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Paoti Chang National Taiwan University CKM2006, Nagoya, Dec. 16

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1 Paoti Chang National Taiwan University CKM2006, Nagoya, Dec. 16
Summary of Experimental Results for WG3 Paoti Chang National Taiwan University CKM2006, Nagoya, Dec. 16 16/12/06, Nagoya P. Chang, CKM2006 1

2 P. Chang – Exp. Summary of WG3
Purpose and Outline Aim: Vtd/Vts through mixing and rare B and K decays. What we presented: 6 talks in the WG3 session only, 29 talks in the joint session. Results covered in this summary:  b →sg, sll, B →r/w g  D,B → tn  Lifetime and Mixing  fs and DGS / GS CKM2006, 12/16 P. Chang – Exp. Summary of WG3 2

3 P. Chang – Exp. Summary of WG3
b →sg (Mikihiko Nakao) Inclusive: on- a off with bkg suppression. CKM2006, 12/16 P. Chang – Exp. Summary of WG3 3

4 P. Chang – Exp. Summary of WG3
b → sg, semi-inclusive Reconstruct Xs from B →K np g, Khp(p)g 82 fb-1 CKM2006, 12/16 P. Chang – Exp. Summary of WG3 4

5 P. Chang – Exp. Summary of WG3
b→sg, continue Moment analysis: impact on mb and |Vub|  WG2 Er extrapolation based on OPE fit. Are errors too small? Consistent with NLO SM e.g. (357±30) x 10-6 More NLO calculations Slightly higher than NNLO estimations CKM2006, 12/16 P. Chang – Exp. Summary of WG3 5

6 B→rg/wg, Gabriella Sciolla
Measure Vtd/Vts based on ratio of BFs. New physics may contribute in the loop. Light Cone Rum Rules Theory error is around 7.4%. NP s,d SM Vtd,Vts s,d CKM2006, 12/16 P. Chang – Exp. Summary of WG3 6

7 P. Chang – Exp. Summary of WG3
B→rg/wg, Results Belle, 370 fb-1 BaBar, 316 fb-1 B → r+ g E(GeV) Mbc(GeV/c2) First observation of B→ r0g CKM2006, 12/16 P. Chang – Exp. Summary of WG3 7

8 P. Chang – Exp. Summary of WG3
B→rg/wg, Vtd/Vts B 7.5% 9.4% B 7.4% 8.2% In excellent agreement with mixing In 2008, Exp. error → 4.7%, theory error? CKM2006, 12/16 P. Chang – Exp. Summary of WG3 8

9 P. Chang – Exp. Summary of WG3
B→sll, Masako Iwasaki Sensitive to new physics in the loop. Semi-inclusive: same method as b→sg Combined B fact. result Belle BaBar Consistent with SM CKM2006, 12/16 P. Chang – Exp. Summary of WG3 9

10 P. Chang – Exp. Summary of WG3
B→sll, AFB(K*ll) Belle BaBar AFB and K* polar. CKM2006, 12/16 P. Chang – Exp. Summary of WG3 10

11 P. Chang – Exp. Summary of WG3
Search for B → K(*) nn Search for B → K nn Belle B → K* nn +3.1 535 M BB; yield = 4.7 1.7s; BR(SM)= 1.3x10-5 -2.6 CKM2006, 12/16 P. Chang – Exp. Summary of WG3 11

12 P. Chang – Exp. Summary of WG3
Leptonic Decays: D(s)   +n _ CKM2006, 12/16 P. Chang – Exp. Summary of WG3 12

13 P. Chang – Exp. Summary of WG3
& New CLEO-c result fDs=278 ± 17 ± 12 MeV (preliminary) Weighted Average: fDs=280.1±11.6±6.0 MeV, the systematic error is mostly uncorrelated between the measurements (More data is on the way) Previously CLEO-c measured M. Artuso et al., Phys .Rev. Lett. 95 (2005) Thus fDs/fD+=1.26±0.11±0.03 Sum of DS→m+n + t+n, t →p+n CLEO-c 100 evts K0p+ Preliminary CKM2006, 12/16 P. Chang – Exp. Summary of WG3 13

14 P. Chang – Exp. Summary of WG3
Limits on Charged Higgs Mass Another Gauge Boson could mediate decay Ratio of leptonic decays could be modified with respect to expectations based on lepton masses and lepton universality Can set limits in the tanb - mH± plane Competitive with CDF But depends on Lattice Model. Don’t take seriously yet Summary of the 95% CL exclusions obtained by LEP & CDF. The full lines indicate the SM expectation (no H± signal) and the horizontal hatching represents the ±1s bands about the SM expectation. CKM2006, 12/16 P. Chang – Exp. Summary of WG3 14

