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Presentation on theme: "THE NEWBORN."— Presentation transcript:


2 Overview Newborn appearance Newborn procedures Newborn behaviour
5 senses Infant feeding: the first year Early childhood tooth decay

3 Newborn Appearance

4 Newborn Appearance Lanugo Dry Skin Edema/Bruising Milia Infant Acne
Newborn Rash

5 Newborn Appearance Jaundice Cold Hands and Feet
Stork Bites/Angel Kisses Mongolian Spots

6 Newborn Appearance Fontanels Molding Cradle Cap Cross-Eyed (Nystagmus)
Swelling of Breasts and Genitalia

7 Immediate Newborn Procedures 1:45
Suctioning Cutting of Cord APGAR Scores Immediate Newborn Procedures 1:45 Temperature

8 Newborn Procedures Vitamin K Injection Antibiotic Eye Drops
Weighing and Measuring

9 Newborn Procedures Newborn Screening Hearing Test

10 Newborn Behaviours Reflexes Moro or Startle Rooting Walking Sucking
Grasping Babinski Tonic Neck

11 Newborn Behaviours Sleep Breathing Sneezing Hiccups Spitting up

12 Newborn Senses Seeing Hearing Smell Taste Touch

13 Well Baby Clinic

14 True/False Breastfeeding Quiz
1. Nursing less than 5 minutes at a time prevents sore nipples 2. Just one bottle of formula can reduce the protective effect of breastfeeding 3. If a breastfeeding mother gets a cold or flu she should stop breastfeeding 4. Mothers need to measure the fluid they drink to ensure good milk supply 5. Babies who breastfeed past one year obtain a significant protection from disease 6. Breastfeeding can be used as an effective form of birth control

15 WHO and the Canadian and American Paediatric Societies
Exclusively breastfeeding for the first 6 months Breastmilk is important for infant health during the first 2 years and beyond

16 Breastmilk is the best food for your baby. Breastfeeding is a unique experience with each baby and it takes time to get it right.


18 Value Of Skin-to-Skin Contact
Improves breastfeeding Reduces infant crying Helps baby adjust heart rate & blood sugar Exposes baby to mom’s normal flora Regulates baby’s body temperature, heart rate, blood pressure and blood sugar Babies should be left skin to skin hours to encourage feeding



21 Introducing Foods Solid foods can be started once the baby is 6 months old and shows signs of readiness Start with single foods Extra iron is needed at around 6 months of age Fruits and vegetables can be introduced once baby is eating a variety of iron-rich foods

22 Use with Caution Honey should not be given to children under 1 year of age Foods that can cause allergies in children do not need to be avoided, but should be introduced with close observation Babies do not need juice; choose water instead to help prevent early childhood tooth decay

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