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Real time continuous sensor readings every 5 minutes

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2 Real time continuous sensor readings every 5 minutes
Can help you identify trends and patterns in your glucose levels Allows you to see where your glucose has been, which direction it is going and how fast it is rising or falling CGM provides benefits beyond the information you get from your meter Understanding your glucose trends may help you take action to help avoid high or low glucose values

3 Two different types of body fluids: interstitial fluid (Dexcom G5 Mobile) and blood (meter)
Readings can be different and still be considered accurate 80 mg/dL or less, plus or minus 20 points 80 mg/dL or more, plus or minus 20%

4 Once transmitter is snapped in shower/swim as normal.

5 Choose the display device(s) you want to receive your glucose information and alerts.
Your transmitter sends glucose information to your display device(s) using Bluetooth. To set up your G5 Mobile, first choose the display device(s) you want to receive your CGM data and Alarm/Alerts. You have three choices: RECEIVER Things to consider if choosing your receiver only: • Dexcom Share: Not available • Medical device: Built to ca pture your glucose data consistently. Use when you can’t take your phone. • Battery life: Two days SMART DEVICE Things to consider if choosing your smart device only: • Dexcom Share®*: Can send data to 5 people. • Battery life: Bluetooth and the Dexcom G5 Mobile app must always be on. You may need to recharge your smart device more often. BOTH Things to consider if choosing both devices: • Use your app during daily activities where you already take your smart device • Use your receiver during activities where your smart device may not be allowed (work or school) • You get Alarm/Alerts on both devices

6 To turn receiver on, press and hold the power button for two seconds, then wait 15 seconds for the loading screen to display. Press the power button quickly to wake it up


8 Transmitter SN Entering the transmitter SN makes it possible for the transmitter and receiver to talk to each other and share glucose information. The transmitter SN can be found on the back of the transmitter or on the back of the transmitter box. Low Alert (Set between mg/dL) When glucose is at or below the low alert setting, the device alerts High Alert (Set between mg/dL) When glucose is at or above the high alert setting, the device alerts.

9 You can choose your Alert profiles/sounds
You can choose your Alert profiles/sounds. The sound you choose will apply to all alerts (low and high). The default profile is Normal. To change go to Menu and tap Sounds Vibrate: Use when you want to be alerted by vibration instead of sound. Exception: The Urgent Low Glucose Alarm at 55 mg/dL will still make a sound. It will alert you by vibration first, followed by beeps 5 minutes later if not confirmed. Soft: Can be used when you want your alert to be discreet. This sets all Alarm/Alerts to lower volume beeps. Normal: This is the default profile and sets all the Alarm/Alerts to higher volume beeps. Attentive: Can be used when you want your alert to be noticeable. This sets all Alarm/Alerts to loud with distinctive melodies. HypoRepeat: Can be used when you want extra alerts for severe low sensor glucose readings. This profile will keep repeating the Urgent Low Glucose Alarm every 5 seconds until confirmed or until your reading rises above 55 mg/dL. Choose Try It to hear an example of your selected alert profile. NOTE: No matter what profile you set, all alerts will notify you by vibrating first. There will be no audible beep if you confirm the alert after the first vibration.

10 Sensor Applicator Parts
Note: Your applicator will be clear. Colors are for instructional purposes.

11 Clean sensor placement site with alcohol and let it dry
Clean sensor placement site with alcohol and let it dry. To help the sensor stick, you can use an optional adhesive like Skin Tac or Mastisol. Apply adhesive product in a “doughnut” shape where the sensor adhesive patch will be placed. The center of the doughnut should be free of adhesive products and is where the sensor will be inserted. Let the adhesive dry before inserting sensor.

12 Go over sensor insertion steps here.

13 Check your receiver 10 minutes after attaching your transmitter to make sure your receiver and transmitter are communicating. This can take up to 30 minutes. The Bluetooth symbol blinks while looking for a transmitter and turns solid when it is found. The orange circle shows where the Bluetooth symbol should be.

14 At this point in the receiver setup is when the sensor will be inserted and the transmitter attached. Once that has happened, the sensor can be started.

15 At the end of the 2-hour warm-up period, you will be prompted to enter 2 fingersticks

16 Calibration updates are required at least once every 12 hours
Calibration updates are required at least once every 12 hours. Enter update calibrations when prompted. Tap OK. Tap meter icon. Red badge means it is time to calibrate. Glucose readings may be inaccurate if calibration is less than every 12 hours.




20 When the receiver is plugged into charge, a Speaker Test screen appears. This can be used to test to make sure the receiver speaker and vibrations are working.

21 Login using existing Dexcom account (same as store) or create a new account. Once you log in, the app walks you through the setup wizard. The includes setting low and high alerts. Making sure Bluetooth is on. Entering your transmitter SN and the app will provide a video on how to insert your sensor and attach your transmitter. Once you have inserted your sensor and attached your transmitter, you will be prompted to pair your transmitter and start your 2-hour sensor warmup.

