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Digital Strategy for NFPs

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1 Digital Strategy for NFPs
9 March 2018

2 Agenda What is a Digital Strategy? Components of a Digital Strategy
Do CLCs Need a Digital Strategy? Open Discussion / Workshop

3 Agenda What is a Digital Strategy? Components of a Digital Strategy
Discussion / Workshop - Do CLCs Need a Digital Strategy? Open Discussion / Workshop

4 A simple example… From… To… Few taps on a mobile phone
Eliminated any errors / missing fields Ready to process ‘within minutes’ From… Customers left to figure out complex forms Printing, posting, and photocopying takes a lot of time and effort Potential 1-2 week delay before the form was even ready to process Customer completes paper form (2-3 days) Triage (5 days) Process (10-20 days) Post Form is now ready to process Download / print forms Manually fill out forms Prepare and photocopy attachments Deliver by hand Check for completion Request missing/more information Process the form Manual Payment Processing attachments

5 Digital Strategy Framework
Social Media Mobility Customer Engagement Internal Efficiencies Supported by Technology Organisational Direction Emerging Technology Discuss Customer vs Client context

6 Benefits of a Digital Strategy
Client Engagement Client information & service delivery systems Improved service delivery Client outcomes tracked, Improved reporting Social media, marketing and public website Increased awareness Targeted campaigns Internal Efficiencies Common ICT platforms & collaboration tools Staff collaboration, access to information anywhere, productivity Staff & volunteers’ skills and culture Staff and volunteers’ productivity is maximised Risk Management and Disaster Recovery (DR) Service interruptions are minimised

7 Agenda What is a Digital Strategy? Components of a Digital Strategy
Discussion / Workshop - Do CLCs Need a Digital Strategy? Open Discussion / Workshop

8 Digital Strategy and Customer Engagement
Social Media Mobility Customer Engagement Internal Efficiencies Supported by Technology Organisational Direction Emerging Technology

9 How can a Digital Strategy Improve Customer Engagement?
Social Media Mobility Digital Marketing (Social Media Strategy) How do NFPs raise awareness? Keeping in touch Identifying changing needs Increasing our reach Targeted campaigns Online stats Interaction (Customer Insights) How can NFPs provide better services to customers? Client access to up-to-date information Whole-of-life journey Making enquiries Making appointments Attending information sessions Follow-up/support Aggregated reporting

10 Digital Strategy and NFPs
Social Media Mobility Australia is the second largest user of smartphone and tablet technology NFP sector seeing growth in online presence in digital channels Face-to-face increasingly moving to digital channels still dominant channel Websites increasingly becoming ‘engagement hubs’ 17 Million smartphone users in Australia, 22 million by 2022 11% year-on-year growth in NFP website visitors 62% of NFPs send e-newsletters monthly Source: Survey by Infoxchange, Connecting Up and TechSoup NZ

11 NFPs - Primary Engagement Channels
Use of social media Use of websites Source: Survey by Infoxchange, Connecting Up and TechSoup NZ

12 Digital Strategies - Internal Efficiencies
Social Media Mobility Client Engagement Internal Efficiencies Supported by Technology Organisational Direction Emerging Technology

13 How can a Digital Strategy Help Drive Efficiencies?
Cloud-Based Technology Cost of technology No ‘on prem’ hardware to maintain Subscription-based services Flexible as demand changes Customer Relationship (CRM) Optimise customer engagement Connecting with customers Access to current information Making enquiries Making appointments Aggregated Reporting Collaboration Access anytime, anywhere Online self-serve Virtual teams Virtual meetings Internal social media Remote access Mobility (BYOD)

14 Cloud Based Technology
Subscription-based service provides access to key applications, such as Office and CRM Eliminates capital expense associated with hardware / software and upgrades Always running on the latest generation of hardware and software Scalable ‘on demand’ Increased availability Frees up internal IT resources from maintenance activities “We are donating to non-profits and NGOs, access to Microsoft’s best-in-class cloud-based productivity and collaboration tools, enabling them to spend fewer resources and time on IT, and focus on their missions addressing global issues.” Jean-Philippe Courtois President, Microsoft International

15 Cloud Based Technology
Approximately 50% of NFPs have either moved to the Cloud or are planning to in the next 3 years. Driven by two factors: The need to become more efficient Incentives offered by software companies NFPs who plan to move ‘a significant proportion’ to the cloud, by organisation size 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 29% 27% 13% 11% 100% 37% 31% 21% 22% 30% 18% 35% 28% 23% 17% We don't know / other We do not plan to move We have already moved We plan to move in the next 3 years Very small to small Small to medium Medium Medium to large Large Very Large Source: Survey by Infoxchange, Connecting Up and TechSoup NZ

