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Juan Torres. Problem: After obtaining a Masters in kinesiology and becoming a certified Exercise Physiologist plans to develop and open a exercise physiology.

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Presentation on theme: "Juan Torres. Problem: After obtaining a Masters in kinesiology and becoming a certified Exercise Physiologist plans to develop and open a exercise physiology."— Presentation transcript:

1 Juan Torres

2 Problem: After obtaining a Masters in kinesiology and becoming a certified Exercise Physiologist plans to develop and open a exercise physiology lab with a limited budget in a university. Solution: Research absolute essential equipment needed and ways to buy used equipment or lower cost of equipment.

3 Parvomedics Metabolic Cart Marquette ECG Max 1 System Oxymon Near Infrared Tissue Spectroscopy Body Composition Equipment Noraxon Electromyography Equipment LODE Excalibur Sport Bicycle Ergometer Accutrend Blood Lactate Monitor

4 Metabolic measuring system Stress testing Max VO2 consumption testing Cost: $23,000 Buy:

5 Stress test EKG system Resting ECG tests Compatible with treadmill, bike, erg equipment, etc. Cost: $3,000. With treadmill $5,500 Buy:

6 Analysis of tissue oxygen levels Brain oxygen level testing Skeletal muscle oxygen levels Cost: $8,000-$10,000 Buy:

7 Bodpod Skinfold calipers Biolectrical impedance Will calculate body fat, muscle mass, blood flow and much more. Buy: Cost: ~$1,000

8 EMG analysis while performing body movements, such as lunges, squats, etc. Observe muscle activity on a cellular level while exercising and performing certain movement Buy: Cost: $26,000

9 Attach LODE Bike Ergometer to testing machines mentioned previously to test respiratory endurance, strength, VO2 consumption and more. Accutrend Blood Lactate Monitor reviews lactation in blod during exercise and acute training. Monitors early warning signs of diseases or problems from blood. Cost for Both: Bicycle is ~$10,000 and the Lactate Monitor is ~$300 so $13,000 Buy: (bike) (Lactate Monitor)

10 Search college sales of used or unwanted equipment Not all equipment will be brand new right away, make sacrifice to start conducting research. Search for non-individuals or companies selling used equipment. Total cost about ~$95,000

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