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BIRDS Class Aves.

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1 BIRDS Class Aves

2 Feathers – insulation and flight
External Anatomy Feathers – insulation and flight 1. Modified scales that help regulate body temperature. 2. Structure and variety varies from bird to bird.

3 Structure Types Contour – Covers the body, wings and tail
function: Gives shape to bird and used for flight Consists of a : a. Quill (calamus) b. shaft (rachis) c. barbs and barbules d. hook – attaches to barbules

4 Down – Soft feathers under the contour and on young chicks
function: Insulation

5 Filoplume – Hairlike feather with a few barbs and barbules at end
More structure parts Filoplume – Hairlike feather with a few barbs and barbules at end function: Sensory

6 4. Birds must molt: shed and replace feathers.
Some do this all at once, some molt once or twice a year.

7 Types of Birds: (with regards to feathers)
. Precocial – Born with feathers Ex.chickens . Altricial – Born without feathers Ex. Robins

8 Function– Secretes oil for feathers. location: at base of tail
Uropygial Gland 11/19 Function– Secretes oil for feathers. location: at base of tail function: keeps plumage water repellent and supple and prevents chafing on legs and bill

9 Feathers eventually become _dead_____and
keratinized______structures in a feather follicle because _the blood supply is cut off.

10 Bill Bill (no teeth) Uses a. Get food b. Protection
c. Preen feathers: clean plumage by rubbing bill over feathers. d. Swimming

11 Tail: acts as a rudder during flight or swimming

12 Feet with Scales Uses in addition to walking a. Get food b. Protection c. Perching d. Swimming

13 1. location: __behind the bill___.
E. Cere: Protective stucture for eyes . 1. location: __behind the bill___.

14 Skeleton - __Bones are hollow (pneumatic)_____________
Internal Anatomy Skeleton - __Bones are hollow (pneumatic)_____________ Furcula – fused clavical (wishbones) Synsacrum – fused vertebrae attached to __pelvis___ function: maintain proper flight posture; supports hind appendages during landing, hopping, walking

15 Pygostyle – fused vertebrae
function: supports tail; important in steering

16 Single occipital condyle – birds share this with reptiles
first cervical vertebra: has a single point of articulation Keel- ridge of the sternum function: attachment of flight muscles

17 Digestive system Crop – past esophagus a. Stores and moistens food
Stomach Proventriculus- secretes gastric juices Ventriculus (_gizzard__)- muscular; grinds food

18 Excretory system a. No _urinary___ _bladder____
b. Like reptiles in that they excrete uric acid (nitrogenous waste) into the cloaca with the urine as a semi- solid whitish paste.

19 Supraorbital Salt glands
function: drains excess NaCl through nasal opening Important in _marine___ _birds_____.

20 Circulatory System Stop here!
Heart: 4 chambers (rt. &lt. atria, rt. &lt. Ventricles) Beat of heart: Very rapid

21 Reproductive System Oviparous: internal fertilization; eggs laid and develop outside of the body. Male – paired testes, No _copulatory__ _organs__. Sperm passes from male cloaca to female cloaca__.

22 Female Female – only left_ ovary functions – right ovary is _vestigial___. Egg development: Ovary releases eggs into oviduct. a. Egg fertilized in upper portion of oviduct A gland in lower oviduct adds a shell Oviduct opens into the cloaca A group of eggs laid and chicks produced is called a _clutch_

23 Hatchlings altricial: entirely dependent on parent; born naked
Ex. American robin precocial: born alert and lively with feathers, needs one parent for food and shelter Ex. Chickens

24 Respiratory System most efficient of all vertebrates Syrinx: produces sound Tracheal- ducks, pigeons – most simple Bronchotracheal- most birds – most common Bronchial- Wood thrush – two sounds at once Males produce more sound than female: controlled by nerves and hormones

25 Air passage- Unique because…….
a. helps in flight – lighter in weight/volume b. helps in water fowl to float c. holds more oxygen for rapid metabolism d. air sacs cool body internally (ventilation

26 Continued respiratory system-
Breathing – Controlled by the medulla of brain a. Lungs composed of parabranchi_, small air tubes. b.Air moves continuously: unidirectional flow (blood opposite.) c.Interclavicular air sac:furnishes air for syrinx and bones Behavior

27 Behavior Migration Advantages: a. more food available
b. less competition when breeding c. cooler climate for raising young d. fewer parasites in North

28 Disadvantage of Migration
a. natural disasters - storms b. bird uses a lot of energy c. loss of many birds (of a species) d. man- made obstacles (buildings, cars, houses (windows) Migration depends on environmental factors and innate genetic clock.

29 Photoperiod migratory cue for migration
Changes in the length of day initiates seasonal changes in gonadal development. Serves as a migratory stimuli. Decreasing day length = gonad regression; Increasing day length = gonad development Increase in body fat: used as energy reserve.

30 Territorialism Territory- any area of land which is defended by a bird from other birds of the same species. 1. Territorialism: any area of land defended by a bird from other birds of the same species 2. Male: territory determiner – defends against other males of same species 3. Defense displays various behaviors: a. Song b. feathers (threat display) c. physical encounters (last resort) d. flight pursuits

31 Use Defense displays during:
a. nest building b. egg laying c. incubation d. care of young Functions of territory: a. Protection of nest, young, mate against other males b. Guarantee of enough food c. Sexual bond between male and female from year to year d. Natural selection – limits population size

32 Courtship - – display of male or female attention
Fighting: now thought to be a part of territorialism Various courtship displays Dances Ex. Argus Pheasant Display of feathers Ex. Peacock Feeding Ex. Terns Mouth color Ex. Frigate, Cassaway Beak to beak “kissing” 90% of bird species are _monogomous__.

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