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Industrial Revolution:

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1 Industrial Revolution:
Britain Leads the Way & Early Hardships

2 I. Why Britain Natural resources iron & coal Enclosure movement
Technology Economic conditions (entrepreneurs had $$ for investment b/c of exploration) Pop. Explosion Stable gov’t, strong military Religious values

3 II. First Factories Iron needed for machines, coal better fuel source
Putting Out System took time & kept prices up industrial revolution textile industry.asx Demand grew & entrepreneurs invested in new machines (Kay’s flying shuttle, Hargreaves’ spinning jenny, Arkwright’s waterwheel) New machines were big & expensive, entrepreneurs built shed industrial revolution factory work video clip.asx

4 Steam engine – 1st used to pump water out of mines
Flying Shuttle Spinning Jenny Waterwheel

5 III. Transportation Revolution
Production increased, owners needed to get goods out quicker Turnpikes, canals, better bridges, locomotive, steam boat

6 IV. The New City Rapid urbanization, tenements/slums, soaring population growth No running water, sewage systems, cholera


8 V. The Factory System Rigid schedule, 12-16 hours, no safety devices
No health care or insurance Women were preferred, easier to manage & cheaper Children were hired and was an accepted practice (small hands & bodies – changed spools in textile mills) orphans sometimes paid in food

9 VI. Working Class vs. Middle Class
Artisans resisted new machines, took away jobs Methodism spread (John Wesley) 1st Sunday schools, offered hope Growing middle class from merchants who invested in factories, inventors

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