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Keyboarding Technique and Computer Lab Conduct

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Presentation on theme: "Keyboarding Technique and Computer Lab Conduct"— Presentation transcript:

1 Keyboarding Technique and Computer Lab Conduct
Mrs. Stensvold

2 Good Form Both feet on the floor Sit up straight
Chair should be pulled in Both hands on "home row" keys Stay seated and be still

3 "I said no more close-up's."
Sitting too close to the computer screen can cause too much strain on the eyes. This can cause blurred vision and even a headache! DO NOT PULL THE SCREEN CLOSER TO YOU!

4 Take a break! Give your eyes a break from the screen.
Stretch out your arms and hands. Make a fist, clinch, then stretch your fingers. Stand up and stretch your back.

5 Not a touch screen! You should not touch your monitor (screen) unless you are using the DVD feature, adjusting the tilt, or powering on.  Do not pull the monitor closer to you.  When adjusting the tilt, firmly hold the top sides of the monitor, and tilt up or down. Do not grab the bottom/sides! DO NOT TURN YOUR SCREEN FOR YOUR NEIGHBOR TO SEE!

6 Let's review Sit up Chair in Feet on floor Take breaks Stretch your hands & arms Keep hands off screen Remember:  USING THESE TECHNIQUES WILL MAKE YOUR TIME ON THE COMPUTER MUCH EASIER AND PAIN FREE!.

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