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Etiology of Acute Kidney Injury in Neonates

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1 Etiology of Acute Kidney Injury in Neonates
9th International pCRRT Conference on Pediatric Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy August 31-September 2, 2017 Etiology of Acute Kidney Injury in Neonates Jordan M. Symons, MD University of Washington School of Medicine Seattle Children’s Hospital Seattle, WA

2 AKI: Definition and Diagnosis
Abrupt reduction in GFR Differential diagnosis includes: Pre-renal Volume depletion; cardiac dysfunction Renal Vascular; glomerular; tubular; interstitial Post-renal Obstruction Complex, multi-factorial physiology

3 Neonatal AKI: Special Challenges
Specific stresses unique to the neonate Different renal physiology in newborn Risks associated with neonatal illness and its treatment Low birth weight; fluid loss; infection; drugs Our ignorance of details in neonatal AKI Do we really know which babies have AKI?

4 Neonatal Physiology with Implications for the Kidney

5 Development Has an Effect on Renal Function
Human nephrogenesis is complete by weeks gestation Nephron maturation continues after birth GFR low in newborn; increases with time Different renal function depending on gestational age, postnatal age, development, clinical scenario

6 GFR is Low in the Newborn
Transition to post-natal status favors flow to lungs High renal resistance at birth Even lower GFR in preterm infant

7 Delayed Renal Stabilization in Preterms
Not in steady state

8 GFR is Low in the Newborn
Premature Infant Term Infant

9 Tubular Function is Immature in the Newborn
Na+ Immature isoforms of multiple channels Reduced function of Na/K ATPase Lower tubular surface area Diuresis is normal and expected after birth Risk for more tubular dysfunction with stress Greater Sodium Losses Na+

10 Neonatal Water Balance is Different
Immature tubule Diminished aquaporin function Normal excretion ability Lower capacity to retain free water Concentrating capacity improves with development Risk for greater water loss with illness, prematurity

11 Transepidermal Water Loss
Preterm insensible loss is higher Skin, respiratory tract 15x higher in preterm compared to term Highest immediately after birth Clinical maneuvers to limit water loss Closed incubator Humidification Skin care

12 Water Loss by Gestational Age and Chronological Age
Hartnoll, Sem Neonatol, 2003(8):

13 Neonatal Renal Risks from Clinical Conditions

14 Risk Factors for Neonatal AKI
Very low birthweight Congenital Heart Dz Cardiac bypass ECMO The depressed or asphyxiated infant Renal anomalies (CAKUT) Hypotension or hypoperfusion Infection/sepsis Drugs Umbilical catheterization Multi-organ disease

15 We have known this for a while . . .

16 Perinatal Factors Associated with AKI

17 AKI After Congenital Heart Surgery
430 infants <90 days (median 7d) 34w – term Median weight 3.1kg Heart surgery for congenital defects Blinder et al. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2012

18 AKI After Congenital Heart Surgery
PostOp AKI: N=225 Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Blinder et al. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2012

19 Neonatal AKI from Nephrotoxin Exposure
107 VLBW infants over 1 year ( ) 93 (87%) exposed to at least one nephrotoxic medication Mean number of meds: 1.64 Median number of meds: 2 AKI rate in study: 28/107 (26%) All were exposed to nephrotoxic meds; those without nephrotoxins did not get AKI Rhone et al. J Matern Fetal Neo Med 2014

20 ECMO and Neonatal AKI ECMO patients particularly prone to AKI
Critically ill Inflammatory response with ECMO High rates of AKI Zwiers (Crit Care 2013): 64% AKI Gadepalli (J Pediatr Surg 2011): 71% AKI

21 Physiology AKI Illness Interventions Prematurity

22 Etiology AKI in Neonates: Summary
Neonatal AKI has become more common with advancing critical care Numerous factors contribute Physiology, development, illness, therapies Certain neonates are at increased risk High index of suspicion is needed

23 Thank You for Your Attention!

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