16 Most NFPs Do Not Have A Single Client View
Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Most NFPs Do Not Have A Single Client View Our staff can use one system to get a view of all the assistance that we have provided a person over time. The most common systems used by NFPs to keep client information are: Microsoft Access (17%), Paper/Word (13%) or Custom developed solution (13%). 39% Agree 61% Disagree Source: Survey by Infoxchange, Connecting Up and TechSoup NZ Class

17 Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
A CRM can Provide a single ‘whole-of-life’ view of all the assistance that has been provided to a customer over time Extract aggregated reports (data analytics) Help to demonstrate the impact of their services Help to optimise service delivery Instant feedback on emerging client trends across all stages of interaction Source: Survey by Infoxchange, Connecting Up and TechSoup NZ

18 Microsoft products are most commonly used for PCs, email and file sharing
Popularity of file sharing applications (%)** Popularity of applications** Types of PCs used (%)* 32% 20% 7% 19% 15% 7% * Figures represent a percentage of each type of PC in comparison to the total number of PCs recorded in survey. These figures add up to 100% (with minor rounding error). ** Figures represent the percentage of organisations that use each application. These figures do not add up to 100% as respondents could choose more than one application. The biggest change since our last report was in use of Exchange Online – up from 14% to 19% since our last survey

19 Digital Strategy – Security Considerations
Protecting Privacy And Data is Paramount. Need To Prepare For The Transition To A Digital World Data Security Policy BYOD Policy

20 Digital Strategy – Summary of Components
Business Outcomes Business Objectives Customer Profiles and Insights Key Services How Technology will Support our Business in the future? Online Channels Social Media Strategy Online Service Delivery Internal Efficiencies Cloud Strategy CRM Strategy Reporting Office Tools Privacy and Security Transition Roadmap

21 Agenda What is a Digital Strategy? Components of a Digital Strategy
Do CLCs Need a Digital Strategy? Open Discussion / Workshop “Everyone is doing this, so we should too”

22 CLCs Context CLCs are facing increasing challenges
Clients changing how they engage Increased demand for services 50% clients being turned away due to lack of resources Government looking at ways to reduce funding Government mandated policies Increased reporting complexities Emerging trends in the use of technology Drives the need for change Some examples could include New ways of engaging with clients Increasing efficiencies Improving collaboration Targeting services New challenges Drives Change Sets New Direction Supported by Technology

23 NFP IT challenges and priorities
Budget / funding 59% 64% Improve website Keeping abreast of technology changes and identifying where to invest our IT spend 53% 57% Make better use of social media Internal IT capacity and capability 49% 51% Upgrade IT infrastructure Affordable, skilled technical resources 47% 46% Develop an IT plan Implement a new client or member Info Management System Move to the cloud Refreshing our IT infrastructure 45% 37% Affordable staff training 35% Implementing any technology-driven change can be a perilous journey Source: Survey by Infoxchange, Connecting Up and TechSoup NZ

24 Client Engagement – Survey on CLCs
Survey of CLC Customers in 2015 showed that : 56% use internet daily (20% less than other justice service customers) 90% seeking general advice (what are my options?) 52% queries relate to relationships, property or children 15% went online but prefer phone/counter enquiries are higher because most people wanted to talk to someone anyway 36% don’t use social media (10% higher than other JSC) Source: CLC Customer Insight Research Outcomes April 2015

25 Agenda What is a Digital Strategy? Components of a Digital Strategy
Do CLCs Need a Digital Strategy? Open Discussion / Workshop “Everyone is doing this, so we should too”

26 Workshop – So who actually are your customers?
Funding Bodies EXTERNAL Community / Other Clients Service Network INTERNAL Suppliers Corporate Services Clients Funding Bodies Government (State and Federal) Benefactors Volunteers Service network Community at large

27 Workshop – Thinking our way through…
Customer Pain point What if we could … How can digital help? Provide services through alternative channels that appeal to young people? I don’t know how to access legal help / support Look at social media to target young people Forms part of social media strategy Young people Forms part of Service Delivery Strategy Have to travel a long way to get legal help Provide our services through online channels? People in remote communities Establish online chat services

28 Workshop – Thinking our way through…
Digital Strategy What can CLCs do? How can they work with other CLCs What role/support would be needed from CLCQ? Outcome: Next level of planning.

29 Thank you


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