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Cargo Airplane Challenge

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1 Cargo Airplane Challenge
Engineering Design

2 Electric Cargo Airplane
Students design and build an electric cargo airplane that carries the maximum amount of payload Grade Levels: 6-8 and 9-12 Contact: Mr. Tom Milnes JHU Applied Physics Lab

3 Engineering Design Process
Identify the Problem Identify Criteria and Constraints Brainstorm Possible Solutions Generate Ideas Explore Possibilities Select an Approach Build a Model or Prototype Refine the Design NASA Engineering Design Process for Secondary Students

4 Identify the Problem Design and construct an electric powered cargo airplane. Teams are responsible for building wings, fuselage, landing gear, and cargo. Airplane will be weighed after flying without cargo and then again after flying with cargo. Goal is to carry as much cargo as possible.

5 Identify Criteria… Written Report (20 points) Oral Report (20 points) Design & Construction (30 points) Performance Demonstration (30 points)

6 … and Constraints Length, width, and height all < 3 ft.
Specified motor (Kelvin #850647). Provided propeller or substitute own. Power Pole and transformer. Tether—10 ft. to motor. No lighter-than-air devices or commercial kits. Judges may modify as needed to ensure a fair competition

7 Brainstorm, Generate, Explore, Select
STEM involved in this challenge History of flight Parts of an airplane (see glossary) Forces on an airplane (lift, weight, thrust, drag) Basic airfoils Angle of attack and stall Wing geometry (span, chord, area, aspect ratio, taper ratio) for rectangle, ellipse, & trapezoid.

8 The Four Forces on an Airplane
The lift (L) of the wing overcomes the weight (W) of the airplane. In level flight L=W. If L>W then climb. If L<W then descend. Rearward force of drag (D) is a byproduct of lift and is overcome by the thrust (T) of the propeller. In most airplanes, thrust is much less than weight, i.e. T/W<<1 and L/D>>1 In our case 1 ounce of thrust can easily power an 6-ounce airplane.

9 STEM—Basic Airfoils

10 STEM—Basic Airfoils

11 STEM—Basic Airfoils

12 STEM—Basic Airfoils

13 STEM—Basic Airfoils

14 STEM—Basic Airfoils

15 STEM—Basic Airfoils

16 STEM—Basic Airfoils

17 STEM—Basic Airfoils

18 STEM—Basic Airfoils

19 STEM—Basic Airfoils

20 STEM—Basic Airfoils

21 STEM—Basic Airfoils

22 STEM—Basic Airfoils

23 STEM—Basic Airfoils

24 STEM—Basic Airfoils

25 STEM—Basic Airfoils

26 STEM—Angle of attack (α) and Stall
α is the angle between the wing and the incoming air. When the angle of attack is too big (>≈12°) the wing stalls; Airflow detaches from top surface → eddies drag increases, lift is lost airplane slows down and stops flying.

27 STEM—Wing Geometry for Rectangle
On real wings (with roots and tips) air flows around the tip from high pressure to low pressure. As a result, there is no lift at the tip and the most lift at the root. • Rectangular wings are easy to build, but they are not very efficient since area near the wing tip does little work.

28 STEM—Wing Geometry for Ellipse
Elliptical wings use area in the theoretically most efficient way, but are hardest to build.

29 STEM—Wing Geometry for Trapezoid
Trapezoidal wings are almost as efficient as ellipses but easier to build.

30 Aircraft Controls Rudder controls yaw (right or left)
Ailerons are used to turn Flaps add lift for takeoff and landing Throttle controls rate of climb Elevator controls airspeed You can also adjust Balance Angle of Incidence

31 Build a Model or Prototype
Design Main Wing—You Pick Span (b) (cannot be more than 36 inches) Planform shape (rectangle, ellipse, trapezoid, or some combination or other shape) Chord (c), or Ct and Cr, or Cr and Taper Ratio Airfoil shape Material and construction method

32 Build a Model or Prototype
Design, cut, and shape horizontal stabilizer/elevator vertical stabilizer/rudder. Landing gear (wheels, wire, aluminum strip). Drill hole in fuselage Attach landing gear and motor mount. Solder 18 inch leads to motor and add propeller Construct the main wing.

33 Test it—The Leader Board
Fly M-T. Balance Elevator Fly with Cargo Add at center of balance 3 laps or 2 minutes

34 Refine the Design Add cargo weight and try to fly with new cargo
Modifying (e.g. reshape or add flaps) Design and construct an entirely new wing Modify the fuselage/landing gear/empennage Try a different propeller Keep improving and retesting until time runs out

35 Present your Results Oral Report Written Report
I have students sketch each wing and indicate Span Chord And calculate Area Aspect ratio Coefficient of Lift extension activity Time 3 laps Weigh plane Calculate wing area Calculate CL

36 “The Kit” Doesn’t Exist, But…
Item Cost Motor $ 0.85 Propeller $ 0.75 Landing Gear Wheels Fuselage $ 0.44 18” of Wire $ 0.45 Tray for Tail $ 0.07 Motor Clip with 6/32 Machine Screw and Nut $ 0.70 Thin Wire for Landing Gear $ 0.22 ¾” x 8” 21-Gage Aluminum Strip for Landing Gear $ 0.56 Coffee Stirrer and Rubber Band $ 0.02 6” x 36” Pink Foam Blank $ 0.95 Total $ 5.76 Add Sand Paper, Weights, More Pink Foam, etc. $ 9.79

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