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Essential Question: In what ways were England’s 17th & 18th century American colonies different? In what ways were the colonies similar? -Warm up: Read.

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Presentation on theme: "Essential Question: In what ways were England’s 17th & 18th century American colonies different? In what ways were the colonies similar? -Warm up: Read."— Presentation transcript:

1 Essential Question: In what ways were England’s 17th & 18th century American colonies different? In what ways were the colonies similar? -Warm up: Read From Authority to Individualism and fill in chart. Lesson Plan for Wednesday, August 22, 2007: warm-up question, ppt notes, Read from Edwards “Sinners…”, Ben Franklin’s critique of the colonial economy reading

2 Puritans A. God was all powerful and predestined some persons for salvation. B. A person attempted to prove he/she was among the Elect. C. Everyone was legally required to attend the established church. D. Everyone needed to be able to read and interpret the Bible; ministers needed a university education. E. The elite of the church were supposed to rule the church and state. F. Individuals were responsible for meeting the needs and goals of the community.

3 Great Awakening A. God, the Creator, was open to all who made an appeal to Him. B. A person could make an emotional appeal and gain salvation through the Divine Grace of God. C. Many groups believed an organized church was not needed. D. Education was needed for life skills; a trained ministry was not required by all new churches. E. Some churches began a more democratic church organization that had carryovers into politics. F. The conversion of all individuals to Christianity would improve society.

4 Enlightenment A. The idea of God, the “watchmaker,” emphasized mankind in a rational order. B. the individual’s reason for living was to improve humanity and society. C. Church was not needed since God was not present. D. Education was needed to perfect society. E. Many believed in elite leadership, but that all should have a role in creating and abolishing governments that do not protect the rights of the people. F. The individual perfected society by removing all unnatural laws.

5 Native Americans By the 18th Century, the Indians in contact with European colonists became dependent upon them: For manufactured clothes, guns, & trade The French had the best relationship with Indians The Spanish horse altered the culture of the Plains Indians

6 The Spanish Borderlands in 1770
The Spanish borderlands had slow population growth (unlike the British colonies) Spain never had a secure political or military hold on the borderlands St. Augustine was not attractive to settlers Popé’s (Pueblo) Revolt in 1692 limited Spanish control north of Mexico Little interest in the West Coast until 1769 when missionaries settled in CA to keep Russians out

7 18th Century French Settlements
Jesuit missionaries converted Native Americans New Orleans gave France control of the “interstate highway” of the Mississippi Most French colonists were coureur des bois (fur traders) or habitants (farmers) Population in the “French Crescent” grew 500% by 1750 due to natural reproduction

8 Growth & Diversity in 18th Century America

9 Growth & Diversity in British America
By 1770, the English colonies became much more different from New Spain & New France: Population boomed 1,000% due to increased birth rates, falling death rates, & a huge wave of non-English immigration Surging economic growth New political & religious ideas backcountry” (800 miles along Appalachians from PA to GA); area was already populated by Native Americans & African Americans

10 Distribution of European & African Immigrants in British North America by 1770

11 18th Century Immigrants 1790 census showed less than 50% of American colonists were English; 18th Century immigration brought unprecedented diversity: African slaves were largest group to immigrate The Transportation Act (1718) allowed English judges to send convicted felons to the colonies (50,000 forcibly immigrated)


13 18th Century Immigrants The Scotch-Irish were the largest European group to immigrate: Initially welcomed as a frontier barrier between Indians & PA Challenged authority wherever they settled Germans were the 2nd largest European group to immigrate: Seen as hard-working farmers Clung to German traditions rather than “Anglicizing”


15 The American Backcountry
The Backcountry was the most diverse section of the English American colonies

16 18th Century American Commerce


18 What were the top 3 leading colonial exports in the 18th Century?
Chesapeake Middle New England New England South South

