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HMI Systems Engineering

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1 HMI Systems Engineering
John W. Miles HMI Systems Engineer LMSSC*ATC*LMSAL

2 Outline Requirements Optical, Thermal, Mechanical System Performance Budgets/Margins Mass, Power, and Volume Resources ICD Status Verification Plan HMI PDR Action Item Status HMI Peer Review Process and Schedule

3 HMI Requirements Flowdown
SDO Level 1 Requirements Level 1 Mission Assurance Requirements SDO Mission Requirements (MRD) SDO Project Mass Budget SDO Project Power Budget SDO Data Capture Budget SDO Environmental Verfn Reqts Level 2 SDO Contamination Control Plan SDO Integration and Test Plan SDO Structural Analysis Plan SDO Alignment Budget SDO CCSDS Implmntn Doc SDO Project SC Timing ICD Level 3 SDO Electrical System Spec SDO Purge System Spec SDO Struct Anlsys & Test Reqts HMI Contract Performance Specification SDO Ground System Detailed Mission Requirements SC to HMI Interface Control Document SDO 1553 Bus ICD SDO High Speed Bus ICD MOC to SOC Interface Control Document DDS to SOC Interface Control Document HMI Contam Control Plan HMI Optics Package MID HMI Electronics Box MID HMI PAIP HMI/AIA JSOC Requirements Specification HMI Instrument Performance Document Level 4 HMI Performance Verification Plan

4 HMI Requirements Flowdown
Level 3 HMI Contract Performance Specification SC to HMI Interface Control Document SDO 1553 Bus ICD SDO High Speed Bus ICD HMI PAIP HMI Instrument Performance Document Level 4 Hardware Functional Specifications HEB Power Converter Subsystem HEB PCI to Local Bus/1553 Interface HEB Housekeeping Data Acquisition HEB & AEB Image Stabilization Subsystem HEB Mechanism & Heater Controllers HEB & AEB CCD Camera Interface Data Compressor/High Rate Interface HMI Oven Controller HEB Electronics Box Level 5 SDO HMI/AIA CEB User Interface (Camera ICD) Software Requirements Specifications HMI & AIA SUROM HMI & AIA Kernel HMI Software

5 Key Requirements, Verification
Parameter Requirement Verif. Method Level of Assembly Central wavelength Å ± 0.1 Å (Fe I line) T, An P, A, S, I Filter bandwidth 76 mÅ ± 10 mÅ fwhm T A, S, I Filter tuning range 680 mÅ ± 68 mÅ S, I Central wavelength drift < 10 mÅ during any 1 hour period Field of view > 2000 arc-seconds I Angular resolution better than 1.5 arc-seconds Focus adjustment range ± 4 depths of focus Pointing jitter reduction factor > 40db with servo bandwidth > 30 Hz Image stabilization offset range > ± 14 arc-seconds in pitch and yaw S Pointing adjustment range > ± 200 arc-seconds in pitch and yaw Pointing adjustment step size < 2 arc-seconds in pitch and yaw Dopplergram cadence < 50 seconds Image cadence for each camera < 4 seconds Full image readout rate < 3.2 seconds Exposure knowledge < 5 microseconds Timing accuracy < 0.1 seconds of ground reference time Detector format > 4000 x 4000 pixels P Detector resolution 0.50 ± 0.01 arc-second / pixel Science telemetry compression To fit without loss in allocated telemetry Eclipse recovery < 60 minutes after eclipse end Instrument design lifetime 5 years at geosynchronous orbit A, M Verif. Method T Test In Inspection D Demonstration An Analysis Level of Assembly M Model P Part A Assembly S Subsystem I Instrument

