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3 Types of Affect Regulation System
Driven, excited, vitality Content, safe, connected Maintaining health Maintaining a place to live and financial stability Seeking out food Being healthy Having a secure place to live Financial stability Motivation Physical needs Health is uncertain Unable to provide for Family Death In Cancer/Facing Death Motivation = Physical Needs Drive = to be healthy and have a secure place to live; Safe = when these needs are met Threat = ill health, death, unable to provide for family (both during illness and after death) Anger, anxiety, disgust
3 Types of Affect Regulation System
Driven, excited, vitality Content, safe, connected Engaging in caring for others Seeking care from others When care for self/from others meets expectations When able to care for others Motivation Care giving/seeking When care does not meet Expectations Thwarted in efforts to care for others In Cancer/Facing Death Motivation = Care giving (to self/others?) and seeking (from others); Drive = to be caring to self and seek care from others; Safe = when care from others/self meets expectations; or when able to care for others as wish to; satisfied with care, rather than wanting/pursuing more; Threat = when care does not meet expectations or when thwarted in caring for others; leading to distress (anger, anxiety, disgust, shame, low mood) and in this state our old brain can take over and we react to the threat in unhelpful ways, e.g. In our behaviour; in the way that we perceive situations; in the way that we communicate with others. It becomes about survival/not being rejected, i.e. If our motivation is to care for others and this is thwarted, how can we survive this threat? Try harder or withdraw altogether? Anger, anxiety, disgust
3 Types of Affect Regulation System
Driven, excited, vitality Content, safe, connected Demonstrate strength To stay well for as long as possible Compete for resources To “beat’ cancer Believe winning the battle Remission Acknowledgement from others that battle is hard Motivation Competition Losing the battle Being seen as weak Being excluded from the Group Life continuing without me Motivation = Competition; with illness and ultimately death (war on cancer); with healthy others – because they aren’t ill (guilt if expressed, shame if kept to self); with ill others (e.g. Competing for resources for treatment); social ranking of cancers, e.g. Breast vs bowel; Drive = to stay well for as long as possible; to stay well for longer than others; to “beat” death; can foster healthy changes in behaviour because of fear of losing the competition; to be seen positively in the eyes of others (e.g. Trying hard) Safe = when have won the competition, e.g. Remission of cancer; recognition/acknowledgement of validity of the battle that is being faced by self and/or others; Threat = when perceive to be losing the battle/competition; when perceive others think battle is lost, or that they think one has given up on the battle. Losing means being excluded from the group, i.e. dying might be perceived as rejection by the group who remain alive and well, e.g. “they will continue life without me” Anger, anxiety, disgust
3 Types of Affect Regulation System
Driven, excited, vitality Content, safe, connected Cooperating with staff, Patients, family Cooperating with the illness (acceptance?) Feeling part of a group that is cooperating When cooperation is going well Trust & appreciation Motivation Cooperation Having to manage situations alone Mistrust and absence of appreciation Having to compete Motivation = Cooperation Drive = to cooperate with staff; with the illness; (acceptance?); with other patients; Safe = when feeling that cooperating well with others; feeling part of the group; Threat = when cooperation is unsuccessful or not achieved; when having to manage situations alone, or when put in a position where have to compete (e.g. Any of above situations) Anger, anxiety, disgust
3 Types of Affect Regulation System
Driven, excited, vitality Content, safe, connected Any activity that allows Someone to stay close to Partner Efforts to demonstrate desirability to partner/others Being with partner Reciprocal affectionate Relationship Recognised as attractive Motivation Sexual pair-bonding Unable to be with partner (Physically, emotionally, sexually) Imminent death & Permanent separation No reciprocation Motivation = Sexual pair-bonding Drive = any activity that allows someone to stay close to partner, e.g. Wanting to be at home and not in hospital/hospice; needing to demonstrate bonding/closeness Safe = being with partner; affection reciprocated Threat = unable to be with partner physically, emotionally, sexually; separated whilst in hospital/hospice; imminent death and therefore permanent separation; un-reciprocated affection Anger, anxiety, disgust
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