19 Economic Transformation
In the 1700s, Spanish & French colonial economies stagnated but English colonial economies grew: Led to an increased standard of living & affluence for Americans The colonial economy kept pace with its expanding population English mercantilism increased a desire for American products (esp. tobacco & sugar)

20 Birth of a Consumer Society
The availability of cheap English mass-produced goods led to a rise in colonial consumption Colonists grew an insatiable desire for goods from “home” The increase in inter-colonial & Caribbean trade gave colonists the money they needed to buy British manufactured goods But, many colonists fell heavily in debt to English merchants


22 The Great Wagon Road Increased inter-colonial commerce gave Americans a chance to learn about one another

23 American Urban Life Few colonists lived in cities:
Boston, Newport, New York, Philadelphia, & Charles Town contained only 5% of total colonial population Cities were geared toward intermediary trade but… Cities began to attract colonists seeking opportunities

24 18th Century American Politics

25 Contrasting Colonial Politics
Unlike state-controlled Spanish & French colonies, the English colonies were decentralized: All colonies (except CT & RI) had royal governors But all had colonial assemblies that controlled local finances Colonies were not democratic; Power was centralized with the wealthy, landed elite The legacy of “Salutary Neglect”

26 How were the colonies governed?

27 Governing the American Colonies
Governors resembled monarchs, but were often powerless Colonial government patterns: Royal governors—most were incompetent & bound by instructions from England Governors’ councils—advised royal governors but did not represent the colonial gentry Colonial assemblies—were largely autonomous & very representative of colonists Governors’ councils resembled the English House of Lords Colonial assemblies resembled the English House of Commons 95% of Massachusetts men & 85% of Virginia men could vote

28 Colonial Assemblies Elected members of colonial assemblies felt it was their right to protect colonial liberties: They were more interested in pleasing their constituents than in obeying the governor They held more popular support than the royal governors Assemblies controlled all means of raising revenue

29 English Control over America
In the 18th century, England maintained a unique political & economic relationship with America: As long as the colonies were profitable few British regulations were enforced & colonists could do as they pleased Economic relationship was defined by mercantilism Political relationship was defined by salutary neglect

30 The Great Awakening

31 Decline in Religious Devotion
The 1700s saw a decline in religious devotion: Outside of NE, 1 in 15 people was a member of a church NE suffered a decline in church attendance (1:5 were members) Church sermons were seen by many as “cold” & impersonal Led to a rise in Arminianism (free will, not predestination) The Half-Way Covenant (1662) was a way for NE churches to increase membership to the “unconverted” children

32 The Great Awakening The Great Awakening was a series of revivals among Protestants in which of people experienced religious conversion in response to gifted preaching It was not a unified movement; Great Awakenings occurred in many denominations in different places at different times Was not really “American” either as similar phenomena occurred in Europe The Great Awakening hit New England in the 1730s & in Virginia in 1750s & 1760s

33 A reading from “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God” (1741)
The Great Awakening The 1st stirrings of the Great Awakening began with Jonathan Edwards in Northhampton, MA: Used “fire & passion” to reach the discontent youth of NE Encouraged people to examine their eternal destiny Read to students the section from Edwards’ “Sinners…” A reading from “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God” (1741)

34 The Great Awakening George Whitefield became the most popular of the evangelists of the Great Awakening He preached outdoor sermons to 1,000s in nearly every colony As a result, itinerants disrupted their established churches claiming ministers were not taught to see the “New Light”


36 Including women & African-Americans
The Great Awakening The impact of the Great Awakening New universities such as Princeton, Dartmouth, Brown, & Rutgers were formed to educate “New Light” preachers 1st “national” event; Encouraged contact among scattered colonists in different regions Empowered non-elites to challenge their social superiors Including women & African-Americans

37 Colonial Change Assignment
In groups, complete the colonial change analysis chart: Under “Colonial Foundations” consider the beginning era of each colony & identify characteristics that all colonial societies shared & ways that each society was unique. Skip “17th Century Colonies” Complete “18th Century Colonies” to show how the colonies changed from their foundation to the 1700s

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