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Etika Pengurusan Pendidikan

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1 Etika Pengurusan Pendidikan
EDU 5814 Etika Pengurusan Pendidikan Prof. Emeritus Dr. Abdul Rahman Md Aroff

2 Rangka/Kandungan Kursus
pertemuan topik 1 Memprofesionalkan dan profesionalisme pengurus pendidikan Kepentingan etika dalam pengurusan pendidikan 2 Dilema mmoral pengurus pendidikan Agensi moral pengurus pendidikan: konsep agen moral; isu undang-undang, dan tanggungjawab moral sekolah 3 Agensi moral pengurus pendidikan: akauntabiliti pengurus pendidikan Agensi moral pengurus pendidikan:tatasusila profesion dan kod etika kerja KPM 4 Implikasi beberapa teori etika berkaitan pengurusan pendidikan – etika tradisionalisme dan keperibadian mulia Implikasi beberapa teori etika berkaitan pengurusan pendidikan – utilitarianisme dan egoisme 5 Implikasi beberapa teori etika berkaitan pengurusan pendidikan – eksistensialisme dan Kantianisme Implikasi beberapa teori etika berkaitan pengurusan pendidikan – emotivisme dan intuisionisme 6 Pengurus pendidikan yang matang dari segi moral Penyelesaian konflik moral

3 Objektif kursus Hasil pembelajaran: pelajar dapat ~ mentafsir implikasi dan kepentingan etika dalam penngurusan pendidikan ~ merungkai pelbagai tingkah laku dalam kalangan warga pendidik ~ mempamerkan perlakuan yang moral dan profesional

4 tugasan Perihalkan 3 norma (berkaitan peraturan, undang-undang, dasar, arahan, atau keputusan) di dalam sekolah yang merupakan isu yang penuh dengan kontroversi, dan nampaknya boleh dipertikaikan dari sudut etika. Mengapakah anda berpendapat sedemikian? ~ Tugasan ini boleh dibuat secara individu atau dalam kumpulan yang tidak melebihi tiga (3) orang ~ Tugasan ini terdiri daripada 1,500 – 2,000 perkataan ~Tugasan ini hendaklah diserahkan kepada saya pada atau sebelum minggu ke-10.

5 tugasan Perihalkan keadaan di dalam sekolah sekiranya pengurus/pentadbir sekolah mengamalkan falsafah moral egoisme dan utilitarianisme ~ Tugasan ini boleh dibuat secara individu atau dalam kumpulan yang tidak melebihi tiga (3) orang ~ Tugasan ini terdiri daripada 1,500 – 2,000 perkataan ~Tugasan ini hendaklah diserahkan kepada saya pada atau sebelum minggu ke-10.

6 rujukan Abdul Rahman Md Aroff (1999). Pendidikan Moral: Teori Eika dan Amalan Moral. Serdang: Penerbit Universiti Putra Malaysia. Bottery, M. (1993). The Ethics of Educational Management. New York: Cassel Educational Ltd. Goodlad, J. I., Soder, R., & Sirotnik, K. A. (Eds.) (1990). The Moral Dimensions of Teaching. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers.

7 Kerr (1995) berkata “ethics is a fixture on management development programmes and an aspect of growing importance for managers of all types”; dan seseorang pengurus /pentadbir mesti “employ the language and considerations…of ethics…in their day-to-day, indeed, hour-to-hour, leadership”. Bagaimanapun, Glen (1985) menegaskan “ethics is everbody’s business”.

8 Some of the traits/attributes of profession/professional…
Expertise Ethics skills, specialist knowledge, authoritative, exclusive, autonomous mystification of knowledge, independence, elitist, self-seeking, arrogant, high remuneration competent, regulated, explicit standards and measures of performance, quality control continuous learning and improvement, extending professional knowledge and skills, collaborative autonomy, inclusive, quality improvement, self-regulation, vigilance virtuous, altruistic, professing, accountable, humility, passion, trusted, integrity

9 Mempertingkatkan ketrampilan pengetahuan dan kepakaran teknikal serta penghasilan teknologi baru
Kebolehan akademik yang tinggi dan jangka waktu pendidikan dan latihan yang mencukupi Autonomous, bebas dan berautoriti atau berwibawa dalam membuat keputusan dan melaksanakan kerja Sosioekonomi berstatus elit Atribut Profesion Kewujudan prinsip perkhidmatan berasaskan keuggulan tertentu Penyelenggaraan piawai untuk memastikan proses tugas dan kerja yang bermutu Kewujudan pengakuan awam dan legal tentang status profesional Kewujudan organisasi atau agensi bagi mewakili profesion

10 “attributes concept” of a “profession”
Elite socio-economic status The existence of high academic ability and a long period of education and training The existence of a corpus of theoretical and specialized knowledge The autonomy to conduct its affairs The promotion and maintenance of standards to ensure quality The existence of an organized professional association Legal and public recognition of its professional status The existence of a service principle based on the ideal of collective altruism

pengurusan berintegriti (ethics) pengurusan berkesan (expertise)