15 Comparisons with Theory
CLEO-c Data are consistent with most models, more precision needed Using Lattice ratio find |Vcd/Vcs|= 0.22±0.03 CKM2006, 12/16 P. Chang – Exp. Summary of WG3 15

16 B → tn, L. Widhalm & A. Oyanguren
Charged Higgs may contribute t → e/m/h vv Test lepton university if mn is measured. Require fully hadronic tag or Dln tag and look for extra Eecl All hadr. or Dl (n) CKM2006, 12/16 P. Chang – Exp. Summary of WG3 16

17 P. Chang – Exp. Summary of WG3
B → tn, Results Belle Hadronic tag D l n tag e+nn (3.6%) m+nn (2.4 %) p+n (4.9%) p+p0n (2.0%) pppn (0.8%) First time with two ns in B decays t+  e+nn (eff: 4.1%), m+nn (2.4%), p+n (4.9%), p+p0n (1.2%) First evidence, 3.5 s No clear signal Need more data CKM2006, 12/16 P. Chang – Exp. Summary of WG3 17

18 P. Chang – Exp. Summary of WG3
More on B→ l n (Belle) With fb from HPQCD, |Vub| from HFAG B → en, mu CKM2006, 12/16 P. Chang – Exp. Summary of WG3 18

19 Lifetime, J. Mumford & Bresse Quinn
 Hadronic decays  Semi-letponic z Obtain K from MC Verified with B+/B0 CKM2006, 12/16 P. Chang – Exp. Summary of WG3 19

20 P. Chang – Exp. Summary of WG3
BS lifetime CDF, Bs → J/y f D0, Bs → DS(fp) mn N(J/y f) = 1133 ~ theory CKM2006, 12/16 P. Chang – Exp. Summary of WG3 20

21 P. Chang – Exp. Summary of WG3
Bs → K+ K- lifetime CKM2006, 12/16 P. Chang – Exp. Summary of WG3 21

22 P. Chang – Exp. Summary of WG3
Lb lifetime CDF, Lb → J/y L D0, Lb → J/y L D0, Lb → LCmu N ( J/y L) = 532 N = 4437 CDF t(J/y L) = 1.580±0.077(stat)±0.012(syst) ps D0 t(J/y L) = 1.298±0.137(stat)±0.050(syst) ps D0 t(LC mn) = (stat) ±0.09(syst) ps theory +0.12 -0.11 CKM2006, 12/16 P. Chang – Exp. Summary of WG3 22

23 Mixing, Franco Bedeschi
See Joe’s historical review. Three key points: Distinct vertex trigger. Same side tagging Better tracking/vertexing A/A = 6.05 CKM2006, 12/16 P. Chang – Exp. Summary of WG3 23

24 P. Chang – Exp. Summary of WG3
Mixing, Gernot Weber Provide first two-side bound in this spring CKM2006, 12/16 P. Chang – Exp. Summary of WG3 24

25 fs and DGS/GS, Gernot Weber
Light Heavy CKM2006, 12/16 P. Chang – Exp. Summary of WG3 25

26 P. Chang – Exp. Summary of WG3
Bs→J/y f Results First attempt without fs = 0 CKM2006, 12/16 P. Chang – Exp. Summary of WG3 26

27 Future of fs & DGS, J. Hunen/N. Magini
Perform angular analysis LHCb Bs → J/y f * CMS syst. evaluated with 1.3 fb-1 sample The LHCb sensitivity for s is 0.02 rad (~1.2 degrees) for 2 fb-1 CKM2006, 12/16 P. Chang – Exp. Summary of WG3 27

28 P. Chang – Exp. Summary of WG3
Dms is measured; Vtd/Vts  theory error dominant. Lb lifetime discrepancy? Need more data. First attempt for fs; more studies on DGS/GS and fs. Br(sg) is precisely measured; still has room for NP. More observables: Acp, isospin symmy., TCPV …. Will reduce Vtd/Vts (r/w g) error to 4.7%. AFB(K*ll) is feasible but K(*)nn needs Super B. New decay constant, fDs, is provided by CLEO. B factory is searching for B decays with two neutrinos. Start to probe standard model limit. CKM2006, 12/16 P. Chang – Exp. Summary of WG3 28

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