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2017 Tau Beta Pi Convention General Revision of the Constitution & Bylaws Consideration for Chapter Ratification.

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1 2017 Tau Beta Pi Convention General Revision of the Constitution & Bylaws Consideration for Chapter Ratification

2 C&B Revision Reasoning
Last general revision occurred in the late 1960. Contains inconsistent, ambiguous, and repetitive language Extremely wordy at 22,000 words (average honor society is 8,000) Best practices in non-profit governance recommends using policies for documenting procedures High-level governing documents should only contain the essentials which should be hard to change, but Tau Beta Pi’s has been amended nearly every year

3 Timeline Jan 2013: Chapter advisor recommends review
Oct 2013: Convention recommends a general revision be undertaken over the next 2-5 years Jun 2014: Governance Documentation Restructuring Committee (GDRC) chartered : GDRC meets virtually and in-person and establishes goals for the general revision Oct 2015: Convention recommends proceeding : GDRC subcommittee prepares a draft Oct 2016: Convention reviews draft and makes recommendations : GDRC subcommittee incorporates feedback, prepares final proposal

4 Review Process Final version sent to Convention was reviewed by:
English Honor Society for grammar and usage Tau Beta Pi’s attorney to verify no legal conflicts Members of the GDRC to ensure the final version adhered to the goals established by the committee Executive Council Members of Tau Beta Pi 2017 Constitution and Bylaws Committee 2017 Convention

5 Final Version approved at Convention
Combined similar sections together to minimize redundancy Consistent language and references Number of words reduced by 11,100 (49%) Large procedural sections relegated to policy Added flexibility for chapter operations and chapter officer roles Sections added where needed (non-discrimination, program establishment)

6 Final Approval Debated and amended by the Committee on Constitution and Bylaws Discussed and approved by Convention by a vote of 241 in favor and 3 against Subject to ratification by the chapters Approval requires ¾ of chapters to vote in favor Approval by a chapter requires ¾ of its members to vote in favor Chapters must report their vote by April 1 Chapters may conduct balloting electronically Abstentions and absentees count as NO votes

7 Concluding Remarks All members are encouraged to review the new version prior to voting on the changes The Convention, Executive Council, and Executive Director recommend approval of the changes Resources available: Current Constitution and Bylaws Proposed Constitution and Bylaws Document mapping changes (with Convention changes) 2017 Convention Minutes Committee Rationale (see remaining slides)

8 Constitution and Bylaws Committee Report
2017 Convention

9 Purpose Discuss committee changes from proposed C&B
Structural changes to improve readability Content changes to reflect current practices Modernizing the framework to improve what already exists Focus on reorganization, not wordsmithing

10 Article I - Membership (pg 6)
Summary of major changes proposed by EC Language was simplified Details regarding suspension and expulsion procedure have been relegated to Association Policy (pg 6) Addition of non-discrimination clause (pg 6)

11 Article I - Membership (pg 6)
Committee proposed change (pg 6): SECTION 3. Nondiscrimination. All candidates for membership shall be considered regardless of race, color, national origin, age, marital status, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, disability, religion, military status, or veteran status, or membership in other organizations.

12 Article II - Membership Eligibility (pg 7)
Summary of major changes proposed by EC Shift from “curriculum eligibility” to “program eligibility” (pg 7) Relegated to Association Policy 2017 Section Compilation of Data (pg 8-9) 2017 Section Records and Reports (pg 9-10) Parts of 2017 Section 2. Eligibility of Undergraduate Students (pg 10) Language was simplified Committed changes Section 6, subsection (d) (pg. 13)

13 Article II - Membership Eligibility (pg 7)
Committee proposed change (pg 7): Article II Membership Eligibility SECTION 1. Program Eligibility. (a) An engineering program is defined as one that meets any of the following criteria and is listed in the chapter’s bylaws (See Const. Art. VII, Sec. 4): Article contains content regarding member eligibility and program eligibility; title change is broader

14 Article III - Election to Membership (pg 13)
Summary of major changes proposed by EC Relegated to Association Policy 2017 Section Election (pg 14) Parts of 2017 Section Revocation of Election (pg 16-17) Parts of 2017 Section 10. Financial Inability (pg 17) Language related to electee objections (pg 15) Removal of 2017 Section Election Periods (pg 16) Relocation of 2017 Section Initiation Fee, subsection (b) to Article VII, Section 10 (e) (1) (pg 17) Committed changes Section 2, subsection (a) (pg. 15) Section 2, subsection (b) (pg. 15)

15 Article III - Election to Membership (pg 13)
Committee’s 1st Proposed Change (pg 15): SECTION 2. Candidate Activities. (a) Each chapter shall require student candidates to participate in activities recommended or approved by the chapter officers to assess exemplary character or foster a spirit of liberal culture . . . (b) If a candidate objects to the required duties and the chapter cannot resolve the objection, the candidate may appeal to the chapter’s Advisory Board . . . Constitution’s article subsection contained a format error

