11/10/2018

12 KAIZEN Sl No. Name of Kaizen & Style Owner Name 1 Bk pkt,yk,cord stc+loop att same pattern Work study + Prod. Dept. 2 J.STC without mark Work study + Prod. Dept 3 Fnt pkt seam att without matching. 4 Bk pkt att without matching. 5 1. SMV saving Manpower saving person 3. Cost saving avg Monthly $= TK 11/10/2018

13 Process improvement Bk pkt,yk,cord stc+loop att same pattern.
Video 11/10/2018

14 Process improvement J.STC without mark
Video 11/10/2018

15 Process improvement Fnt pkt seam att without matching.
Video 11/10/2018

16 Process improvement Bk pkt att without matching.
Video 11/10/2018

17 Month Wise Production Plan Vs. Actual-- Sewing
2016 2017 Plan PCS Production PCS Short/Plus Line Qty January 524879 525195 316 23 397500 383333 -14167 February 483864 503644 19780 422000 419935 -2065 March 593623 584123 -9500 566000 534547 -31453 1st Quarter (Avg.) 534122 537654 3532 461833 445938 -15895 April 640924 616165 -24759 551000 431,646 May 614668 602475 -12193 561000 560012 -988 June 484504 450280 -34224 411000 416914 5914 2nd Quarter(Avg.) 580032 556307 -23725 507667 469524 -38143 July 412693 403180 -9513 21 August 340123 327614 -12509 18 September 228722 186791 -41931 3rd Quarter(Avg.) 327179 305862 -21318 October 373058 342222 -30836 November 462209 484852 22643 December 488000 445496 -42504 4th Quarter(Avg.) 441089 424190 -16899 Avg. 470606 456003 -14603 20.75 484750 457731 -13509 11/10/2018

18 Month Wise Produce Hrs. Plan Vs. Actual(Sewing)
2016 2017 Plan Hour Production Hour Line Qty January 210438 210814 23 188772 164088 February 192721 202776 160500 160140 March 193500 177042 1st Quarter (Avg.) 204532 208135 180924 167089 April 226309 226070 196000 154645 May 225524 215309 190453 June 181216 164113 148302 151174 2nd Quarter(Avg.) 211016 201831 180100 165423 July 149633 144776 21 August 120478 109415 18 September 72266 53317 3rd Quarter(Avg.) 114126 102503 October 153440 134353 November 177730 181827 December 194500 168525 4th Quarter(Avg.) 175223 161568 Avg. 176224 168509 20.75 180512 166257 11/10/2018

19 Last Month Sewing Efficiency-Plan-60.00%

20 January to June Floor wise avg. Sewing Efficiency-Plan-60%

21 Month Wise – Sewing Efficiency
2016 2017 Efficiency Efficiency. January 53.50% 52.02% February 52.70% 60.01% March 53.28% 57.26% 1st Quarter (Avg.) 53.16% 56.43% April 55.18% 56.93% May 51.30% 56.01% June 47.45% 55.76 % 2nd Quarter(Avg.) 51.31% 56.23% July 48.07% August 43.04% September 41.68% 3rd Quarter(Avg.) 44.26% October 46.62% November 52.44% December 56.71% 4th Quarter(Avg.) 51.92% Avg. 50.16% 56.33% 11/10/2018

22 Year wise sewing efficiency

23 Last Month Sewing Man Power
Operator Helper Iron man Total Quota 1026 162 108 1296 Working 1004 165 87 1256 Lest Month Man To Machine Ratio: Particulars Man Power Direct Manpower Indirect Manpower Ratio Budget 2718 1208 1510 1:1 Actual 2596 1388 1:1.15 11/10/2018

24 Finishing & Shipping 11/10/2018

25 Last Month Floor wise avg. Finishing Efficiency-Plan-70%

26 January to June Floor wise avg. Finishing Efficiency-Plan-70%

27 Month Wise Prod. Effi Plan Vs. Actual- Finishing
2016 2017 Achieved prod. Achieved effi. Achieved production. January 583670 58.35% 482570 63.85% February 479528 58.05% 431330 63.34% March 557248 60.60% 455000 56.66% 1st Quarter (Avg.) 540149 59.00% 456300 61.28% April 586131 62.60% 383600 55.95% May 565400 57.50% 485950 57.86% June 501250 57.75% 428000 61.97% 2nd Quarter (Avg.) 550927 59.28% 432517 58.59% July 374550 55.05% August 484900 53.82% September 170430 50.04% 3rd Quarter (Avg.) 343293 52.97% October 236150 48.92% November 384180 48.97% December 439965 61.31% 4th Quarter (Avg.) 353432 53.07% G. Ttl. Avg. 446950 56.08% 444408 59.94% 11/10/2018