6 Optical Alignment Error Budget
Tilt about X Tilt about Y Tilt about Z X Offset Y Offset Z Offset Primary Lens NA ±3.6 arcmin ±0.1 mm Secondary Lens ±2.4 arcmin ISS Mirror TBD ±0.2 mm ISS Beamsplitter ±1 arcmin Telecentric Lens ±60 arcmin ±0.25 mm ±1 mm Lyot Filter ±30 arcmin ±5 arcmin ±0.3 mm ±0.15 mm Wideband Michelson ±10 arcmin Narrowband Michelson ±9 arcmin Relay Lens 1 ±0.4 mm ±0.5 mm Relay Lens 2 ±20 arcmin BDS Beamsplitter ±4 arcmin Fold Mirror ±0.5 arcmin CCD Fold Mirror ±2 arcmin *All specifications given in the Observatory coordinate system. Driving tolerances

7 Optical Performance: Monte Carlo Simulation
Monte Carlo simulations include all errors from error budget and optics specification tolerances (195 line items in Zemax). Zemax assigns random errors on each tolerance using a modified normal distribution, where the the maximum tolerance is set to ±2 standard deviations. 100 Monte Carlo cases with 9 field positions each. Average RMS spot size is 6.9 µm ± 2.0 µm 100 Monte Carlo cases, including both X and Y boresight errors. Average boresight error is 0.1 mm ± 1.1 mm in each direction

8 Thermal Performance Margins
Thermal design margin between worst-case temperature predictions and the Mission Allowable Temperatures (MAT) is 5°C, with a goal of 10°C. For those components that are actively controlled by heaters, a 0°C margin is allowed between worst-case predictions and minimum MAT. A 25% control authority margin in the heater size is required by the HMI to SDO ICD. Additional margin is included within the assumptions that define the worst-case analysis.

9 Mechanical Design Requirements
Mechanical design requirements are specified in 464-MECH-REQ-0007 The instrument optics package and electronics box shall survive limit loads of 10 G’s in any direction (limit load accounts for static and low frequency dynamic loading only). The instrument optics package and electronics box shall have a minimum frequency of greater than 50 Hz.

10 Mass and Power Resources
Basic Mass (kg) HMI Electronics Box 18.20 HMI Optics Package 42.65 Harness 10.93 Total 71.78 HOP HEB X Y Z Power Estimated Power (W) Allocated Power (W) Nominal / Operations Mode 95.0 111 Eclipse Mode 109.2 122 Orbit Raising Mode 67 NA Launch Mode

11 Volume Resources HMI volume allocations are documented in:
HOP Mechanical Interface Drawing (2H00019) HEB Mechanical Interface Drawing (2H00135) HMI harness fabrication and routing defined in HMI-to-SC ICD sections 3.7.4, 5.1.2, and (464-HMI-ICD-0002) Harness to be fabricated by HMI and fit-checked on SDO-provided spacecraft mockup.

12 ICD Status The SC-to-HMI ICD (464-HMI-ICD-0002) is approved for release as Rev. A. Section 70 (I&T) is the only unreleased section. A complete list of open items (TBRs/TBDs) is given in the backup charts. Unresolved requirements pending HMI action: Negotiate allocation and placement of Observatory flight thermistors on the IM bench that serving as the HMI OP interface telemetry. Determine number of non-flight feed through plugs and connectors provided by SDO to HMI. Cost vs. spare issue being worked at the programmatic level. Negotiate access requirements for contamination witness samples. Witness samples are only required for major operations such as bakeout and thermal vacuum testing; access requirements will be documented in the HMI CCP by January 2005. A number of implementation details (non-requirements) are unresolved. Document HMI operational constraints in each Observatory control mode. All open items are expected to be resolved by the next HMI Interface Working Group, planned for January 2005.

