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Do now activity #1 What is the difference between genotype and phenotype? What is the difference between a dominant allele and a recessive allele?

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Presentation on theme: "Do now activity #1 What is the difference between genotype and phenotype? What is the difference between a dominant allele and a recessive allele?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Do now activity #1 What is the difference between genotype and phenotype? What is the difference between a dominant allele and a recessive allele? Name at least 3 different types of traits a dog can have. What is the difference between a homozygous allele pairs and heterozygous allele pairs?

2 Section 4-1: from parents to offspring
Essential Question: How come genetic information (DNA) from parents show up in their offspring (children)? Section 4-1: from parents to offspring Learning Target Explain the role of DNA and chromosomes in passing traits from parents to offspring.

3 announcements Section 4 Test Scheduled for this Friday: 6/15/18
Section 4 Stamp Sheet due Friday 6/15/18

4 Don’t forget to chunk your notes!

5 Overview Genetics The scientific study of heredity, how traits are passed down from parent to offspring

6 Gregor Mendel is considered the Father of Genetics.
overview Gregor Mendel is considered the Father of Genetics.

7 The foundation of genetics is based off of a pea plant!
overview The foundation of genetics is based off of a pea plant!

8 Mendel studied genetics by working in a garden that had ___ _____ .
overview Mendel studied genetics by working in a garden that had ___ _____ . Pea plants pea plants

9 overview He studied their ____. He observed the ____ he could see and the ones he could not see. traits traits traits

10 Don’t forget to chunk your notes!

11 Look at your vocabulary!
Discussion question What is a trait? Look at your vocabulary! A specific characteristic

12 Discussion answer Eye color Hair color Tall vs. Short
Trait: a specific characteristic that can change from one individual to another Examples: Eye color Hair color Tall vs. Short

13 Passing on traits Mendel had 7 true-breeding pea plants. These types of plants produce offspring that are identical to the parents.

14 How come the offspring of the plants were identical to the parents?
discussion question How come the offspring of the plants were identical to the parents?

15 The DNA from the parent plant was passed down to the offspring.
discussion answer The DNA from the parent plant was passed down to the offspring.

16 During ______ , sex cells are created.
Passing on traits meiosis During ______ , sex cells are created. meiosis

17 Passing on traits Sperm/egg The male gamete is known as _____. The female gamete is known as _____. sperm egg

18 These sperm and egg contain DNA in the form of _________ .
Passing on traits chromosomes These sperm and egg contain DNA in the form of _________ . chromosomes

19 These chromosomes contain genetic (genes) information.
Passing on traits These chromosomes contain genetic (genes) information.

20 Genes are found in DNA. They code for the _____ organisms have.
Passing on traits traits Genes are found in DNA. They code for the _____ organisms have. traits

21 Don’t forget to chunk your notes!

22 Predicting traits Alleles: different forms of a gene (codes for trait). Alleles occur in pairs.

23 Predicting traits Mendel cross bred his true-breeding (homozygous) plants with differences in the same trait. ` Example: Tall vs. Short T t T t T t T t

24 Predicting traits This gave Mendel heterozygous (hybrid) offspring.
Hybrid: cross between parents with different forms of a trait cyclins

25 Predicting traits This gave Mendel heterozygous (hybrid) offspring.
Hybrid: cross between parents with different forms of a trait cyclins

26 Predicting traits This gave Mendel heterozygous (hybrid) offspring.
Hybrid: cross between parents with different forms of a trait cyclins

27 Question! How is it possible to have 100% TALL
pea plant offspring when the parent genes were 50% Tall and 50% Short? cyclins

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