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Screeners and the Screener Organisation May 2017

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1 Screeners and the Screener Organisation May 2017
The way forward under Part 110 of the Civil Aviation Regulations of 2011

2 Part 110 Aviation Security Screener Certification
Part 110 of the Civil Aviation Regulations effective 1st December 2016 Introduces the Screener Organisation to control all screening Introduces the certification of Cargo Screeners Specifies screening for catering by certified screeners

3 Aeronautical Information Circular
The certification of Cargo Screeners and Screening Organisations has been delayed to 18th August by means of an AIC granting temporary exemption from the Regulations

4 In Practice Applications for certification, renewal or new accreditation must be submitted 60 days prior to the date of inception Screener organisation applications must be submitted by 15th June in order to ensure that the Screener Organisation is registered in time.

5 Who? Part Any entity wishing to engage in screening at a South African Aerodrome with scheduled operations, regulated agent facility, catering facility or air traffic control facility shall apply for a certificate of approval issued by the Director.

6 Why? Part No person shall act as a screener at a South African aerodrome with scheduled operations, air carrier or regulated agent unless such person is the holder of a valid screener certification in terms of this part and is in the employ of an approved screening organisation.

7 Where? Part 110.01.1 This part applies to all screening conducted at-
South African aerodromes with scheduled operations; Regulated agents facilities; Air Traffic Control facilities; and Catering facilities serving civil aviation

8 Duties of Screening Organisations
Any organisation approved by the Director as a screening organisation shall— ensure that all screening operations are carried out in the manner prescribed in this Part, Document SA-CATS 110, the Security Program or Security Manual as may be applicable.

9 We need an Operations Manual Part 110.03.1
An entity wishing to apply for approval as a screening organisation shall draw up an operations manual containing all information prescribed by Document SA-CATS 110 and setting out the manner in which such a screening organisation will operate. Such a manual shall be submitted to the Director for approval.

10 Operations Manual Chapter 1
Compliance Undertaking shall contain a statement signed by a person duly authorised to act on behalf of the screening organisation confirming that the operations manual defines the organisation and demonstrates its means and methods for ensuring compliance with the Civil Aviation Regulations and associated technical standards, as well as any other relevant acts and regulations and that the requirements contained in the manual will be complied with at all times

11 Operations Manual Chapter 2
Organisational Structure shall contain the following: An organogram, depicting the organisational structure of the screening organisation. The organogram must depict the hierarchy and reporting lines

12 Operations Manual Chapter 2
Organisational Structure shall contain the following: the full names, identity number, qualifications, previous work experience, training as well as the selection process and the security screening undertaken in the appointment of the designated official responsible for the implementation, application and supervision of the operations manual

13 Designated Official Part 110.03.1
Each screening organisation shall have a designated official responsible for the implementation, application and supervision of screening functions as prescribed by this part and the Document SA-CATS 110 and such designated official shall undergo the training as prescribed for security managers in part 109.

14 Designated Official The applicant shall engage, employ or contract –
a designated official to whom contractual authority has been granted to ensure that all activities undertaken by the organisation are carried out in accordance with the applicable requirements prescribed in this Subpart, and who shall in addition, be vested with the following powers and duties in respect of the compliance with such requirements, and have:

15 Designated Official (Duties)
Unrestricted access to work performed or activities undertaken by all other persons as employees of, and other persons rendering service under contract with, the organisation; (ii) full rights of consultation with any such person in respect of such compliance by him or her; (iii) powers to order cessation of any activity where such compliance is not effected;

16 Designated Official (Duties continued)
(iv) a duty to establish communication between the Director and the organisation concerned; and (v) powers to report directly to senior management of the organisation on his or her investigations and consultations generally, and in cases contemplated in subparagraph (iii), and with regard to the results of the liaison contemplated in subparagraph (iv);

17 Designated Official This is a senior official with serious responsibilities, personal and organisational obligations that carry considerable consequences in the event of an incident This is the person that will bear responsibility for the organisation in the event of an incident Appoint with care an make sure you get it right

18 Designated Official: Training and Experience
Level 3 Security Manager (Passenger and Cargo)? Dangerous Goods CAT 6 X Ray Image Recognition Training Experience as a Screener, Screener Supervisor and AVSEC Management Quality Management experience

19 Operations Manual Chapter 2
Organisational Structure shall contain the following: the duties and responsibilities of the personnel responsible for quality assurance and the physical address(es) of the base(s) of operation.