16 Article III - Election to Membership (pg 13)
Committee’s 2nd Proposed Change (pg 15): SECTION 3. Election. (b) (3) Candidates shall only be elected only by an affirmative vote of at least three- fourths of the active chapter membership eligible to vote thereon, who are present and voting affirmatively or negatively, except as provided for in Const. Art. II, Sec. 4(a) Clarification of wording

17 Article III - Election to Membership (pg 13)
Committee’s 3rd Proposed Change (pg 17): SECTION 7. Financial Inability. Whenever a student pleads financial inability to accept membership, the Advisory Board shall be notified, and if the Advisory Board establishes that a refusal is solely for financial reasons, the facts shall be communicated to Headquarters. The chapter may initiate such an candidate electee at any time within five years of election. It is only possible to initiate an electee, not a candidate. Candidate refers to a student who is eligible Electee refers to a candidate who has been accepted to initiate

18 Article IV - Initiation (pg 18)
Summary of major changes proposed by EC Relegated to Association Policy Section Records and Reports (pg 18) Initiation approval placed in own section for emphasis, allowing HQ to approve (pg 18) Section 1. Approval Removal of Advisory Board approval for joint events between chapters (pg 18) 2017 Section Joint Activities Committed changes Section 5, subsection (b) (pg. 19)

19 Article IV - Initiation (pg 19)
Committee’s Proposed Changes: SECTION 5. Postponement. Any Ppostponement of an electee’s initiation shall be approved by the Advisory Board. The addition of this word allows for clarification of the situation in which a postponement would occur

20 Article IV - Committee’s Proposed Change (pg 19)
SECTION 5. Postponement. (c) An electee who becomes ineligible and whose initiation has not been postponed shall become eligible... The final sentence of Article 4 Section 5 is an independent idea apart from its preceding sentence It should be a stand-alone sub point

21 Article V - Organization and Government (pg 19)
Summary of major changes proposed by EC Reformatted word structure Added clarification on inactive chapters Removed unnecessary wording Committee’s proposed changes: No committee edits to this article

22 Article VI - Collegiate Chapter Establishment (pg 20)
Summary of major changes proposed by EC Removed repeated accreditation requirements Modified unclear statements Added statement regarding petitions in clarification Reworded section on petitions Relegates inspection and installation details to policy document Committee’s proposed changes: Corrected reference typos Reworded a phrase

23 Article VI - Collegiate Chapter Establishment (pg 21)
Committee 1st Recommended Change SECTION 1. Eligibility Requirements. (a) (1) All or at least three of the institution’s undergraduate engineering programs meet the requirements of Const. Art. II, Sec. 1(a)(1)

24 Article VI - Collegiate Chapter Establishment (pg 21)
Committee 2nd Recommended Change SECTION 2. Petition for Chapter. (3) A statement approving welcoming the chapter’s establishment by the institution’s administration. (4) A statement certified by the institution’s administration that each of the petitioners meets the eligibility requirements specified in Const. Art. III II.

25 Article VII - Collegiate Chapters (pg 23)
Summary of major changes proposed by EC Added clarification on inactive membership Removed information to be in chapter bylaws Relegates general procedures to documentation Removed 5.01 (d) (pg 25), 7.07 (f) (pg 28) Referred to Robert’s Rules of Order Committee’s proposed changes: No committee changes made

26 Article VIII - Alumni Chapters (pg 30)
Summary of major changes proposed by EC Section 3 removed from documentation Committee’s proposed changes: No committee changes made

27 Article IX - The Convention (pg 31)
Summary of major changes proposed by EC Section 1.02 (d)-(g) relegated to different section (pg 32) Relegates Section 1.03, 1.05, 1.06 to Policy documentation (pg 33) Committee’s proposed changes: No committee changes made

28 Article X - The Executive Council (pg 34)
Summary of major changes proposed by EC Section 1, defines structure of executive council (pg 34) Section 4, states time frame for officer election cycle (pg 35) Relegates to Policy document Section 1 (b), (c) (pg 36) Section 9.03 (pg 37) Section 9.03 (j) (pg 37) Committee’s proposed changes: No committee changes made

29 Article XI - Association Officers, Directors, and Officials (pg 38)
Summary of major changes proposed by EC Addition of Section 3 (f) allowing for additional duties to be added to Council Officers by the Convention or the President Addition of Section 10 that the Trust Advisory Committee size may be set by the Council Sections moved to Association Policy Section 3.01 (pg 39) Section 3.05 (4) (pg 41) Section 3.03 (1) second half (pg 42) Section 4 removed due to presence in Articles of Incorporation (pg 44) Committee’s proposed changes: No committee changes made

30 Article XII - Charter Discipline (pg 44)
Summary of major changes proposed by EC Addition of Section 3 (b) clarifying procedures for removal of chapter probation (pg 45) Clarification of wording Committee’s proposed changes: Article XII Section 3 (b)(1) (pg 45) Article XII Section 3 (c) (pg 45)

31 Article XII - Chapter Discipline (pg 45)
SECTION 3. Probation and Charter Withdrawal. (a) A chapter shall be automatically placed on probation until the end of the next Convention, subject to appeal to the Council when it: (b) A chapter’s probation will continue until: (1) action is taken by the Convention in accordance with Const. Art. XII, Sec. 3(c),following it being placed on probation under the provisions of Const. Art. XII, Sec.2 3(a)(1) or

32 Article XII - Charter Discipline (pg 45)
SECTION 3. Probation and Charter Withdrawal. (c) The chapter’s probation may be continued, ended, or its charter may be withdrawn by a three-fourths vote, taken by roll-call, of those present and entitled to vote at the Convention. In the event of continued probation, the chapter shall be called at the next Convention to show reason why its charter should not be withdrawn.

