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Origin of Neutrino Mass
Hitoshi Murayama (UC Berkeley) Neutrinos in Cosmology, in Astro, Particle and Nuclear Physics Erice, 17th September, 2005
Outline Introduction Implications of Neutrino Mass Seven Questions
Why do we exist? Models of Flavor Conclusion Erice 2005
Window to (way) high energy scales beyond the Standard Model!
The Question So much activity on neutrino mass already. Why are we doing this? Window to (way) high energy scales beyond the Standard Model! Erice 2005
Why Beyond the Standard Model
Standard Model is sooooo successful. But none of us are satisfied with the SM. Why? Because it leaves so many great questions unanswered Drive to go beyond the Standard Model Two ways: Go to high energies Study rare, tiny effects Erice 2005
Rare Effects from High-Energies
Effects of physics beyond the SM as effective operators Can be classified systematically (Weinberg) Erice 2005
Unique Role of Neutrino Mass
Lowest order effect of physics at short distances Tiny effect (mn/En)2~(eV/GeV)2=10–18! Inteferometry (i.e., Michaelson-Morley)! Need coherent source Need interference (i.e., large mixing angles) Need long baseline Nature was kind to provide all of them! “neutrino interferometry” (a.k.a. neutrino oscillation) a unique tool to study physics at very high scales Erice 2005
Ubiquitous Neutrinos Erice 2005
Sun as a neutrino source
SuperK image of the Sun Erice 2005
We don’t get enough We need survival probabilities of 8B: ~1/3
7Be: <1/3 pp: ~2/3 Can we get three numbers correctly with two parameters? Erice 2005
Year of Neutrino: 2002 March 2002 April 2002 with SNO Dec 2002
with KamLAND Erice 2005
Solar Neutrino Problem Finally Solved After 35 Years!
Historic Era in Neutrino Physics
We learned: Atmospheric nms are lost. P=4.2 10–26 (SK) converted most likely to nt Solar ne is converted to either nm or nt (SNO) Reactor anti-ne disappear and reappear (KamLAND) Only the LMA solution left for solar neutrinos Neutrinos have tiny but finite mass the first evidence for incompleteness of Minimal Standard Model Erice 2005
CP Violation Possible only if: Can we see CP violation?
Dm122, s12 large enough (LMA) q13 large enough Can we see CP violation? Erice 2005
Typical Theorists’ View ca. 1990
Solar neutrino solution must be small angle MSW solution because it’s cute Natural scale for Dm223 ~ 10–100 eV2 because it is cosmologically interesting Angle q23 must be ~ Vcb =0.04 Atmospheric neutrino anomaly must go away because it needs a large angle Wrong! Wrong! Wrong! Wrong! Erice 2005
Implications of Neutrino Mass
Neutrinos are Left-handed
Erice 2005
Neutrinos must be Massless
All neutrinos left-handed massless If they have mass, can’t go at speed of light. Now neutrino right-handed?? contradiction can’t be massive Erice 2005
Standard Model We have seen only left-handed neutrinos and right-handed anti-neutrinos (CPT) Neutrinos are strictly massless in the Standard Model Finite mass of neutrinos implies that the Standard Model is incomplete! Not just incomplete but probably a lot more profound Erice 2005
Mass Spectrum What do we do now? Erice 2005
Two ways to go (1) Dirac Neutrinos:
There are new particles, right-handed neutrinos, after all Why haven’t we seen them? Right-handed neutrino must be very very weakly coupled Why? Erice 2005
Extra Dimensions All charged particles are on a 3-brane
Right-handed neutrinos SM gauge singlet Can propagate in the “bulk” Makes neutrino mass small (Arkani-Hamed, Dimopoulos, Dvali, March-Russell; Dienes, Dudas, Gherghetta; Grossman, Neubert) mn ~ 1/R if one extra dim R~10mm An infinite tower of sterile neutrinos Or anomaly mediated SUSY breaking (Arkani-Hamed, Kaplan, HM, Nomura) Erice 2005
Two ways to go (2) Majorana Neutrinos:
There are no new light particles Why if I pass a neutrino and look back? Must be right-handed anti-neutrinos No fundamental distinction between neutrinos and anti-neutrinos! Erice 2005
Seesaw Mechanism Why is neutrino mass so small?