20 Operations Manual Chapter 3
Operational procedures and resource utilisation shall contain the following: Details of the operational procedures to be implemented by the screening organisation in conducting it operations. These procedures must also illustrate how screening operations are to be supervised and monitored.

21 Screeners Any organisation approved by the Director as a screening organisation shall— ensure that screening is carried out by trained and certified personnel, who have received training, as stipulated in the security manual, required in terms of this part;

22 Operations Manual Chapter 3
Operational procedures and resource utilisation shall contain the following: The procedures must specify the type of screening the organisation will undertake as well as the methods to be utilised in the screening.

23 Operations Manual Chapter 3
Operational procedures and resource utilisation shall contain the following: The organisation must draw up procedures for- monitoring of their screening operations detailed in the operations manual; the manner and frequency with regard to the monitoring

24 Adequate Personnel Screening Organisation must have adequate personnel to perform screening duties. Such personnel shall meet the qualification requirements specified in this part

25 Operations Manual Chapter 3
Operational procedures and resource utilisation shall contain the following: The organisation must draw up procedures for details regarding the manner in which breaches in security will be reported to the Director immediately and in writing within 48 hours of the incident the person responsible for furnishing such reports to the Director.

26 Operations Manual Chapter 3
Operational procedures and resource utilisation shall contain the following: A summary must be furnished of the resources available to implement the requirements of the operations manual in both normal and heightened security conditions. Detailed information on screening and searching procedures must be supplied.

27 Operations Manual Chapter 4
Record keeping shall contain the following information: Details on how the records specified in shall be maintained, safeguarded and stored Details on how personnel records are to be maintained.

28 Aviation Security Training Organisations Part 109
All aviation security training now under Part 109 Training previously under Part 108 now under Part 109 Provides for enhanced Cargo Screener training Specific Aviation Security Awareness Course for cargo handling personnel

29 Operations Manual Chapter 5
Training shall contain the following information: Details of the frequency, type and levels of training to be offered to staff. Process for ensuring that all staff maintains their currency.

30 Training and competence
The applicant shall establish a procedure for initially training, and a procedure for maintaining, the competence of those personnel involved in screening operations.

31 Screener Training – who needs it? Part 109.01.1(4)
Level 1 Training shall be applicable to all persons: (i) implementing screening of persons before being allowed into a restricted area (ii) implementing screening of cabin baggage, items carried and hold baggage (iii) implementing screening of cargo (iv) implementing screening of air carrier mail and materials, in-flight supplies and airport supplies (v) performing vehicle examinations (vi) implementing aircraft security searches

32 Screener Training Aviation security training for screeners shall be forty hours of theoretical training, with an additional forty hours of practical, simulation and computer based training

33 Equipment Specific Training
Screening organisation shall ensure that screeners receive familiarisation on the specific screening equipment they are to operate before deployment

34 On The Job Training The applicant shall ensure that those personnel responsible for conducting on the job training on screeners have a combination of competence and experience adequate for the level of competence required for such functions including coaching, mentoring and understanding of assessment principles. 10 Days OJT required for new Screeners

35 Security Manager and Supervisor Training
Aviation security training for managers and supervisors shall consist of a minimum of forty hours classroom theoretical training.

36 Supervisors The applicant shall ensure that those personnel responsible for supervising screeners have a combination of competence and experience adequate for the level of competence required for such functions. Must also be qualified and certified screeners and must maintain screener certification

37 Note for Supervisors ALL Supervisors must be screeners with 2 years experience as a Screener Supervisors must be certified Screeners with the SACAA Supervisors must maintain certification as Screeners Note additional training obligations

38 Refresher training Aviation security training for managers shall consist of a minimum of twenty hours classroom theoretical training Aviation Security Supervisor training shall consist of a minimum of forty hours classroom theoretical training, which shall include eight hours of practical and Computer Based Training. Aviation Security Screener training shall be forty hours, including sixteen hours of practical, simulation and Computer Based training.

