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Building Your Brand, Keeping Your Promise ur Promise

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1 Building Your Brand, Keeping Your Promise ur Promise

2 Brand = Identity + Messaging But… What if you deliver inferior services? A poor coaching experience? What if you show up late for a coaching session, or are in a bad mood?

3 Worse, what if that reputation starts to get around? ur Promise

4 ur Promise

5 r Promise

6 Bad performance can damage a brand quickly and have long-lasting effects. ur Promise

7 Brand = identity + messaging + quality/reputation Brand = promise ur Pro “Your brand resides within the hearts and minds of customers, clients, and prospects. It is the sum total of their experiences and perceptions, some of which you can influence, and some that you cannot.” Source: Laura Lake mise

8 What is your promise? 1. What promise could you make now to the person who is deciding Whether they’d like to hire you as their coach? 2. What promise would you like to make?

9 Develop your unique value proposition (UVP) – The definition of your coaching practice’s identifiable traits and offerings (programs, products or services) that the market does/will/should desire. In business, it’s what sets the company apart from the competition. In essence, it’s the heart of your brand. ur Promise

10 Develop your unique value proposition • Purpose/mission for your coaching practice? • Audience? Who are you trying to reach/serve? • Key messages? (What could we “say” to convince our target audience to do business with us?) • What processes do I need in place to ensure consistent delivery, leading to the establishment of my desired brand? • Conduct a SWOT analysis (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats)

11 Focus on Processes Give an example of a process that helps:
Keep you on target Avoid problems, mistakes, bad guest experiences Provide excellent service Communicates effectively with your clients

12 Keys to Success in Communicating
Tell stories Use real people Create a Significant Emotional Experience Tell them what you want/need

13 Take-Aways • Your brand is your promise.
• It resides in the hearts and minds of people you’re trying to reach. • It’s made up of what you say and what you do. • You must be intentional about both. – Identify your UVP, and your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats – Ensure you have defined key processes of your service – Stay consistent in your delivery • Tell the story of your coaching practice well.

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