33 Article XIII - Association Finances (pg 46)
Summary of major changes proposed by EC Section 7 reword allows for trustee to be picked solely by the Council and not through joint discretion between the Council and the Trust Advisory Committee Simplification of wording Sections 2, 4, 8, and 9 moved to Association Policy Committee’s proposed changes: No committee changes made

34 Article XIV - General Provisions (pg 50)
Summary of major changes proposed by EC Wording simplified Sections moved to Association Policy Section 5. Auxiliary Jewelry (pg 51) Section 6. Jewelry Standardization (pg 52) Section Publication Schedule (pg 52) Section 10. Language (pg 52) Section 11. Currency (pg 52) Section 1 removed due to presence in Articles of Incorporation Committee’s proposed changes: No committee changes made

35 Article XV - Amendments (pg 53)
Summary of major changes proposed by EC Formatting and reference updates Sections removed due to presence in Articles of Incorporation Section 4. Report (second half) (pg 53) Committee’s proposed changes: No committee changes made

36 Article XVI - Enactment (pg 54)
Summary of major changes proposed by EC Dates have been updated to reflect new revision enactment Committee’s proposed changes: No committee changes made

37 Bylaw 1 (pg 55) Purpose of bylaw: Committee’s proposed changes:
Description of association programs Committee’s proposed changes: Codifies existing association programs already practiced but not included in association constitution or bylaws Deviations from proposed wording: Include current Section 10.03a and 10.03b as proposed: Section 1.03a(1) and Section 1.03b(2) respectively (pg 56) Include current Section 11.03a and 11.03b as proposed: Section 1.03b(1) and Section 1.03b(2) respectively (pg 58)

38 Bylaw 1 (pg 55) Proposed Wording: (pg 56) (a) [...]
(1) Fellowships shall be granted to members of the Association strictly for graduate work towards an advanced degree. The graduate study shall be in a field that enables the recipient to contribute to the engineering profession as determined by the Fellowship Board. The Fellow shall pursue full-time study for the full college year of the institution at which the fellowship year will be spent. (2) A fellowship shall not be awarded to a member who has previously had a Tau Beta Pi fellowship.

39 Bylaw 1 (pg 55) Proposed Wording: (pg 58) (b) [...]
(1) Scholarships shall be granted to members of the Association strictly for undergraduate work towards a bachelor’s degree. The undergraduate study shall be in a program for which students are eligible for membership in Tau Beta Pi at an institution with an active Tau Beta Pi Chapter. The scholar shall pursue full-time study for either a full term or a partial term as specified by the scholar. A full term is defined by the full college year of the institution. A partial term is defined as one semester, one trimester, or two quarters of the institution. (2) A scholarship shall not be awarded to a member who has previously had a Tau Beta Pi Scholarship. A scholarship awardee is still eligible for a fellowship as a graduate student (NOTE for Business meeting 3)

40 Bylaw 2 (pg 61) Purpose of bylaw: Committee’s proposed changes:
Description of the Executive Council Committee’s proposed changes: No committee changes made

41 Bylaw 3 (pg 61) Purpose of bylaw: Committee’s proposed changes:
Schedule of fines Committee’s proposed changes: Details of the nature of different fines are relegated to association policy. Amount of fines remains unchanged.

42 Bylaw 4 (pg 63) Purpose of bylaw: Committee’s proposed changes:
Description of amendment proceedings and restrictions on these amendment policies Committee’s proposed changes: No committee changes made

43 Motion I move that the 2017 Convention adopt the proposed Constitution and Bylaws as revised by the Committee subject to the following Provisos:

44 Motion 1. Upon ratification of the general revision to the Constitution and Bylaws, chapters shall have until July 31, 2020, to update their bylaws to be in compliance with the updated Association documents. The Association shall provide a new template for chapters to utilize to revise their bylaws to be reviewed by the 2018 Convention.

45 Motion 2. Sections of the Constitution and Bylaws designated for relegation to Association policy shall be considered in force through the conclusion of the 2018 Convention which shall examine Council policies and review and adopt updated Convention policy documents. Items not dispensed with by the 2018 Convention will be considered in force through the Convention. At the conclusion of the 2019 Convention, any sections of the Constitution and Bylaws not addressed through Council or Convention policy will no longer be considered in force.

46 Motion 3. The Executive Director shall be empowered to make any grammatical, spelling, reference, typographical, or otherwise editorial changes to the approved documents that may have been overlooked. These changes should not be substantive in nature and will be reported to the Convention for review.

47 Motion I move that the Executive Council be directed to review and respond to the items identified in the 2017 Constitution and Bylaws Committee’s report and propose appropriate action for the consideration by the 2018 Constitution and Bylaws Committee.

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