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Birdsong By Sebastian Faulks Language Paper 1 Section A.

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1 Birdsong By Sebastian Faulks Language Paper 1 Section A

2 Set in the trenches of the First World War, this passage describes how a group of British soldiers and miners take advantage of a break in the action to venture into no man’s land and bring back the bodies of their colleagues who have been killed.


4 From the routine conversation that opens this passage, the writing moves on to present the horror of dealing with the bodies of dead soldiers. How do the men react? How did you respond when reading it? Weir says that his father would say that the soldiers were all “doing their bit.” How does this make him feel? Why was Stephen more frightened by the thought that one of those men was going to be alive? Explain why Brennan says at the end of the chapter that he feels better, even though one of the dead soldiers was his brother. First Reponses

5 Pair A: Comment on the writer’s presentation of the weather and the natural world alongside a scene of such horror. Where does he identify beauty? Pair B: What is the effect of the description of the rat and crow in the scene? Pair C: How does the passage show normal human interaction and compassion in the presence of horror and suffering? Pair D: Explain your response to the closing sentence of the chapter. Paired Work

6 AO1 • Identify and interpret explicit and implicit information and ideas. • Select and synthesise evidence from different texts. Sample Question 1: Re-read lines 1-15 of the source. List four things from this part of the source about Ellis. [4 marks] A B C D

7 Peer-assessment: Include a mark out of 4, as well as WWW and EBI.
AO1 • Identify and interpret explicit and implicit information and ideas. • Select and synthesise evidence from different texts. Sample Question 1: Re-read lines 1-15 of the source. List four things from this part of the source about Ellis. [4 marks] Responses must be drawn from lines 1-15 of the source. Responses must be true statements from the extract. Responses must relate to the character, Ellis. Candidate may quote or paraphrase – each is acceptable. A paraphrased response covering more than one point should be credited for each point made. Peer-assessment: Include a mark out of 4, as well as WWW and EBI.

8 AO2 Explain, comment on and analyse how writers use language and structure to achieve effects and influence readers, using relevant subjects terminology to support their views. Sample Question 2: Re-read lines of the source. This question assesses Language i.e. Words / Phrases / Language Features / Language Techniques / Sentence Forms How does the writer use language to describe the experience of collecting the bodies? You could include the writer’s choice of: • words and phrases • language features and techniques • sentence forms. [8 marks] ? Spend 10 minutes planning your answer to this question.

9 Shows detailed and perceptive understanding of language
AO2 Explain, comment on and analyse how writers use language and structure to achieve effects and influence readers, using relevant subjects terminology to support their views. How does the writer use language to describe the experience of collecting the bodies? Level 4 Perceptive, Detailed 7-8 marks Shows detailed and perceptive understanding of language • Analyses the effects of the writer’s choices of language • Selects a range of judicious quotations • Uses sophisticated subject terminology accurately Level 3 Clear, relevant 5-6 marks Shows clear understanding of language • Clearly explains the effects of the writer’s choices of language • Selects a range of relevant quotations • Uses subject terminology accurately Level 2 Some, attempts 3-4 marks Shows some understanding of language • Attempts to comment on the effect of language • Selects some relevant quotations • Uses some subject terminology, not always appropriately Level 1 Simple, limited 1-2 marks • Offers simple comment on effect of language • Simple references or textual details • Simple mention of subject terminology

10 Q W E R T Y QUESTION - link your answer to the focus of the task
WRITER - remember that the characters only do what the writer makes them do! EVIDENCE - Use quotations from the text READER - what effect do the events/ issues have on the reader? TECHNIQUES - language/ structure YOUR RESPONSE - explore your own ideas/ your reaction to the text

11 Shows detailed and perceptive understanding of language
AO2 Explain, comment on and analyse how writers use language and structure to achieve effects and influence readers, using relevant subjects terminology to support their views. How does the writer use language to describe the experience of collecting the bodies? Level 4 Perceptive, Detailed 7-8 marks Shows detailed and perceptive understanding of language • Analyses the effects of the writer’s choices of language • Selects a range of judicious quotations • Uses sophisticated subject terminology accurately Level 3 Clear, relevant 5-6 marks Shows clear understanding of language • Clearly explains the effects of the writer’s choices of language • Selects a range of relevant quotations • Uses subject terminology accurately Level 2 Some, attempts 3-4 marks Shows some understanding of language • Attempts to comment on the effect of language • Selects some relevant quotations • Uses some subject terminology, not always appropriately Level 1 Simple, limited 1-2 marks • Offers simple comment on effect of language • Simple references or textual details • Simple mention of subject terminology

12 AO1 • Identify and interpret explicit and implicit information and ideas. • Select and synthesise evidence from different texts. WWW: EBI: AO2 Explain, comment on and analyse how writers use language and structure to achieve effects and influence readers, using relevant subjects terminology to support their views. WWW: EBI:

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