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Exocrine Fluids of the Body’s Surfaces Jiffy Lube

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Presentation on theme: "Exocrine Fluids of the Body’s Surfaces Jiffy Lube"— Presentation transcript:

1 Exocrine Fluids of the Body’s Surfaces Jiffy Lube
The Glandular Systems Endocrine Hormones into the Bloodsteam Pharmacy Exocrine Fluids of the Body’s Surfaces Jiffy Lube

2 Define The system consists of the endocrine glands which release hormones into the bloodstream to reach and act on target cells of specific organs. Lock and Key concept. This system is responsible for controlling the body’s metabolic activity, as well as serve as chemical messengers that allow cells to communicate with one another. Regulates homeostasis.

3 Introduction Video: ;_ylc=X1MDMTM1MTE5NTcwMARfcgMyBGFjdG4DY2xrBGJjawNhNDFqdHRkYnNnb210JTI2YiUzRDMlMjZzJTNEamQEY3NyY3B2aWQDN1hQbVNqazRMakdp Qm4zclY4aGkzUUh3TVRVeUxnQUFBQUNUaU8xRQRmcgN5aHMtYWRrLWFka19zYm50BGZyMgNzYS1ncARncHJpZAM3a2RHeHQwQlJzZWJnaDIwSW5aVk5B BG10ZXN0aWQDbnVsbARuX3JzbHQDNjAEbl9zdWdnAzEEb3JpZ2luA3ZpZGVvLnNlYXJjaC55YWhvby5jb20EcG9zAzAEcHFzdHIDBHBxc3RybAMEcXN0cmwDMz QEcXVlcnkDaW50cmR1Y3Rpb250byB0aGUgZW5kb2NyaW5lIHN5c3RlbQR0X3N0bXADMTQ5MDg4NDQ1NwR2dGVzdGlkA251bGw- ?gprid=7kdGxt0BRsebgh20InZVNA&pvid=7XPmSjk4LjGiBn3rV8hi3QHwMTUyLgAAAACTiO1E&p=intrductionto+the+endocrine+system&ei=UTF- 8&fr2=p%3As%2Cv%3Av%2Cm%3Asa&fr=yhs-adk-adk_sbnt&durs=short&hsimp=yhs- adk_sbnt&hspart=adk&type=em_appfocus1_cr&vm=r#id=5&vid=e7ddbec706dae82ea7634ce21242ddd4&action=view

4 Major Glands of the Endocrine System
Pituitary Gland Anterior and Posterior Pineal Gland Hypothalamus Thyroid Gland Parathyroid Thymus Adrenal Gland Adrenal Cortex Adrenal Medulla Pancreas (Pancreatic Islets) Testes Ovaries

5 Hypothalamus Location: lies within the diencephalon, below the thalamus; Primary Hormones: No one specific hormone; called the “gate-keeper” regulating the release and inhibition of hormones Functions: “gate-keeper” role; regulates pituitary Major Disorders:


7 Pituitary Gland Location: Posterior to the hypothalamus
Primary Hormones: 9 primary hormones including GH, ACTH, TSH, FSH, LH, ADH and Oxytocin Functions: Secretion of essential endocrine hormones; “the master gland”; Major Disorders: dwarfism, gigantism, Diabetes encephalis


9 Pineal Gland Location: Between the pons and sides of the thalamus; size of a pea Primary Hormones: Melatonin Functions: Regulates sleep patterns; mating patterns; migration patterns; day and night rhythms Major Disorders: Insomnia


11 Thyroid Gland Location: Anterior region of neck, surrounding trachea
Primary Hormones: Thyroxine (T-4) and Triiodothyronine (T-3) Functions: Regulate iodine; secrete TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone) Major Disorders: Goiter; Thyroid Cancer


13 Parathyroid Gland Location: 4 glands around the thyroid
Primary Hormones: PTH (parathyroid hormone) Functions: Affects the bones and kidneys; maintain calcium levels in the blood Major Disorders: Osteoporosis; Hyper- and Hypo- parathyroidism


15 Thymus Location: Thoracic cavity below the neck;
Primary Hormones: Thymosis; Functions: T-lymphocyte education center Major Disorders: Cancers (lymphomas)


17 Adrenal Gland Adrenal Cortex
Location: Atop the kidneys; outer layer surrounding the adrenal medulla Primary Hormones: Glococorticoids, Mineralcorticoids, and Aldosterone Functions: Maintain blood pressure, metabolism, levels of estrogen and testosterone Major Disorders: Addison’s disease and Cushing’s disease


19 Adrenal Gland Adrenal Medulla
Location: Atop the kidneys surrounded by the adrenal cortex; the adrenal pulp Primary Hormones: Epinephrine and Norepinephrine (a.k.a. Adrenaline) Functions: Increase blood pressure, heart rate, dialation of pupils (adrenaline rush) Major Disorders: Pheochromocytoma


21 Pancreas Location: Around the stomach and small intestine
Primary Hormones: Insulin and Glucagon (secreted by the pancreatic islets or the Islets of Langerhans) Functions: Digestion of enzymes; regulate blood-glucose levels; insulin uptake Major Disorders: Diabetes mellitus types I and II


23 Testes Location: Within the scrotum
Primary Hormones: Testosterone; ICSH Functions: Produce sperm and testosterone; primary and secondary sex characteristics Major Disorders: Testicular cancer; Germ-cell tumors


25 Ovaries Location: In the abdomen at the end of the fallopian tubes
Primary Hormones: Estrogen, Progestins, Estradiol Functions: Produce female gametes; ova and ovum; oocytes- immature gametes Major Disorders: Ovarian Cancer;


27 Exocrine Glands

28 It is an exocrine gland of the skin.
Mammary Glands Mammary glands are located inside the breasts of sexually mature female body. They are in actuality modified sweat glands which are in fact comprised of secretory mammary alveoli  and the appropriate ducts. Mammary glands are considered to be part of the integumentary system rather than the reproductive system. Some confuse it as a part of the endocrine system? It is an exocrine gland of the skin.

29 Exocrine Glands Confused… Not the Endocrine Glands
discharges secretions through ducts opening on internal or external surfaces of the body. Exocrine glands include sweat, salivary, mammary, ceruminous, lacrimal, sebaceous and mucus


31 Video

32 Purpose Games

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