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Transitioning Away from the 2% Assessment Update

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Presentation on theme: "Transitioning Away from the 2% Assessment Update"— Presentation transcript:

1 Transitioning Away from the 2% Assessment Update
July 31, 2014 Beverly Colwell Bill Hatch

2 Some Components of the NC Plan:
Review data Develop a monitoring tool Develop plan for PD

3 Review of data: Proficiency: Reading and Math below 5%
Accommodations: small group, extended time, read aloud & separate setting Demographics: still working on pulling and summarizing this data

4 Development of tool and PD:
Monthly meetings: Accountability & EC Collaborative monitoring: led by Accountability with EC Collaboration on development of tool and PD (awaiting state assessment decisions)

5 New State Initiatives:
Governor's Teacher Network (GTN) PowerSchool-statewide UDL lesson plans & Formative Assessment-PowerSchool & GTN Standards Based Report Cards for all students

6 Standards portion of a report card.
Shaded lines are subject area grades. Comments can be associated with either standards or subject area grades. Math standards can be associated with both math and science course.

7 Challenges: Several new state initiatives rolling out at the same time
Tapping in on components of these initiatives, rather than recreating Sample size of our field testing was too small to use for decision making CCSS under review Assessment determinations not finalized

8 Next steps are to continue:
Collection of data to inform data based decisions Work towards development of a standard protocol for monitoring the assessment administration and decision making Work towards developing professional development to support teachers as state decisions are finalized

9 Thank you! Contact Information: Beverly Colwell Bill Hatch

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