12 The ethical basis of the teaching profession

13 Pemberian status profesion kepada sesuatu pekerjaan boleh diluluskan jika terdapat moral praiseworthiness pada pekerjaan itu; dan sesungguhnya munasabah ditegaskan bahawa mendidik itu suatu pekerjaan yang patut dipuji dari segi moral. Ini kerana: Adalah amanah dan obligasi pendidik memastikan pelajar diberi equal treatment setelah penjaga mematuhi equal surrender Terdapat kepercayaan bahawa, di bawah jagaan pendidiknya, pelajar akan selamat daripada kemudaratan fizikal dan mental Character is destiny - pendidik berpengaruh dalam membentuk karakter anak didik mereka

14 behaving as a professional should
PROFESSIONALISM The quality of practice describing PROFESSIONALIZATION conduct within an occupation - how The process by which an members integrate their obligations occupation becomes a with their knowledge and skill in a profession and the changes context of collegiality and contractual in status that are implicit in that and ethical relation with client process Is the professional (in the status sense) behaving as a professional should (in the sense of practice and its standards)?

15 Tema Hari Guru 2000 Bersatu Memartabatkan Profesion Keguruan 2001
Memertabatkan Profesion Keguruan Tanggungjawab Bersama

16 Mengapakah etika penting dalam pengurusan pendidikan?
atau Mengapakah pengurus pendidikan mestilah seorang yang beretika?

17 educational management
The ethical basis of educational management

18 (Sergiovanni, 1994) “…the ‘roots’ of academic leadership is about connecting people morally to each other and to their work”

19 conceptual analysis Institusi pendidikan adalah institusi moral, dan pendidikan tidak boleh dipisahkan daripada pertimbangan nilai yang terdapat dalam setiap tindakan dan keputusan pentadbiran serta dasar pendidikan dan organisasi. (The institution of education is a moral institution, and education cannot be separated from judgements of values that are found in every administrative action and decision, as well as in educational and organisational policies.)

20 goal Pendidikan bermatlamat menyediakan murid untuk mengambil peranan dan tanggungjawab kewarganegaraan dalam sebuah masyarakat demokratik. (Education is to prepare students to assume the roles and responsibilities of citizenship in a democratic society.)

21 the students Kebanyakan kanak-kanak mempunyai sedikit pilihan tentang sama ada mahu belajar atau di mana mereka belajar, dan mempunyai suara yang kecil dalam menentukan kualiti, kandungan atau objektif kurikulum yang mereka mengalami sebagai murid. (Most children have little choice about whether to learn or where they learn and have small voice in determining the quality, content or purpose of the curriculum that they experience in their role as students.)

22 the society Aktiviti pendidikan ada kesannya ke atas masyarakat, oleh itu, pendidik kerana bertanggungjawab terhadap proses dan hasil persekolahan mempunyai obligasi moral terhadap masyarakat. (The activities of educational institutions have consequences for society, therefore, educators being responsible for the processes and outcomes of schooling is also obliged to the larger community.)

23 the work Rata-rata pengurus pendidik mengalami isu atau konflik moral setiap hari semasa mereka melaksanakan tugas dan tanggungjawab masing-masing; dan kerap kali mereka berasa hampa dalam menyelesaikan dan mengurus dilema itu. (Generally, educational administrators experience ethical issues or conflicts on a daily basis as they perform the duties and responsibilities of their office, and that they often experience frustration in resolving and managing these dilemmas.)

24 Glen (1985) menegaskan “ethics is everbody’s business”
Glen (1985) menegaskan “ethics is everbody’s business”. Dalam ‘bisness pendidikan’ , sama ada mereka suka ataupun tidak, pentabir pendidikan akan “face a unique set of ethical demands” (Greenfield, 1991) Sebenarnya, kehidupan pentadbir pendidikan “are filled with difficult ethical dilemmas” (Lashway, 1996)

25 Types of ethical dilemmas experienced by school administrators
Dilemmas of choice among competing standards of good practice rooted within the profession of education Dilemmas associated with the implementation or consequences of decisions attendant to an ethically preferred choice among alternative courses of action Dilemmas of choice associated with conflicts between system-level organizational rules or policies and consideration at the institution-level Dilemmas which stem from idiosyncratic beliefs or concerns of individual educators regarding the consequences of their actions and decisions Dilemmas of choice rooted in fundamental ethical principles of conduct Other dilemmas – matters related to teachers’ work; morality of pupils’ behaviour regarding school and work; common rules in school; and rights of minority groups

26 Agen Moral ~ is a moral EXEMPLAR who is devoted to standards of best practice and conditions of competence to be maintained and promoted

27 Individuals will ignore ethics if “they see major breaches” of, for example, codes of conduct “routinely ignored by the management” (Whitton, 2001) Leaders must be the center of gravity in developing and sustaining a culture of integrity (ethics)… Leaders must be the first to step up and serve as the personal exemplar of integrity… from which subordinates learn (Jacocks & Bowman, 2012)