28 Last Month Shipment Analysis
Buyer Plan ship Qty Shipped Qty Shorts/Excess Next 12612 7954 2 Complices 14084 14008 -60 Zara 118518 108778 3295 Asmara 75301 40262 -274 Cotton On 24597 24490 17 Fussl 13864 12376 319 Comtex 18000 22844 148 Mamiye Brothers 64400 23660 60 Bershka 143360 83032 476 MS Mode 65773 50850 832 LPP 24048 24061 120 Total 574557 412315 4935 11/10/2018

29 Month Wise Shipment Analysis
2016 2017 Plan Qty Shipped Qty Shorts/Excess Line Qty Shorts/ excess Ship January 647110 632670 -1070 23 362770 361083 1360 February 483380 458970 605 548239 521101 4463 March 544585 500200 1406 460732 450745 3480 1st Quarter Avg. 558358 530613 314 457247 444310 3101 April 608274 555014 1562 396061 354539 8696 May 708196 601315 -605 442103 426881 1250 June 579112 501441 -1399 430952 412315 4935 2nd Quarter Avg. 631861 552590 -147 423038 397912 4960 July 563129 411707 1955 21 August 509261 428682 2069 18 September 323165 205232 3rd Quarter Avg. 465185 348540 2013 October 312031 232156 1537 November 546454 367450 538 December 590252 389053 -336 4th Quarter Avg. 482912 329553 580 G. Total 8278 24184 11/10/2018

30 Year wise Ttl Excess ship Qty

31 2016 Month wise Cut To Ship % 96.97% G. Ttl. 96.56% Month
January 95.41% 96.34% February 96.50% 97.20% March 96.70% 97.24% 1st Quarter Avg. 96.20% 96.93% April 96.83% 98.15% May 96.19% June 96.45% 96.71% 2nd Quarter Avg. 96.54% 97.01% July 97.23% August 97.54% September 97.39% 3rd Quarter Avg. October 96.62% November 96.28% December 96.49% 4th Quarter Avg. 96.46% G. Ttl. 96.56% 96.97% 11/10/2018

32 Month wise order to ship%
2016 Order to ship% January 99.83% 100.38% February 100.13% 100.86% March 100.28% 100.78% 1st Quarter Avg. 100.08% 100.67% April 102.32% May 99.90% 100.27% June 99.72% 101.21% 2nd Quarter Avg. 99.97% 101.27% July 100.48% August September 100.99% 3rd Quarter Avg. 100.65% October November 100.15% December 99.91% 4th Quarter Avg. 100.24% G. Ttl. 100.16% 100.97% 11/10/2018

33 Month wise Final inspection pass rate %
2016 2017 Final inspection pass rate % January 92.09% 91.38% February 94.69% 98.53% March 97.89% 96.49% April 91.67% 94.03% May 90.70% 94.05% June 94.26% 97.47% July 95.08% August 95.56% September 94.00% October 91.11% November 91.89% December 93.67% G. Ttl 93.60% 95.32% 11/10/2018

34 Month wise Air shipment
2016 2017 Ship Qty Air ship Qty January 632670 338 361083 503 February 458970 521101 March 500200 450745 1st Quarter (Ttl.) April 555014 354539 May 601315 5015 426881 June 501441 104 412315 2nd Quarter(Ttl.) 5119 July 411707 August 428682 September 205232 3rd Quarter(Ttl.) October 232156 2088 November 367450 16755 December 389053 4738 4th Quarter(Ttl.) 988659 23581 Yearly Ttl. 29038 11/10/2018

35 Fabric claim status-2017 Buyer Style Fabric Mill Claim Reason
Claim Amount Recovery amount Bershka TINA Goauangue Mill, ( Chaina ) Production lost due to Poor fabric quality $40,000 $20,000 Next Hiro Jeans Navena Mill ( Pakistan ) Due to Poor fabric quality Issue ( Fabric Waving issue ) $12880 (4000 Yds) $9660 (3000 Yds ) TTL  Amount $52,880 $29,660 11/10/2018

36 Thanks To All  11/10/2018

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