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Assignment 0 (5 points; Due Jan. 15, 2017)

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1 Assignment 0 (5 points; Due Jan. 15, 2017)
The goal of this assignment is to move the misplaced items within the Cloud system stack to a correct layer. You can edit the stack by adding new layer(s) or split the current structure. Please submit your solution to Canvas. Applications /Workflow /Higher Level Languages Bare-metal Nodes, Microsoft Dryad / Hadoop/ MPI Xen, KVM Virtualization / XCAT Infrastructure Generative Topological Mapping/ Swift, Microsoft BizTalk/ Pig Latin, DryadLINQ Runtimes Nimbus, Eucalyptus Linux Virtual Machines OpenNebula, Sector/Sphere Windows Virtual Machines Cloud Infrastructure Virtual appliances, OpenStack Hypervisor/ Virtualization Apache Hadoop / MPI Smith Waterman Dissimilarities, PhyloD Using DryadLINQ, Clustering, Multidimensional Scaling Hardware

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