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The Particle Theory of Matter

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1 The Particle Theory of Matter
The 5 Particle Theory Rules Matter review Pure Substances Elements & Compounds Mixtures Homogeneous & Heterogeneous

2 The Particle Theory

3 1. All matter is composed of particles.
These particles are the smallest pieces of matter that identify a substance If you take a substance and break it into successively smaller pieces, eventually you come to the smallest piece…a particle

4 2. The particles of one substance are the same
2. The particles of one substance are the same. The particles of different substances are different. Gold particles are all the same and are different from silver particles

5 3. There are attractive forces between particles.
The closer particles are to each other, the stronger the force This is why substances like solids, with particles so strongly attracted to each other, are more rigid and typically more dense than liquids or gases

6 4. Particles are always moving.
Regardless of whether or not a substance appears to be still, the particles that make it up are moving In theory, when this movement stops, a substance has reached its lowest possible temperature (absolute zero…-273oC)

7 5. The more energy particles have, the faster they move and the higher their temperature.
This movement is called heat or heat energy Temperature is a measurement of the speed of the particles. Higher temperature = more speed

8 If energy is added or taken away, the substance can change its state
(solid  liquid, etc.)

9 These Particles are the Building Blocks of all Matter
The combination of these particles (atoms) leads to the formation of every substance on Earth!!

10 Classification of Matter
Scientists classify objects to help organize the vast information found in science Think of music stores, libraries, grocery stores, and department stores.

11 Classification of Matter
All matter in the universe can be classified into 2 basic categories Mixtures Pure substances

12 Mixtures Homogeneous (Solutions) Heterogeneous (Mechanical Mixtures)

13 Mixtures Matter that consists of two or more substances mixed together, but not chemically combined or bonded. Examples: concrete, sea water, a bag full of different coloured marbles.

14 Mixtures Mixtures can be Homogenous or Heterogeneous
Homogeneous mixtures have identical properties throughout. It has ONE PHASE – looks like one thing Examples include salt water, water and sugar, & milk.

15 Heterogeneous Mixtures
Heterogeneous mixtures have different properties at different locations throughout. It has TWO PHASES – looks like two different things Examples include: granite, Oh Henry!, Pizza, Italian Salad Dressing, Nestle Crunch.


17 Pure Substance Elements Compounds

18 Pure Substance Matter that consists of one substance either chemically mixed together or on its own Examples: Carbon Dioxide, Oxygen

19 Elements When only 1 substance makes up an object, it is a pure substance (the same throughout). Elements are the simplest pure substances. They cannot be chemically altered into smaller substances. The smallest part of an element that still possesses the properties of the element is an ATOM.

20 Periodic Table The Periodic Table is a key to all the elements on Earth. Each element has a Chemical Symbol The 1st letter is capitalized; the 2nd is not. Ex. Au - Gold Ag - Silver Zn - Zinc

21 Compounds Pure substances that are made up of more than 1 element are called compounds Ex. CO2, BaCl, H2, etc. Pure substances are not always single elements Water: H2O: H and O Salt: NaCl: Na and Cl

22 The properties of a compound
The properties of a compound are different than if the elements were separate. Ex. SALT: NaCl Na: Sodium is a metal that is explosive in water Cl: A green, poisonous gas. However, we use these two elements together on our food daily. +


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