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Sustainability: What’s Your Green Footprint

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1 Sustainability: What’s Your Green Footprint
Laura Rourke, P.Eng., C.R.S.P. EMC March 2010

2 Sustainability: An Evolution
Early scandals in textile industry raised awareness of production methods around the world and the purchasing power of the consumer Supplier reporting requirements began with an environmental focus stemming from increased environmental consciousness of consumers

3 Sustainability: An Evolution
Sustainability now encompasses the economic, social and environmental performance of the business Customers increasingly want to know about the cradle to grave impact of products Upstream Owned Operations Downstream

4 Reporting Various mechanisms for reporting
Customer requests Not For Profit multi-stakeholder organizations like GRI (Global Reporting Initiative) Financial Reports Industry stakeholder can drive reporting requirements to their benefit Set the bar at their level, above competitors

5 Number of Reporters by Subsector: 1991-2006


7 Upstream Considerations
Where do your raw materials come from? Environmentally friendly farming practices & packaging materials Animal husbandry practices Carbon footprint of shipping materials to the processing plants Conflict metals Seasonal workers: work conditions & compensation

8 Upstream Considerations
How does your company identify requirements of your suppliers and verify they are meeting these requirements Reports Audits Spot checks Consequences for non-conformance

9 Owned Operations Considerations
Environmental Management System ISO 14001 Energy Efficiency & Carbon Footprint Waste sent to landfill Water use Purchasing policies Green purchasing

10 Owned Operations Considerations
Design for Environment Reduce waste from manufacturing process Recycled content Conflict materials Reduced packaging Wellness/Health impact to consumer

11 Owned Operations Considerations
Labour Safe work environment Fair compensation Human rights considerations For owned and out-sourced partners Community Impact

12 Downstream Considerations
Carbon Footprint to reach market Eco-labelling Waste packaging Disposal of product once used

13 Third Party Certifications

14 Walmart Questionnaire

15 GRI Sustainability Reporting Guidelines – Food Processing Sector Reporting
Economic Environmental Illustrates: Flow of capital among different stakeholders; & Main economic impacts of the organization throughout society Indicators Economic Performance; Market Presence; & Indirect Economic Impacts Materials Energy Water Biodiversity Emissions, Effluent & Waste Products & Services Compliance Transport Overall

16 GRI Sustainability Reporting Guidelines – Food Processing Sector Reporting
Product Responsibility Labour Practices & Decent Work Customer Health & Safety Product Service Labelling Marketing Communications Customer Privacy Compliance Employment Labour/Management Relations Occupational Health & Safety Training & Education Diversity & Equal Opportunity

17 GRI Sustainability Reporting Guidelines – Food Processing Sector Reporting
Society Animal Welfare Community Healthy & Affordable Food Corruption Public Policy Anti-Competitive Behaviour Compliance Breeding & Genetics Husbandry Transport, Handling & Slaughter

18 GRI Categories – Food Processing Sector Reporting

19 GRI Categories – Food Processing Sector Reporting

20 GRI Categories – Food Processing Sector Reporting

21 Article in The Record – March 2010

22 Article in The Record – March 2010

23 Motorola’s Renew – Cradle to Grave
Motorola's Renew cell phone made partly from recycled plastic water bottles The green product trend is nothing new, but this is the first cell phone to portray itself as the most environmentally friendly option on the market. The Motorola Renew is a mass market phone that has been partly made out of recycled plastic water bottles, and is advertised as having a zero carbon footprint.

24 Motorola’s Renew – Cradle to Grave
The phone comes in packaging that is one-fifth smaller than standard Motorola packaging. The packaging and manual are made from 100 per cent recycled materials and are recyclable too. The Renew itself is recyclable and can be disassembled in nine seconds so the plastic and metal components are separated and dealt with appropriately. The phone comes with an envelope that you can use to send it, and whatever other phones you have sitting in your desk drawer, away for recycling. Motorola also bought some carbon offsets to make up for the difference, when they couldn't cut any more emissions out of the phone's manufacture and sale. “At some point there's a level where you can't reduce any further” Olson says. “This phone will pass anyone's ‘greenwash' test.”

25 Energy Design Considerations
Fujitsu Siemens debuts 'zero-watt' green PC Fujitsu Siemens Computers plans to launch in the middle of this year an enterprise desktop that consumes no energy when switched off 3/2/2009 9:38:00 AM By: CDN staff

26 Industry Canada - Corporate Social Responsibility
Indicators, Measurements Reporting and Benchmarking It is probably fair to characterize the existing situation with respect to this cluster of tools as being at a relatively early stage of development. Nonetheless, the tools can aid a business to enhance their performance on CSR across the planning, implementation, checking, and improvement facets of the management of their operations. Some of the more salient tools that are available in this domain include: Corporate Sustainability Reporting Toolkit Global Reporting Initiative CSR Assessment Tool (Conference Board of Canada in partnership with Imagine) Canadian Business for Social Responsibility Gaining Momentum - Corporate Sustainability Reporting in Canada (Stratos) Stepping Forward: Corporate Sustainability Reporting in Canada (Stratos) CSR InsightTM (Five Winds International) Eco-efficiency Tools for Business (Industry Canada)

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