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2 Prior Learning 101 – Session 6 Training Experiences/Life Experiences Academic Integrity

3 Prior Learning 101 Webinar– Session 6
Renee Babcock Faculty, Department of Psychology Part 1 - Training Experiences – Tabs V Part 2 - Life Experiences – Tab VI Part 3 - Academic Integrity Part 4- Helpful Resources Prior Learning Portfolio Program

4 Tabs V Training Experiences
Workshop Seminars (must result in college level learning and at least 45 in-class clock hours or 10 continuing education units (CEUs) Other Workshops or Seminars that result in a professional credential or certification. Time may vary from a few hours to more than 200 hours. College University courses that did not transfer from regionally accredited schools (will need transcript and copy of transfer credit evaluation form (TCE) noting denial. No self-assessment is needed. College University courses from non-accredited schools ( will need transcript, transfer credit evaluation form (TCE) noting denial and a self-assessment. Complete a V-Interactive form, listing the title of the trainings, sponsor, starting and ending dates and the in-class hours. The form has two parts: Part A- Competency Title with a 750-1,000 word self-assessment of your learning; and Part B – Documentation Worksheets The work sheets are an important tool for you to use in developing and drafting your portfolio. Worksheets are not submitted with your portfolio. The downloadable worksheets will help you to convert each listed item in to a detailed explanation of the knowledge, description of learning and the skills you have acquired. The worksheets are not fillable. Prior Learning credits awarded can be used on select degrees*. Currently, credits awarded can be used on the following undergraduate and graduate degrees: Undergraduate: Bachelor of Science, Community Development Bachelor of Science, Integrated Leadership Bachelor of Science, Administration Electives for other CMU majors Graduate: Master of Science Administration, all concentrations Master of Education, various concentrations *Prior Learning credits may be used on other degree programs but you must check with and get approval from your academic advisor prior to starting a portfolio. Credits are awarded as: Undergraduate [UNV 297 or UNV 497] and Graduate [UNV 697]. 5 CMU credits must be taken and posted on the transcript prior to applying prior learning credits. Always consult with your advisor to see if Prior Learning credits will work for you. Prior Learning Portfolio Program V - Training Experiences

5 Tabs VI Life Experiences
The VI-Tabs represent learning experiences other than gainful employment or trainings. Life Experiences are usually unpaid volunteer-type experiences, special interest projects, hobbies or service activities. To be eligible for credit, Life Experiences must represent college-level learning and show substantial involvement over time (e.g., a duration of 2 years/24 months). While evaluators can combine multiple experiences and various Tabs to award credit, Life Experiences can be difficult to self-assess and typically receive the least credit, even at the undergraduate level. Life Experiences are not required for undergraduate portfolios, and they generally are not included in graduate portfolios. After reviewing the requirements, use the VI-Tab worksheet to assist you in considering whether or which experiences to submit and for organizing your thoughts and starting the process of developing your Live Experience Tabs. Consider the length of time involved in each experience Consider whether experiences resulted in college-level learning that you can explain and support with details and examples. Significant personal and family experiences may be included if they can be documented by two non-relatives. Prior Learning Portfolio Program VI - Life Experiences

6 Central Michigan University Academic Integrity Policy
When you submit a portfolio, you are asking to be awarded academic credit for knowledge you have gained in the workplace, in training, and from life experiences. Submitting for academic credit of any type is subject to the policy CMU has set forth to apply to exams, semester papers, group projects, class presentations AND PRIOR LEARNING PORTFOLIOS. Violating CMU’s Academic Integrity Policy results in the same outcomes as it would for face-to- face and online courses. In this webinar, we will briefly discuss Tab VII of the portfolio, the standards you are expected to follow and what can happen if you violate these standards. In Tab VII, you will sign, date and have notarized your portfolio. The signature, date and notarization affirms the following statement: I hereby acknowledge that the information submitted herewith is true and correct. Willful failure to give accurate information is considered adequate grounds for dismissal from Central Michigan University or for revocation of a degree granted by Central Michigan University as a result of falsified information or plagiarism. I also attest that the self-assessments included in this portfolio are my own written work and adhere to CMU’s Academic Integrity Policy. What is the Prior Learning Portfolio Program? Students create a portfolio in which they write assessments of what they have learned and how they have applied it in the workplace or in life. Undergraduate or graduate college credits are awarded based on your written assessments tied to college level competencies. YOUR portfolio is prepared by YOU on YOUR schedule. Based on an average 24* undergraduate credits awarded, these credits would take the average undergraduate student 2 – 4 semesters to complete (based on 8-three credit courses). The average graduate credits awarded are 6* which would represent 1- 2 semesters based on 2-three credit course) *the potential awards are based on a number of criteria including time on job, dates, competencies etc. Undergraduate students can earn up to 60* credits towards select degrees and graduate students can earn up to 10* credits towards select degrees. Not having to spend the time in class to earn credits gives you more time for your jobs, families, other classes or other activities. This represents a significant TIME SAVINGS FOR YOU! Prior Learning Portfolio Program Academic Integrity Policy