39 Operations Manual Chapter 6
Recruitment of staff shall contain the following information: Details of the procedures to be followed in the recruitment of staff including background in compliance with this part

40 Background Checks Any organisation approved by the Director as a screening organisation shall— conduct background checks on all personnel recruited for screening duties; conduct recurrent criminal record checks every 24 months on all personnel employed for screening duties

41 When is a Background Check a Security Clearance? Part 110.03.9 (i)
Background checks on persons applying for positions as aviation security screener should include obtaining a security clearance process from relevant agencies.

42 Duties of Screening Organisations
Any organisation approved by the Director as a screening organisation shall— ensure that they have an effective recruitment and selection process to ensure that they recruit the best suited candidates. Such a recruitment process shall comply with the requirements in Document SA-CATS 110

43 Operations Manual Chapter 6
Recruitment of staff shall contain the following information: Details of how the Director will be informed when one of their employees holding an approval by the director leaves the organisation. Details on how the Director will be advised when one of their employees’ certification should be revoked.

44 Career Development In order to maintain a well-qualified and professional cadre of personnel assigned to screening duties, screening organisations shall develop a progressive career path for screeners in line with the guidance provided in Document SA-CATS 109.

45 Operations Manual Chapter 7
Amendments to manual shall contain the following information Details of the procedures to control, amend and distribute amendments to the operations manual Details of the person responsible for making such amendments as well as the procedure for obtaining approval from the Director for such amendments.

46 Operations Manual Chapter 8
Certification of screeners shall contain the following information Details of the procedures to be followed in the certification of the organisation’s screeners

47 What does a screener need for certification?
be not less than 18 years of age; hold a valid medical certificate issued as prescribed in Document SA-CATS 110; have successfully completed the training referred to in regulation ; have successfully completed a period of On the Job Training as specified in regulation ; have received satisfactory background checks results; Be a South African citizen Valid Matric Certificate

48 SACAA Assessment process
Initial certification assessment shall comprise both a theoretical knowledge examination and a practical assessment. Recertification assessment shall comprise theoretical knowledge examination, however practical assessment may be conducted. A passing mark of 80% is required for successful completion of this requirement.

49 SACAA Assessment process
Applicants obtaining a mark of between 70% and 79% will be allowed to retake the test only once, without having to attend training. During the practical assessment the applicant for the issuing of a screener certification may be required to undergo a skills test by demonstrating competence to an aviation security inspector, authorised officer or designated examiner. As part of the skills test, there may be oral questions to test the knowledge and comprehension of what is being demonstrated.

50 Types of Screener certification
Passengers and Baggage Cargo, Mail and Company materials

51 Types of Screener certification
Screeners shall also be certified to screen using one or more of the following screening methods, depending on the results of training and certification testing: X-ray Hand Search Explosive Dog Detection Team Explosive Trace Detection Other, as may be approved by the Director

52 Quality Assurance a competent person who is responsible for quality assurance, and who has direct access to the senior person (Designated Official)

53 Operations Manual Chapter 9
Quality assurance shall contain the following information The quality assurance system specified in

54 Quality Assurance system
The applicant shall establish a quality assurance system, to be included in its operations manual, for the control and supervision aviation security screening operations. The minimum standards for a quality assurance system shall be as prescribed in Document SA- CATS-110.

55 Task List Appoint the Designated Official
Appoint Deputy for each Operation or Station Note that these can be the Security/Branch Managers

56 Task List Organogram Appoint Quality Manager
Appoint Quality Auditors (consider per Region)

57 Task List Compile procedures (All procedures are to be per Station/Operation and per screening method) Operations Procedures Supervisory Procedures Monitoring Procedures Reporting Procedures

58 Task List Detailed screening and searching procedures (per station/Operation) Type of screening Screening methods Screening procedures per method

59 Task List Record keeping procedures Recruitment procedures
Detailed training procedures Process to ensure currency of training Background check procedures

60 Task List Screener certification process Quality assurance procedures
Quality assurance to cover all of the preceding items

61 Questions? Presentation by David Alexander ICAO AVSEC PM
Professional Aviation Services (Pty) Ltd

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