13 Verification Approach
The HMI Verification Program demonstrates compliance to requirements at the integrated instrument level Verification will show that the instrument is capable of producing the measurements required to realize the science requirements. Requirements are verified at lowest level of assembly practical for those items where risk is considered high. Demonstrate compliance to environmental requirements by test at the integrated instrument level: Vibration, Acoustics, Shock, TB/TV, EMC Each requirement is verified by test, inspection, demonstration, or when these are not feasible, by analysis. Tests at the part, sub-assembly, and assembly level will be performed to gain confidence that the integrated instrument will perform as required. Instrument level tests will demonstrate integrated optical, mechanical, electrical, and sensor performance using solar and synthetic targets. HMI is a protoflight program, with prototype testing of selected developmental elements to verify higher risk aspects of the HMI design: Structural model optics package with prototype leg alignment and door mechanisms for acoustic, sine vibration, random vibration, and limited functional testing (door and alignment mechanism). Shock testing waived, due to negligible levels at instruments. Mechanism life testing for the heavily used shutters and hollow-core motors. Filter oven ETU to test temperature controller, gradients, thermal response. CCD and Camera Development Models. Michelson ETU. Support integrated spacecraft level testing at GSFC

14 Verification Matrix The HMI Verification Matrix is part of the HMI Performance Verification Plan. HMI functionality and performance will be verified against the following requirements: HMI Instrument Performance Document (SU HMI-S013) HMI Contract Performance Specification (464-HMI-SPEC-0047) HMI-to-SC ICD (464-HMI-ICD-0002) SDO 1553 Bus ICD (464-FSW-ICD-0005) SDO High Speed Bus ICD (464-CDH-ICD-0012) SDO Pointing, Jitter, and Alignment Budget (464-SYS-SPEC-0009) SDO CCSDS Implementation Document (464-SYS-SPEC-0033) SDO Timing ICD (464-CDH-ICD-0057) Mission Requirements Document (464-SYS-REQ-0004) The Verification Matrix is an Excel spreadsheet containing the following: Requirement document, number, and title Parent/child requirements for traceability. Type of verification to be performed at each level Analysis, inspection, demonstration, and/or test Level at which verification is performed Level of Assembly (part, assembly, subsystem, instrument, model) Instrument level (system analysis, environmental test, functional test, vibration test, EMC/EMI test, comprehensive performance test) The Level 5 Requirements Documents have a similar verification matrix that is maintained by the subsystem teams

15 Verification By Test Flight hardware will undergo full-up operational performance tests in a vacuum chamber and with sunlight from a heliostat, simulating on-orbit operations as much as practical. Environmental testing and sunlight calibration will be performed at LMSAL using existing facilities. The test program also includes use of a non-mobile dye laser to perform some special calibrations at LMSAL. Throughout the test program, both at LMSAL and GSFC, a visible light stimulus telescope will be used to test various aspects of the HMI instrument both in laboratory conditions and during thermal vacuum testing (GSFC TV test with stim-tel TBD). The SM and Spacecraft Simulator will be used to show compliance to interfaces and resource limitations

16 Verification by Analysis
Those requirements that are impractical to verify by test are verified by analysis or a combination of test and analysis: Central wavelength/wavelength drift Jitter reduction Timing accuracy Eclipse recovery Design lifetime Radiation

17 HMI PDR Action Item Status
No. Originator Action Status 1 S. Scott Determine the observatory alignment reference for HMI. Closed 2 Waluschka Quantify reflectivity of front window as a function of solar angle and time. 3 J. Schepis Thermal design needs to show positive temperature margins. 4 R. Chalmers Provide table of assumed BOL/EOL thermal/optical absorptance and emittance properties for all thermally significant surfaces of thermal model. 5 M. Roberto Could a single bearing failure prevent the aperture door from opening? 6 C. Rice Show orbital temperature variations for the case where the earth has maximum angle above the top radiating surface of HMI. 7 Define torque margin requirement for all mechanisms. 8 Perform a Ball-Pass Analysis on all long life mechanisms. 9 Obtain a realistic schedule for availability of the Actel RTAX2000S 10 Provide details of mechanism commands, control algorithms, failure detection/correction and margins. 11 Provide a complete list of current housekeeping telemetry points. 12 Provide detailed schedules for flight software & electronics box. 13 Provide a detailed, integrated HMI project schedule. 14 T. Cygnarowicz Update Environmental Test Matrix to show all subsystems. 15 J. Srour Identify the risks associated with the CEB ASICS, along with the risk mitigation strategies. 16 Clarify charge transfer efficiency BOL and EOL requirements, and determine the EOL displacement damage dose deposited at the CCD