Need right-handed neutrinos to generate neutrino mass , but nR SM neutral To obtain m3~(Dm2atm)1/2, mD~mt, M3~1015GeV (GUT!) Erice 2005
Neutrino mass may be probing unification:
Grand Unification M3 electromagnetic, weak, and strong forces have very different strengths But their strengths become the same at 1016 GeV if supersymmetry To obtain m3~(Dm2atm)1/2, mD~mt M3~1015GeV! Neutrino mass may be probing unification: Einstein’s dream Erice 2005
Seven Questions
Three-generation Framework
Standard parameterization of MNS matrix for 3 generations atmospheric ??? solar Erice 2005
Three-generation Solar, reactor, atmospheric and K2K data easily accommodated within three generations sin22q23 near maximal Dm2atm ~ 2.510–3eV2 sin22q12 large Dm2solar ~810–5eV2 sin22q13=|Ue3|2< 0.05 from CHOOZ, Palo Verde Because of small sin22q13, solar (reactor) & atmospheric n oscillations almost decouple Maltoni et al, hep-ph/ Erice 2005
Six Seven Questions Dirac or Majorana? Absolute mass scale?
How small is q13? CP Violation? Mass hierarchy? Verify Oscillation? LSND? Sterile neutrino(s)? CPT violation? Erice 2005
KamLAND oscillation Now strong evidence that neutrinos do disappear and reappear (and again) Oscillation! Erice 2005
Neutrinoless Double-beta Decay
The only known practical approach to discriminate Majorana vs Dirac neutrinos 0nbb: nn ppe–e– with no neutrinos Matrix element <mne>=SimniUei2 Current limit |<mne>| ≤ about 1eV Erice 2005
Three Types of Mass Spectrum
Degenerate All three around >0.1eV with small splittings Laboratory limit: m<2.3eV May be confirmed by KATRIN, cosmology |<mne>|=|SimniUei2|>m cos22q12>0.07m Inverted m3~0, m1~m2~(Dm223)1/2≈0.05eV May be confirmed by long-baseline experiment with matter effect |<mne>|=|SimniUei2|>(Dm223)1/2 cos22q12>0.013eV (HM, Peña-Garay) Normal m1~m2~0, m3~(Dm223)1/2≈0.05eV |<mne>|=|SimniUei2| may be zero even if Majorana Erice 2005
Cosmological Limit CMB+LSS+Lyman a (Seljak et al, astro-ph/ ) : Si mi<0.42 eV, m1<0.13 eV (95% CL) Puts upper limit on the effective neutrino mass in the neutrinoless double beta decay (Pierce, HM) |<mne>|=|SimniUei2|<Simni |Uei2|<0.13eV Heidelberg-Moscow: |<mne>|=0.11–0.56 eV Reanalysis with Vogel’s MEs: |<mne>|=0.4–1.3 eV Erice 2005
Cosmology vs Laboratory
Global fit to the “World Data” indeed, tension between the Heidelberg-Moscow claim and cosmology Still subject to the uncertainties in nuclear matrix element (Bahcall, HM, Peña-Garay) Better data and theory needed! Lisi et al, hep-ph/ Erice 2005
Why do we exist? Matter Anti-matter Asymmetry
Erice 2005
Matter and Anti-Matter Early Universe
10,000,000,001 10,000,000,000 Matter Anti-matter Erice 2005
Matter and Anti-Matter Current Universe
us 1 Matter Anti-matter The Great Annihilation Erice 2005
Baryogenesis Gaussian scale-invariant fluctuation inflation
Initial condition wiped out What created this tiny excess matter? Necessary conditions for baryogenesis (Sakharov): Baryon number non-conservation CP violation (subtle difference between matter and anti-matter) Non-equilibrium G(DB>0) > G(DB<0) It looks like neutrinos have no role in this… Erice 2005
Electroweak Anomaly Actually, SM converts L (n) to B (quarks).
In Early Universe (T > 200GeV), W is massless and fluctuate in W plasma Energy levels for left-handed quarks/leptons fluctuate correspon-dingly DL=DQ=DQ=DQ=DB=1 D(B–L)=0 Erice 2005
Leptogenesis You generate Lepton Asymmetry first. (Fukugita, Yanagida)
Generate L from the direct CP violation in right-handed neutrino decay L gets converted to B via EW anomaly More matter than anti-matter We have survived “The Great Annihilation” Despite detailed information on neutrino masses, it still works! (e.g., Bari, Buchmüller, Plümacher)
Origin of Universe ~ R amplitude size of the universe
Maybe an even bigger role: inflation Need a spinless field that slowly rolls down the potential oscillates around it minimum decays to produce a thermal bath The superpartner of right-handed neutrino fits the bill When it decays, it produces the lepton asymmetry at the same time (HM, Suzuki, Yanagida, Yokoyama) Decay products: supersymmetry and hence dark matter Neutrino is mother of the Universe? amplitude size of the universe Erice 2005
Origin of the Universe Right-handed scalar neutrino: V=m2f2 ns=0.96
Detection possible in the near future Erice 2005
Can we prove it experimentally?