28 Agen Moral ~ a conscientious moral ACTOR, who has a special responsibility to deliberately make decisions and take actions in a distinctly moral manner, who reflects upon and considers the moral consequences of his decisions, actions, as well as the policies and practices of his institution

29 Agen Moral ~ has the capacity to reflect successfully on conflicting matters (PROBLEM- SETTER), i.e. developed informed and responsible judgments, and choose the best among defensible options (PROBLEM- SOLVER)

30 Undang-undang dan Kemoralan Pendidik
~Legal issues about teacher morality centre on two statutes: * the denial or withdrawal of certificates from individuals who are deemed not to be persons of good character * teachers may be discharged for immorality ~Two crucial points about the enforcement of the above statutes * teachers may not be discharged for exercising their constitutional rights (privacy, civil liberties) * teachers may have significant rights of due process that must be respected in attempts to pursue a charge of immorality (extensive hearing on the matter)

31 The law deals mainly with:
~ Sexual misconduct involving students ~ Physical abuse of students ~ Habitual public drunkenness and drug use ~ Felony convictions

32 the LAW fails to deal with all matters pertaining to teaching, namely:
Standards that are to govern the characteristic activities of teaching ~ intellectual activity or freedom ~ intellectual honesty, tolerance or respect for appropriate diversity ~ due process in such matters as discipline and grading, fairness in punishment and equity in the distribution of educational resources such as the teacher’s time Ways that respect the values and mores internal to subject matter Connect the characteristics and behaviour of educators with the aims and objectives of education

33 Tindakan UNDANG-UNDANG sukar diambil ke atas perkara berkaitan dengan pengajaran. ~ Menjunjung nilai terbatin dalam isi pelajaran ~ Hubungan antara watak dan tingkah laku pendidik dengan matlamat pendidikan ~ Standard yang mengawal aktiviti-aktiviti pengajaran

34 Legal matters and professional misconduct
It is a known fact that some teachers do not encourage intellectual activity and freedom in the classroom. Some of them do not practise intellectual honesty, tolerance or respect for appropriate diversity. There are also some who do not adhere to the due process in such matters as discipline and grading, fairness in punishment and equity in the distribution of educational resources such as their time. All these matters pertaining to ‘bad’ teaching in the classroom are beyond the arms of the law. There are also teachers who are unable to instill the respect for the values and mores internal to their subject matter, or to connect their characters and behaviour with the aims and objectives of education. In short, the law fails to deal with issues related to the standards that are to govern the characteristic activities of good teaching. Hence, the limited influence of the law on the conduct of teachers in the school, particularly in the classroom, has necessitated school principals to act as moral agents. How would school principals sort out cases of unethical acts (that cannot be handled by the law) among the teachers?

35 Model Tanggungjawab Moral Sekolah
Bureaucratic : guru hendaklah menangani tujuan dan matlamat yang ditentukan oleh kepentingan-kepentingan agensi (khususnya pihak kerajaan dan industri) di luar sekolah, iaitu sekolah diwujudkan untuk memberi perkhidmatan kepada keperluan industri, dan mungkin lebih utama adalah untuk perkembangan dan kemajuan negara serta keutuhan pihak pemerintah. Professional : guru mesti memiliki kepakaran pada tahap yang tinggi yang berasaskan pengetahuan khusus. Untuk memperoleh pengetahuan itu guru perlu dididik dan dilatih secara rigorous. Guru itu juga adalah seorang yang cerdas dan sanggup berkorban. Justeru, guru patut diberi status dan ganjaran seperti profesional lain. Fairness : guru hendaklah mengenal pasti serta mengembangkan bakat murid, dan sekolah membantu dalam memastikan bahawa pendapatan dan status diagihkan (dalam kalangan lepasan sekolah) atas asas kebolehan dan motivasi. Dengan jaminan kesaksamaan peluang, kepincangan pasaran kapitalisme dapat diperbetulkan.

36 hakikat tentang tanggungjawab moral sekolah
birokrasi > profesional / fairness

37 Moral responsibility of school
It is not wrong to say that the bureaucratic theme is more dominant in Malaysian schools. If this view is right, then school principals who are in favour of the professional or fairness model will inevitably, in certain situations or cases, face dilemmas when they disagree with particular policies of MOE related to, for example, teacher recruitment, teacher training, continuous professional development programmes, the school curriculum, and such like. These school principals, being moral agents, have to set, and then solve, whatever problem or issue that they have with MOE. The dilemma for these school principals is whether to obey administrative (or ‘political’) directives and accept without complaint policies and procedures they find morally objectionable. However, school principals who subscribe to the bureaucratic theme regarding the moral responsibility of school will definitely have few dilemmas as they will support the government policies on education. Be that as it may, some examples of moral dilemmas that may arise from having different views as to the moral responsibility of the school are as follows: You are on whose side if there is a conflict between MOE and the parents or your teaching staff? Should pupils be given the right to determine courses or activities, outside the curriculum, which they want to pursue? Would you allow two of your staff to pursue a part-time Masters course knowing very well that it would disrupt the running of your school as presently you are facing shortage of staff?

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