18 HMI PDR Action Item Status
No. Originator Action Status 17 S. Graham Provide the instrument grounding requirements verification plan. Closed 18 Determine the Spacewire interface requirements. 19 S. Scott Describe what is being done for worst-case circuit analysis (WCCA). 20 R. Chalmers Revise instrument verification and test plan to include at least 8 thermal vacuum cycles. 21 Define requirements for shielding of ‘Flex Cables’ between CCD assemblies and CEBs. 22 Incorporate series redundant thermostats in survival heater circuits to protect against failed 'on' condition. 23 Waluschka Get the thin-film prescriptions on all of the optical surfaces along with the thickness' of all of the various layers and the n(λ)+ik(λ) at the relevant wavelengths. Incorporate into an end-to-end polarization ray trace model. 24 J. Schepis Add Mechanism LED/Photodiode pairs to the FMEA for analysis. 25 Verify Aperture door mechanism ability to maintain front window cleanliness to class 300A, through launch. 26 Incorporate plans to perform component-level thermal analysis of HEB and CEBs to assess adequacy of their designs. 27 Investigate feasibility of adding redundancy to heaters via spare heater controller circuits in HMI electronics. 28 Provide a table summarizing the average power dissipation for each of the mechanisms for normal mission mode.

19 HMI Peer Reviews A series of HMI Peer Reviews have been held:
Focal Plane Assembly 14 Jul 2004 Electrical 30 Sep 2004 HOP 6-7 Oct 2004 Flight Software 19 Oct 2004 I&T 29 Oct 2004 Action Items from the reviews have been recorded and tracked, and each CDR presenter will give their action items closure status. Peer Review Purpose Identify and remove defects early and efficiently. Verify that designs are internally consistent as well as consistent with external requirements, design constraints, design standards, etc. Verify that designs are internally consistent as well as consistent with external requirements such as higher level and interface requirements, design constraints, design standards, etc. Peer Review Objectives Assess and provide assurance that the design will meet the performance and contractual requirements. Identify technical risk issues and concerns for action by the Risk Management Board. Provide technological assistance to design engineering in the development of designs and reduction of risks. Evaluate the progress and adequacy of the designs.

20 Backup Charts

21 Outstanding ICD TBDs/TBRs – Requirements (1 of 2)
Item Summary Sections 1&2: Introduction & Documentation HMI_TBD_2.1 Revision and dates for SDO Installation Drawings HMI_TBR_2.3 Project approval of external surface grounding requirement for HMI optics Section 3: Mechanical Requirements HMI_TBR_3.8.3, 3.8.4 SDO Alignment Budget requirements to be resolved. Can be closed when the PJAB is baselined. Section 4: Thermal Requirements HMI_TBR_4.2.1a SDO maintained temperature range of Instrument Module. TBR remains until SDO completes analysis of IM with inserts. Current range probably over drives the thermal testing. HMI_TBR_4.2.1b, c Allowed IM temperature delta and rate of change 60 minutes after eclipse exit as measured adjacent to the HOP mounting interface HMI_TBR_ Minimum equivalent sink temperature for the HMI CCD radiators during cold survival condition. HMI_TBR_4.4.3 Observatory flight thermistors on the IM bench also serving as the HMI OP interface telemetry. SDO and HMI to negotiate the allocation and placement of thermistors following completion of updated IM STOP analysis. HMI_TBR_ Instrument OP survival heater sizing Section 5: Electrical Requirements HMI_TBR_5.1.4 Number of non-flight feed through plugs and connectors provided by SDO to HMI HMI_TBD_ a, b, c PRT temperature and voltage range HMI_TBD_5.4.2 HOP interface for installing the ground strap HMI_TBR_5.8.3a, b Atlas V S-Band and C-Band RS Test Level