22 At the end of the 2-hour warm-up period, your app will alert you to enter your two BG meter values.

23 Calibration updates are required at least once every 12 hours.


25 If ringer is ON, volume is greater than zero, and do not disturb is OFF:
The first alert will sound at the volume set on the smart device If not cleared; the smart device will alert in increasing volume, every five minutes until alert is acknowledged. If ringer is OFF, volume is set to zero, or do not disturb is ON: The first alert will vibrate. The Signal Loss alert will always sound at the phone setting. This means that if the phone is muted, the Signal Loss Alert will not be audible. This is because the app is unable to control the phone’s volume for this alert. The patient can set Vibrate Only* as the sound for a glucose alert, that alert will always vibrate, regardless of phone settings. The first glucose alert will vibrate. If not cleared; the smart device will vibrate every five minutes until alert is acknowledged. *Not available on all smart devices. Vibrate-only is not available for the Urgent Low Glucose Alarm.

26 Your sensor automatically shuts off after 7 days
Your sensor automatically shuts off after 7 days. The app and receiver alert you at 6 hours, 2 hours, and 30 minutes before your sensor session ends.

27 Peel sensor and transmitter off the body together
Peel sensor and transmitter off the body together. Remove the transmitter from sensor pod. Keep your transmitter for use with your next sensor.

28 When using both the app and receiver at the same time, you should:
Enter BG meter value on only 1 device - When you enter a value into one device, the sensor glucose values may be different on the other display device until the transmitter shares the entered value. This could take up to 5 minutes. Change alerts and acknowledge alerts on each device separately

29 To get more info about any issue or error you see, in your app, tap the blue question mark. On your receiver, tap the black and white box with “Tap for more info.”

30 The Dexcom G5 Mobile has an automatic Low Glucose alarm set at 55 mg/dL. You cannot change or turn off this alarm or its re-alert settings.

31 The Dexcom G5 Mobile can be used to make diabetes treatment decisions such as treating for a low or dosing for a high, but only when a number and an arrow are shown. Use a meter any time a number and arrow are not seen.

32 Whether you’re new to Dexcom or experienced, you should keep using your meter to make treatment decisions until you know how Dexcom works for you. Don’t rush! It may take days, weeks or months for you to gain confidence in using your CGM to make treatment decisions. Confirm your glucose readings using your meter so you understand that the accuracy you experience with each newly inserted sensor may vary and that a sensor might work differently in different situations like after meals or exercise and during your first day of use. Then when you’re ready, you can start to make small treatment adjustments based on arrows. In some situations you may feel less confident in your readings (e.g. first day of your sensor or when your glucose is rapidly changing). When in doubt get your meter out.

33 Always use your meter if you have taken acetaminophen
Always use your meter if you have taken acetaminophen. Medications containing acetaminophen (e.g. Tylenol®) can give you a false high reading. Always use your meter to calibrate at sensor start and every 12 hours. Calibrating less often may cause inaccurate readings. Always use your meter if symptoms don’t match readings. You know your body, listen to it. Always use your meter if you don’t have a number and arrow.

34 Don’t take insulin doses too close together, or “stack” insulin
Don’t take insulin doses too close together, or “stack” insulin. You don’t want to go low; wait at least 2 hours. Sometimes it’s best to watch and wait.

35 Talk to you healthcare professional about using the G5 for treatment decisions

36 Dexcom Share is a built-in feature of the Dexcom G5 Mobile App
Dexcom Share is a built-in feature of the Dexcom G5 Mobile App. You can choose to send your data to up to five followers on their compatible smart devices, so they can help manage your diabetes. Your Dexcom G5 Mobile app sends your glucose information to the Cloud via Wi-Fi or mobile data connection. The Cloud sends Dexcom CGM data to up to 5 Followers. To set up Dexcom Share simply press the icon on the top right of the Dexcom G5 Mobile app and follow the instructions. The app will walk you through inviting Followers and choosing Follower settings. The Dexcom Follow app is a separate app from the Dexcom G5 Mobile app. Your Followers will need to install the Dexcom Follow App and have internet connectivity. When you add someone as a Follower they will be sent an with instructions.

37 Dexcom CLARITY® software is another important part of your Dexcom CGM system. CLARITY highlights your glucose patterns, trends and statistics. Share with your clinic and monitor improvements between visits. Set up your Dexcom G5 Mobile app, then download and log in to the Dexcom CLARITY Reports app the with the same account. If you are using just a receiver, you can also access CLARITY using your Dexcom account from a computer at

38 Go through walk-in metal detectors or be hand-wanded without worrying about damaging your transmitter or sensor. If you’re uncomfortable walking through the metal detector, the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) requests you tell the Security Officer you’re wearing a continuous glucose monitor and want a full-body pat-down with a visual inspection. Let the Security Officer know the sensor can’t be removed because it’s inserted under the skin. Don’t use full body scanners (also called AIT or millimeter wave scanners). These have not been tested and may affect the system. Don’t put Dexcom G5 Mobile components (receiver, extra transmitters or sensors) through baggage x-ray machines. Ask the TSA Officer to perform a visual inspection. Place all components in a separate bag before handing over. The Dexcom G5 Mobile is safe for use on U.S. commercial airlines. You can keep your receiver on before take-off and in flight. If you use a smart device, put the device in airplane mode but keep Bluetooth on to receive glucose information.

39 Additional webinars – check website for updated
Additional support – Team available


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