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Introduction and Career Exploration Mrs. Rich

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1 Introduction and Career Exploration Mrs. Rich
Exercise Physiology Introduction and Career Exploration Mrs. Rich

2 agenda Bell Work Understanding Exercise Physiology Career Exploration
Career Research

3 Bell WoRK Journal: Teens and Exercise
grades-study-article Question: After reading the article, answer the following question. Make sure it is a paragraph of at least 250 words. It must have an introduction (2-3 sentences), a body (3-5 sentences) and closing (2-3 sentences). There is no right or wrong answer. Just express your opinion about the subject matter. Question: Currently TN public high schools only require one credit of physical education to graduate. In your opinion, do you think this is an appropriate standard considering the pressures schools face to maintain academic performance?

4 Standard 1 Define exercise physiology and link to the careers within the Clinical Exercise Physiology career pathway as a cardiac rehabilitation therapist, certified strength and conditioning coach, personal trainer, lifestyle and weight management coach, athletic trainer, and corporate wellness supervisor/instructor. Explain in detail the education level, credentialing/licensure requirements, and continuing education unit requirements necessary for success in these fields, as well as state and national compliance guidelines. Research professional organizations and codes of ethics associated with these occupations.

5 Objective By the end of class, students will be able to:
Define exercise physiology in own words. Begin researching career pathways in exercise physiology.

6 Exercise Physiology

7 Exercise Physiology Defined
The study of how exercise and physical activity alters the structure and function (physiology) of the human body. The goal of exercise science is facilitating an understanding of the links between fitness, exercise, diet, and health.

8 exercise physiology professionals
Condition a person to a higher level of fitness and/or health while, at the same time, being aware of safety issues (risk of injury, illness, environmental exposure, etc.) associated with a single session of exercise. The type of client that can benefit from training under an exercise physiology professional varies greatly, ranging from world class athletes wishing to improve their performance to patients with chronic illnesses wishing to increase or maintain their ability to accomplish activities of daily living.

9 Careers in Exercise Physiology
Cardiac rehabilitation therapist Certified strength and conditioning coach Personal Trainer Lifestyle and weight management coach Athletic Trainer Corporate wellness supervisor/instructor

10 Cardiac Rehabilitation Therapist
A cardiac rehab therapist, also called a cardiac rehab specialist, develops nutrition, exercise and education programs to promote wellness and strengthen patients who have had heart surgery or who have chronic heart disease.

11 Certified Strength and Conditioning Coach
Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialists® (CSCS®) are professionals who apply scientific knowledge to train athletes for the primary goal of improving athletic performance. They conduct sport-specific testing sessions, design and implement safe and effective strength training and conditioning programs and provide guidance regarding nutrition and injury prevention.

12 Personal Trainer Personal Trainers help clients achieve their fitness and health goals through motivation and education, but it’s much more than giving out exercise orders. A Personal Trainer guides their clients step by step throughout their whole routine, whether it’s in a gym or bootcamp. They are passionate about health and fitness, and through their work inspire and encourage others to develop healthy habits and routines through the safe delivery of effective programs, instruction, motivation and education.

13 Lifestyle and Weight Management Coach
The American Council on Fitness offers a Lifestyle and Weight Management Coach Certification if you are looking to help individuals achieve long-term success in weight loss and weight management. This program focuses on exercise, nutrition and lifestyle changes. A coach understands the psychological aspects of weight management, the impacts of obesity, lifestyle coaching techniques, exercise, nutrition and weight management strategies

14 Athletic Trainer Athletic training encompasses the prevention, examination, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of emergent, acute or chronic injuries and medical conditions. Athletic training is recognized by the American Medical Association (AMA), Health Resources Services Administration (HRSA) and the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) as an allied health care profession. Bachelor's degree programs in athletic training are structured differently and some may allow students to participate in some clinical experiences in the first year of enrollment. Many of the clinical experiences involve students working and shadowing with professional athletic trainers employed by the university's football department or fitness center. As students gain these experiences, they are required to complete courses that cover topics such as rehabilitation, human anatomy, biomechanics and the health care industry. Many of the athletic training courses emphasize hands-on experiences. Other classes will highlight a scientific approach in athletic training. Some possible courses include: Clinical athletic training Orthopedic injuries and diagnosis Examination of orthopedic injuries Conditioning Strength exercises Sports medicine

15 Corporate wellness supervisor/instructor
A corporate wellness program provides more than just a feel-good perk for employees, saving businesses significant health care costs and improving productivity. A wellness director creates and monitors programs intended to improve the physical and mental health of workers and their families, using preventive means that provide measurable results

16 Rehabilitation Career Closely Linked
Physical Therapy (PT, PTA) Occupational Therapy (OT, OTA) Chiropractor (DC) Massage Therapy (LMT)

17 ES Career Pathways Organizational Chart
Use reliable Internet sources and Professional Organization Web sites to complete your career pathway organizational chart. Save your source information

18 Resources American Kinesiology Association physiology American Society of Exercise Physiologists (ASEP) Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (CAAHEP) Clinical Exercise Physiology Association: National Academy of Kinesiology: National Athletic Trainers’ Association:

19 Highly Regarded Exercise Physiology-Related Organizations
URL American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation American College of Sports Medicine American Council on Exercise IDEA Health and Fitness Association National Strength and Conditioning Association

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