22 Outstanding ICD TBDs/TBRs – Requirements (2 of 2)
Item Summary Section 6: C&DH Requirements HMI_TBD_6.1.6 Instrument command requirements for high-speed bus synchronization. Possible closure with pointer to HSB ICD. HMI_TBD_6.2.7 Spacecraft monitored instrument temperature sensor telemetry rates and filtering. HMI_TBD_6.2.10 Instrument telemetry requirements for high-speed bus synchronization. Possible closure with pointer to HSB ICD. HMI_TBD_6.3.3 Recommended time delay before instruments should take precautions for missing 1553 time broadcast. HMI_TBD_6.6 Instrument HSB state machine requirements for high-speed bus synchronization. Possible closure with pointer to HSB ICD. Section 8: GN&C Requirements HMI_TBD_8.2.1 Allowable HMI Torque values HMI_TBR_8.5 HMI document reference for operational constraints in each Observatory control mode Section 9: Contamination Requirements HMI_TBR_9.2a BOL molecular flux condensing on HMI entrance filter value. To be updated based on SDO analysis. HMI_TBR_9.2b EOL molecular deposition from Observatory condensing on HMI entrance filter. To be updated based on HMI analysis. HMI_TBD_9.11 Section reference in HMI CCP for access requirement (timing and orientation) for swap-out of instrument witness samples HMI_TBD_9.13 Launch site contam plan section for containers, packaging, and environment cleanliness requirements Section 10: Environments HMI_TBD_10.3 Micrometeoroid environment HMI_TBD_10.4 Space debris environment

23 Outstanding ICD TBDs/TBRs – Implementation (1 of 2)
Item Summary Section 40: Thermal Implementation HMI_TBD_40.6.1 Thermal model formal delivery information HMI_TBD_40.7.1, , HOP, HEB, and CEB heater circuits tables Section 50: Electrical Implementation HMI_TBD_ a, a, a SSPC DDC RP-2100 series device? HMI_TBD_ b, c, b, c, b, c Main power, decontamination heater power, and survival heater power under- and over-voltage set points HMI_TBD_ d HEB power circuit Interface figure HMI_TBD_ d Decontamination heater interface figure HMI_TBD_ d Survival heater interface figure HMI_TBD_ a, b, c, d Thermistor interface implementation HMI_TBD_ a, b, c, d, e, f PRT interface implementation HMI_TBD_50.5.4 HSB bus interface figure HMI_TBD_50.5.5a, b Grounding strap interface implementation HMI_TBD_50.5.6 Test connector HMI_TBD_50.5.7 Intra-instrument harness table HMI_TBD_ a Panel feed-through connector in-line capacitive filter HMI_TBD_ b Electrical Bulkhead Connector List, external connector part numbers HMI_TBD_50.5.8 Filter Adapter Definition Tables for each Connector ID

24 Outstanding ICD TBDs/TBRs – Implementation (2 of 2)
Item Summary Section 60: C&DH Implementation HMI_TBD_ HMI critical command APID / function codes HMI_TBD_ a Power-off time for load-shed warning INC HMI_TBD_ b Sun off-point angle criteria for INC HMI_TBD_ Document reference for INC implementation triggers and algorithms HMI_TBR_60.6.2 Reference document for additional details on telemetry filtering HMI_TBR_ Document reference for diagnostic telemetry channel coordination Section 70: Integration & Test HMI_TBD_70.2.2 Form used to transfer HMI to the government HMI_TBD_70.6.1 Document numbers for HEB and HOP shipping containers HMI_TBD_70.6.2 Document numbers for HEB and HOP lifting fixtures HMI_TBD_ a Document number for installation and removal of non-flight covers HMI_TBD_ b Drawing number for CEB and CCD radiator covers HMI_TBD_ Drawing number for alignment cube covers HMI_TBD_ Sketches of the HMI alignment system HMI_TBD_ Document for data analysis system connection protocol HMI_TBD_ General HMI I&T flow diagram

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