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Point of View Questions from Friday

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1 3-7-16 Point of View Questions from Friday
You Need Learning Target Point of View Questions from Friday I can identify the issues, events, and individuals from Reconstruction 3-7-16

2 Dialogue Log Chose one of the questions you answered based upon your point of view. Write it on on a sheet of paper Exchange questions Based upon your point of view Agree with because….. Disagree with because…….

3 Plans of Reconstruction

4 Johnson’s Plan Adult white males had to take an oath of loyalty to the U.S. to regain the right to vote. 2. Leaders of the Confederacy and people who had at least $20,000 in cash or property would have to get a special pardon from the President. President Johnson

5 Johnson’s Plan 3. Provisional governments were established in each southern state. 4. Each southern state had to write a new state constitution: declearing secession illegal abolishing slavery The states had to agree that debts acquired under the Confederacy would not be paid since the federal government considered secession illegal.

6 Johnson’s Plan 5. After ratifying their new state constitution, voters in the south could elect a governor and a legislature. 6. Each southern state legislature was to ratify the 15th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

7 Johnson’s Plan 7. Southern states were fully restored after their representatives were seated in the U.S. Congress. Most Texans felt that this plan was fair!

8 Radical’s Plan (Congressional Plan)
1. Congress passed a series of Reconstruction Acts in March 1867. 2. The new southern state governments were once again declared provisional. 3. The South was divided into 5 military districts and placed under command of an army officer. 4. TX and Louisiana made up the 5th Military District under the command of General Philip Sheridan.


10 Radical’s Plan 5. Radical Requirements for Re-Admission:
Write a new state constitution which gave African American men the right to vote Ratify the 14th amendment -Citizenship TX had to ratify the 15th amendment, too Repeal black codes

11 Radical’s Plan 6. Adult, white males had to take the Ironclad Oath in order to vote. Oath stated that they had never voluntarily supported the Confederacy This kept thousands of Southerners from voting—which suited the Radicals. (The Radicals believed former Confederates should not take part in any new state government.)

12 Radical’s Plan 7. Once these requirements were met, each state could write a constitution and elect new leaders. This plan pleased Unionists and African Americans.

13 Three Amendment Drawing
Divide your blank piece of paper into 3 sections. Label each section as 13th, 14th, or 15th Amendment. Write a sentence, in your own words, describing each amendment. Draw, color, and outline a picture representing each amendment. 13TH Amendment Sentence 14TH Amendment Sentence

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