Unfortunately, no: it is difficult to reconstruct relevant CP-violating phases from neutrino data But: we will probably believe it if 0nbb found CP violation found in neutrino oscillation EW baryogenesis ruled out Archeological evidences Erice 2005
Models of Flavor
Question of Flavor What distinguishes different generations?
Same gauge quantum numbers, yet different Hierarchy with small mixings: Need some ordered structure Probably a hidden flavor quantum number Need flavor symmetry Flavor symmetry must allow top Yukawa Other Yukawas forbidden Small symmetry breaking generates small Yukawas Repeat Gell-Mann Okubo! Erice 2005
Broken Flavor Symmetry
Flavor quantum numbers (SU(5)-like): 10(Q, uR, eR) (+2, +1, 0) 5*(L, dR) (+1, +1, +1) Flavor symmetry broken by a VEV ~0.02 mu:mc:mt ~ md2:ms2:mb2 ~ me2:mm2:mt2 ~4: 2 :1 Erice 2005
Not bad! mb~ 3mt, ms ~ 3mm, md ~ 3me
mu:mc:mt ~ md2:ms2:mb2 ~ me2:mm2:mt2 Erice 2005
New Insight from Neutrinos
Neutrinos are already providing significant new information about flavor symmetries If LMA, all mixing except Ue3 large Two mass splittings not very different Atmospheric mixing maximal Any new symmetry or structure behind it? Erice 2005
Is There a Structure in Neutrino Masses & Mixings?
Monte Carlo random complex 33 matrices with seesaw mechanism (Hall, HM, Weiner; Haba, HM) Erice 2005
Anarchy Reasonable distributions from randomness
Underlying symmetries don’t distinguish 3 neutrinos. Flavor quantum numbers: 10(Q, uR, eR) (+2, +1, 0) 5*(L, dR) (+1, +1, +1) Inconceivable just a few years ago Erice 2005
q13 in Anarchy q13 cannot be too small if anarchy
How often can “large” angle fluctuate down to the CHOOZ limit? Kolmogorov–Smirnov test: 12% sin2 2q13>0.004 (3s) CP violation likely observable at long baseline experiment Erice 2005 (de Gouvêa, HM)
Anarchy is Peaceful Anarchy (Miriam-Webster):
“A utopian society of individuals who enjoy complete freedom without government” Peaceful ideology that neutrinos work together based on their good will Predicts large mixings, LMA, large CP violation sin22q13 just below the bound Ideal for superbeam, n-factory Pro-globalization! Erice 2005
Different Flavor Symmetries
Altarelli-Feruglio-Masina hep-ph/ Hall, HM, Weiner Sato, Yanagida Vissani Barbieri et al Erice 2005
Critical Measurements
sin2 2q23=1.000.01? Determines a need for a new symmetry to enforce the maximal mixing sin2 2q13<0.01? Determines if the flavor quantum number of electron is different from mu, tau Normal or inverted hierarchy? Most symmetries predict the normal hierarchy CP Violation? Plausibility test of leptogenesis Erice 2005
Large q23 and quarks Large mixing between nt and nm Make it SU(5) GUT
Then a large mixing between sR and bR Mixing among right-handed fields drop out from CKM matrix But mixing among superpartners physical O(1) effects on bs transition possible (Chang, Masiero, HM) Expect CP violation in neutrino sector especially if leptogenesis BsJ/y f Bdf Ks Erice 2005
More Fossils: Lepton Flavor Violation
Neutrino oscillation lepton family number is not conserved! Any tests using charged leptons? Top quark unified with leptons Slepton masses split in up- or neutrino-basis Causes lepton-flavor violation (Barbieri, Hall) predict B(tmg), B(meg), me at interesting (or too-large) levels Erice 2005
Dynamics behind flavor symmetry?
Once flavor symmetry structure identified (e.g., Gell-Man–Okubo), what is dynamics? (e.g., QCD) Supersymmetry: Anomalous U(1) gauge symmetry with Green-Schwarz mechanism Large Extra Dimensions: Fat brane with physically separated left- and right-handed particles Technicolor: New broken gauge symmetries at 100TeV scale Erice 2005
Conclusions Revolutions in neutrino physics
The solar neutrino problem solved! Small but finite neutrino mass: Probes physics beyond the standard model New insights into the origin of flavor Interesting interplay between neutrinos and cosmos Neutrino mass may be responsible for our existence Neutrinos may even be the origin of the universe A lot more to learn in the next few years Erice 2005
Erice 2005
Erice 2005
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