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Student Life Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Strategic Plan Fall 2016 Accomplishments PLAN SPONSORS STUDENT PLAN & STAFF PLAN Vice President for Student Life Royster Harper; Associate Vice Presidents Anjali Anturkar, Loren Rullman, and Simone Himbeault Taylor; and Dean of Students Laura Blake Jones Authored and introduced a final DE&I strategic plan informed by extensive staff and student input and a year-long planning process Received DE&I stabilization funding for existing positions and funding for 7.5 new FTEs for units devoted to DE&I work and $450,000 to implement the IDI pilot initiative Developed and launched a website outlining the DE&I plan Launched the DE&I Plan’s Implementation Infrastructure, appointing Implementation Leads, Sponsors, Strategic Lead Chairs, Strategic Lead Teams and several Action Teams Launched the DE&I plan implementation project staff website Achieved the first implementation milestone: all Strategic Leads worked with their teams to prepare and submit “Year One Work Plans” by November due date Built-up staff capacity to support DE&I efforts: Began developing position descriptions and staffing plan for new positions in CCI, IC, IGR, MESA and Spectrum Posted two Assessment Staff Positions (a research lead position & project manager position) on schedule for target start date in January (in-person interviews scheduled for December) Developed OVPSL’s Strategic Ops Team to support DE&I effort (assigning Anita Bohn and Lindsey Ferguson and hiring Jennifer Schrage to lead strategic operations) Developed and launched undergraduate/graduate DE&I Student Advisory Groups to facilitate student engagement in campus-wide DE&I plans Began compiling existing assessment data for staff DE&I plan Began compiling existing assessment data for student DE&I plan Strengthen Innovate Assess Implementation Teams Institutional Implementation Leads: Mary Jo Callan Judith Pennywell Anna Ruszkiewicz Staff Plan Chair: Anna Ruszkiewicz Strategic Lead Team Anita Bohn, Kerin Borland, Steve Mangan, Todd Sevig Strengthen Chair: Will Sherry Trey Boynton, Mary Jo Callan, Sarah Daniels, Amanda McLittle, Erik Wessel Strengthen Chair: Jackie Simpson Michael Swanigan & Others (TBD) Strengthen Chair: Monita Thompson Kerin Borland, Mary Jo Callan, Judith Pennywell Innovate Chair: Marilyn Tyus Mary Jo Desprez, Judith Pennywell, Jackie Simpson, Michael Widen Assess Chair: Holly Rider-Milkovich Lisa Harris, Stuart Segal, Pat Gurin Student Engagement Chair: Amir Baghadadchi Nate Hill, Sarah Button, Abby Fanelli, Zikra Hussain Strategic Ops Team: Jennifer Schrage (Lead), Anita Bohn & Lindsey Ferguson Key Deliverables By March 15 “Phase Gate” First student cohort for IDI launched Assessment positions filled/staff on board CCI, IC, IGR, MESA and Spectrum Positons – posted/filled/staff on board Inventory of advocacy, support and enrichment efforts complete Inventory of FYE efforts complete Inventory of Schools/Colleges Partnership requests/needs complete Summary of Plan In summary, Student Life’s Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Strategic Plan goals are to: 1) strengthen existing DE&I efforts; 2) encourage innovation with key strategic pilot initiatives: and 3) improve assessment capacity to ensure our DE&I work is more data-driven.
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