7 PROCESSES Processes Prior Learning Portfolio Program
You must provide accurate information in the portfolio, including things like the length of time worked at a particular job, the numbers of hours spent on trainings, correct transcripts from all academic institutions attended , and all other documents that support your self-assessment. The self-assessments you provided describing your learning must be your own work, written by you in your own words. Cutting and pasting descriptions of a specific training from a website may seem like the best way to provide information but this is an instance of plagiarism. Portfolios can be randomly selected for follow-up with employers, institutions of learning and other sources you have provided in your portfolio to verify the accuracy and legitimacy of what you have provided. Even if a portfolio is not selected for random checks of accuracy, team evaluators may seek verification if they feel it necessary for any reason. Prior Learning Portfolio Program Processes

8 Consequences Consequences
What are the consequences for falsifying information or plagiarizing? You will receive NO CREDIT for the portfolio, not just the portion you plagiarized. You will not be able to re-submit it in whole or in part. You forfeit your submission fee. A letter describing your violation of the Academic Integrity Policy will be sent to the Prior Learning Administrator and the Office of Student Life or College of Graduate Studies. They may choose to pursue a disciplinary process which could result in your expulsion from the University and impact your future academic and employment career. Our goal in providing this information if to make it clear to you what standards of academic integrity we expect and what will happen if those standards are not met. Prior Learning credits awarded can be used on select degrees*. Currently, credits awarded can be used on the following undergraduate and graduate degrees: Undergraduate: Bachelor of Science, Community Development Bachelor of Science, Integrated Leadership Bachelor of Science, Administration Electives for other CMU majors Graduate: Master of Science Administration, all concentrations Master of Education, various concentrations *Prior Learning credits may be used on other degree programs but you must check with and get approval from your academic advisor prior to starting a portfolio. Credits are awarded as: Undergraduate [UNV 297 or UNV 497] and Graduate [UNV 697]. 5 CMU credits must be taken and posted on the transcript prior to applying prior learning credits. Always consult with your advisor to see if Prior Learning credits will work for you. Prior Learning Portfolio Program Consequences

9 We Are Here to Help RESOURCES YOUR success is OUR success!
In Person – if you are in the Mt. Pleasant, Michigan area, you can schedule an appointment with our Prior Learning staff located in Park Library-Room 415A. Call (866) , option #1. Phone – call our Prior Learning staff members who can assist you over the phone. Call (866) , option #1. – send your questions to us via Webinar Series: our monthly live webinars will continue and focus on specific topics helpful to you as you begin the Prior Learning Portfolio process Online Office Hours: online office hours are scheduled several times monthly where you can join others in an online setting to get guidance and address questions pertaining to your portfolio planning and process. Check our webpage for more details. Writing Center and Writing Workshops – as a CMU student, you have access to the Writing Center. You can submit your writings online and they will be reviewed by a Writing Center consultant and returned to you with comments. Check our main Prior Learning webpage for any Writing Workshops that may be scheduled (in person or online). Visit the Writing Center online at Webpage – our webpage has a wealth of information to assist you in planning, preparing and submitting a portfolio. The web page has links to worksheets/templates, a comprehensive Student Handbook, FAQs, links to archived webinars, video briefings and much more. . Prior Learning Portfolio Program RESOURCES

10 Thank you for attending today’s webinar.
Please check our webpage for the next webinars in the Prior Learning 101 series. YOUR success is OUR success!

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