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GLAST Large Area Telescope

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1 GLAST Large Area Telescope
Gamma-ray Large Area Space Telescope GLAST Large Area Telescope Instrument Science Operations Center Monthly Status Review 29 March 2007 Rob Cameron ISOC Manager

2 ISOC Highlights Recent Events Mission Planning Exercise 1
Current Events LAT Collaboration meeting GSFC, March 2007 ISOC Status presented at the meeting Upcoming Events ETE1a: 2 April 2007 ETE1b: 10 (?) April 2007 ISOC workshop at SLAC, 30 Apr – 2 May 2007 Mission Operations Review, GSFC, 31 July 2007 Staff Andrea Tramacere (ASI/INAF) due to start on April 11 Supported by IFC halfFTE developer for ISOC, to support Science Ops Feedback on allowed limits for SAA boundary lat/long values

3 Narrative Procedure Status

4 Narrative Procedure Development Progress

5 PROC Development 25 PROCs currently in development 12 PROCs for ETE1

6 NP Development Effort has been spent on updating NPs for ETE1 and reviewing and validating PROCs for ETE1 Shantha Condamoor has been reassigned to FSW duties Working out how to complete her remaining NPs Looking at bringing in extra resources: e.g. Jon Pineau LIM NPs are on hold pending FSW changes to the LIM package L-LIM-11 Initiate ToO Observation L-LIM-12 Abort ToO Observation L-LIM-13 Monitor ToO Completion L-LIM-17 ARR Abort

7 Flight Operations Software Progress
Software development Updates to LICOS Telemetry Table Display tool Alerting/paging tool Mission planning tool Software package deployment tools Configuration tools Physics event data dispatch (pipeline 0.5) Web tools Handled issues with data collected by I&T at GD Provided LICOS command packet dumps to FOT for comparison to ITOS dumps of same No problems for ETE1 3 incorrect No-ops in MOC command listing LSWNOOP not in LICOS yet Missing pad to LRALAMLCB (FSW JIRA submitted) Expected/understood miscompare for LFILUPLDATA Submitted proposal for spacecraft telemetry ITAR data filtering to GOWG ISOC/MOC/GSSC reps met & agreed on a revised detailed proposal Ops Facility infrastructure Contingency Ops Facility planning

8 ISOC Core Testing Mission Planning Exercise #1 (MPEx1) completed (Steve Culp, Lori Bator) Exercised three weeks of GLAST mission planning Objective is to exercise ISOC mission planning software, processes, and interfaces with MOC and GSSC Simulation starts with mission week 21 in progress and focused on planning for mission weeks 23-25 ISOC created ATS timeline and PROC requests using CHS Mission Planning System Reviewed Integrated Observatory Timelines Participated in mission planning meetings with all ground elements Included orbital and timeline product exchanges between MOC, GSSC and IOCs Successful test – several sw bugs and coordination issues identified & resolved

9 Requirements Verification
Release Status & Plan (as of 03/22/07) Requirement Category 1 6/05 1.2 11/05 1.3 2/06 1.4 5/06 2 7/06 2.1 10/06 2.2 2/06 3 6/07 4 9/07 total GRT2 GRT3 GRT5 GRT6 ETE1-2 MPEx GRT7 ETE3-5 ETE6 Misc (Facility, Redundancy, Security, Doc, etc.) 3 1 2 7 4 16 27 62 Mission Planning 30 14 52 Telemetry Processing 13 11 44 Science Data Processing 29 36 Telemetry Monitoring 15 10 33 Logging Trending 12 6 22 Anomaly Tracking & Notification 17 # new reqts verified 20 46 39 91 38 276 cumulative total 42 108 147 238 Key: Incremental release (only new requirements tested) Major release (all requirements satisfied to date tested) We are here

