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3 The Lectio Divina offers us direct contact with the Word of God, the living water that quenches our thirst and makes us truly Christian. lectio divina

It is a contemplative praying of the Word of God An exercise directed to helping us listen personally to the Word of God

5 AN EXERCISE: that requires constant practice, appropriate instruments, and times and places set aside for it; DIRECTED: carried out according to a method and (at least initially) also with the help of a guide; LISTENING: to the voice of a Person who expects a reply, and thus not simply reading the Word. While reading the text, I keep the ears of my heart tuned to a voice that “comes from on high” and speaks to me personally, here and now.

6 PERSONALLY: the Lectio Divina is not a liturgical listening to the Word (the way we listen to the readings of the Mass), nor is it a communitarian listening to it (as we do when we pray as a group); WORD: with a capital “W” because these are not human words, comments or explanations. It is not only necessary but also very helpful to study the selected text more profoundly before beginning the Lectio Divina; OF GOD: not the words of the saints or of spiritual writers.


8 1st: Reading the biblical text What does this passage say?
To read and reread slowly the text carefully and reverently, paying close attention to: > the people in it; > the key person; > the action, the words and feelings expressed; > the settings, the relations between individuals; > their movements, gestures… A close examination of all these details will give us a surprising knowledge of the text because they reveal many different things.

9 2nd: Meditation, comparison What is the Lord saying to me today through this Word?
This step of the Lectio involves meditating on the perennial values found in the text. > What human and divine values; > what profound meaning lie behind the actions, words and feelings expressed in this passage? To begin to understand the text more profoundly, I let go of the Word and sink slowly and deeply from mind to heart. (cf. Lk 2:19, 51)

10 compare a) To compare this text with other texts indicated by the Bible or that come spontaneously to mind. This can help me understand and reflect more deeply on the significance of the human language God uses in specific situations and circumstances.

11 b) I compare my life (my way of thinking and living) with this Word that the Lord is addressing to me and try to discover its central value, the Word for me in the light of the historical context and situation in which I live. In my search for God and for the “real me”. I note the attitudes that emerge in the passage I am meditating: joy – hope – desire – expectation…

12 3rd: Prayer What is my reply to the Lord, who has spoken to me?
I am drawn onto the profound feelings that arise or are suggested by the biblical text. The values that emerged in my meditation and the supplications I felt addressed to me now become the driving force and content of my prayer, which could take the form of praise, thanksgiving, a plea for forgiveness…

13 4th: Contemplation The eyes of my heart see the face of the One who speaks to me.
At a certain point my reflections and prayers coalesce into contemplation of the mystery of Jesus, who died and rose for me, a mystery that is revealed on every page of the Bible.

14 5th: Comfort My heart is not afraid; it reveals in a new and joyful power
Contemplating the mystery of Christ Jesus, I begin to experience: > a profound sense of consolation, > a gentle yet powerful perception of the presence of God in my heart. Presence

15 6th Discernment and Resolution A clear understanding as to how to live according to this Word.
• Through the grace of the Holy Spirit, I am able to understand what choice is in conformity with the Gospel. • Then I make the interior decision to live according to the Word of the Lord and to avoid that is not in conformity with the Gospel.

16 7th: Collection – gathering together Communal sharing of the Word
• Collection is the communal listening to the Lord through each person’s sharing of what God’s Word said to her in her personal lectio. • Collection requires all the participants to cultivate an attitude of sincere mutual acceptance, convinced that every person can offer me light and reawaken in me the desire to better the quality of my life.

17 sharing How do we practice collection?
• Invocation to the Holy Spirit • Reading aloud the Word • Silent meditation • Sharing • Prayer • Conclusion: prayer of praise and thanksgiving sharing

18 8th: Action I return to my daily life, accompanied by the Word on which I have meditated. When the Word meditated on and prayed over and shared is translated into life and a communication of life, it makes us truly “blessed”.

19 Christian way children of God
This way of living according to the Word helps germinate in us and around us a Christian way of thinking, acting, relating to others, making choices, obeying, offering ourselves, weeping and smiling. children of God

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