10 GLAST Operations Testing: End-to-End Test 1
ISOC is ready to Support ETE1 ISOC participation coordinated by Mali Hakimi Immediately follows GLAST CPT Currently scheduled for April 2 (ETE1A) and April 10 (?) (ETE1B) ISOC representatives (Grove, Sandora) will be present in the MOC Simple LAT commands will be issued during this test exercising all uplink rates for commanding and downlink rates for telemetry LAT turned on and monitored by LAT I&T at GD LAT will execute 12 hour physics run (with gamma filter) for test Simple LAT commanding by PROC No-ops, file system tests, FSW messaging control, dwell diagnostic telemetry Real-time telemetry and Level-0 files will be sent to the ISOC Real-time monitoring at SLAC, with 2 shifts of ISOC operators New L1 processing pipeline will be used for processing MOC data Independent SSR playback data deliveries through LAT I&T and MOC can be cross-checked

11 Science Operations Data Processing L1 pipeline
Tested on a realistic number of events (downlink size) Now incorporating interpretation of pointing, location information from spacecraft The L1 pipeline tasks now register their data sets (by run number) with the Data Catalog. Merging of the pipeline output into FT1 files is being implemented. Remaining major tasks incorporating position and attitude information from the L0 data accumulation of livetime by run Presentations by Anders Borgland at Data Flow session at LAT Collaboration meeting: ASP - All of the basic functions have been prototyped Discussion of ASP processing for GRBs in Monday GRB science team session at LAT Collaboration meeting ASP processing will be reviewed in the Data Flow session at LAT Collaboration meeting (Jim Chiang) Review of algorithms for flaring source detection and monitoring in ASP in AGN-ISOC joint session at Collab mtg Next milestones will be testing with SC2 data

12 Science Operations Monitoring IRF Monitoring Working Group
Using DC2 data, the IRF Mon WG is prototyping scripts for monitoring the effective area (IN2P3/CENBG), PSF (INFN/Perugia) and energy dispersion (Padova). Progress report presented at Collab meeting Optimization Impacts of (simulated) failures of LAT hardware on the science data quality and rates are being investigated (INFN/Bari) Currently studying effects of loss of ACD tiles Operations Daily Operations Group working on Control Room tools and documentation. Will participate in ETE1. Preparations for ISOC workshop at SLAC at end of April.

13 SAS Service Challenges
Various efforts reported in SC session at Collab meeting Expanding 55 day simulation to include testing of ASP SLAC computing resource issues Considering options for alternate computing resources Investigating possibility of putting some compute core and disk in Physics/Astrophysics Building on Stanford campus, on SLAC network More details in computing report by Richard at Collab meeting Data Processing and Data Flow Simulated downlink L0 datasets will be used to verify ISOC meets processing throughput and margin rqts. Web tool development coordinated through Data Handling group (led by Tony Johnson)

14 Planned Acquisitions SLAC 50 TB disk being installed now
Added $300k Capital money from SLAC to $400k from IFC to get ready for launch To divide between disk and CPUs Add 50 TB more during summer Install 240 cores TB to be ready for launch Lyon IN2P3 has approval for 100 CPUs, 50 TB disk Presumably we will get CPUs for a few weeks at a time, averaging 10 CPU-years/year. Claudia LaValley getting Pipeline2 going there Batch interface done; jobs can be submitted from SLAC! Now dealing with ftp access etc. Bologna/CNAF Francesco Longo has approval for 100 CPUs, 25 TB (in 07) May be required to access via GRID tools

15 Web Tools Operations Logbook Java app, imported from FNAL
for ISOC operators (FO and SO) in test in the ETEs Max Turri Tony Johnson Customizable Web Portal for feeds from applications think of your Google home page can set up standard views and/or user customized hope to extend this to all sorts of uses (eg science processing

16 ISOC Workshop Next ISOC workshop at SLAC: 30 April – 2 May 2007
Intended focus on operations planning, with emphasis on L&EO activities and operations Review ISOC Flight Operations and Science Operations processes and tools, and interactions between FO and SO Talks in morning sessions, e.g. Mission planning process Shift-taker duties Data processing L&EO activities and analyses Tutorials/hands-on exercises in afternoon sessions, e.g. Real-time monitoring Message logging, operations logbook Web tools for LAT monitoring and data processing monitoring Config building tools Lead in to preparation for ISOC Tests at SLAC in mid- and late-2007 Registration Draft Agenda on Confluence

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