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The Rebuilding Years: RECONSTRUCTION

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1 The Rebuilding Years: RECONSTRUCTION

2 8-5.1 Analyze the development of Reconstruction policy and its impact in South Carolina, including the presidential and the congressional reconstruction plans, the role of black codes, and the Freedmen's Bureau

3 Unit 10 Reconstruction Plans
EQ: How was SC impacted by presidential and congressional reconstruction plans? Vocabulary: Black Codes Freedman’s Bureau Share Cropping Radical Republicans Cycle of Debt

4 The Reconstruction policies of the federal government significantly impacted society and politics in South Carolina after the Civil War.

5 The Civil War left the South in Ruin

6 This is a common misunderstanding.
Although South Carolina faced significant economic problems as a result of the Civil War, the federal government did not believe it should have the responsibility to rebuild the South economically. Instead this was the responsibility of individuals and state and local governments. Reconstruction policies of the national government did not include the towns, factories, farms, and transportation systems. This is a common misunderstanding.

7 Freedmen’s Bureau

8 The Bureau was the first line of assistance to everyone affected by the war, including whites, as well as destitute freedmen.

9 The Freedmen’s Bureau was under the control of the Army

10 It provided clothing, food, medical care, and some protection from the hostile white environment

11 It also helped freedmen find jobs and supervised work contracts to ensure the illiterate blacks did not get cheated

12 The Bureau also established schools and military courts

13 The bureau was also charged with distributing to freedmen those lands that had been abandoned during the war or that had been confiscated as punishment for disloyalty to the Union. HOWEVER… The Bureau was forced to take back these lands when Pres. Johnson pardoned the white owners and returned their property.

14 In lieu of land… The Bureau helped establish the sharecropping relationship with the worker-less plantation owners. This system put African Americans and poor whites in economic dependence and poverty for generations.

15 Sharecropping is a system in which a landowner allows a tenant to use the land in return for a share of the crops produced on their portion of land.

16 The landowner provided the land and supplies

17 Unfortunately, this system was unfair to the sharecroppers and resembled slavery in many ways

18 In bad years the crop shared might be very little and sharecroppers would take out a loan in the form of a lien on the next year's crop to buy supplies to last until the next harvest.

19 This crop lien system placed the sharecropper in a cycle of debt and dependence on the landowners and lien holders.

20 Plans for Reconstruction
President Lincoln & Johnson VS. Congress

21 Before the Civil War came to an end, President Lincoln developed a plan to reunite the nation and end the war as quickly as possible

22 Lincoln’s plan Only 10% of the population in a state had to pledge their allegiance to the Union then a state would be allowed to reconstitute their state governments & representatives Recognize the end of slavery

23 On April 14, 1865, Lincoln was assassinated by John Wilkes Booth

24 President Johnson Did not significantly change Lincoln’s plan but added: Requiring southern elite to individually request a pardon from Pres. Johnson Ratify the 13th amendment

25 The Radical Republicans won a majority in Congress and passed a congressional plan for Reconstruction.

26 Who were the Radical Republicans
Group within the Republican party Opposed by Republican party (Lincoln) Opposed by pro-slavery Democrats Strongly opposed slavery Demanded strong punishment for the Confederacy

27 Congressional Plan Military occupation in former Confederacy
Split into 5 military districts Each district had a military governor & Army enforced this SC was in the 2nd military district

28 Johnson’s Impeached Congress impeached Johnson to ensure he would not interfere with the plan of Congress He was not removed from office, but his power was curtailed

29 Reconstruction Amendments

30 Forbids slavery and “involuntary servitude”
13th Amendment Forbids slavery and “involuntary servitude”

31 The thirteenth amendment brought profound social change for southern African Americans.

32 Freedmen worked to: - consolidate their families and communities
establish a network of churches and other institutions - claim equal citizenship - get an education - carve out as much independence as possible


34 During Reconstruction, South Carolina implemented Black Codes
During Reconstruction, South Carolina implemented Black Codes. South Carolinians were unwilling to recognize the social and political rights of the newly freed slaves.

35 Changes African Americans made:
left the white churches for congregations of their own moved from the slave quarters to plots away from the Big House established their own communities

36 How did whites respond? anxiety among whites escalated
feared retaliation by their former slaves

37 Mounting racial tension causes
Terrorist Groups (KKK) wanting to keep the African Americans in “their place” Economically Socially Politically

38 14th Amendment A state cannot deprive any person of life, liberty, or property “without due process of law” or of not giving to each person the equal protection under the law.

39 The fourteenth amendment was designed to protect the freedman from:
AND Protect Social Rights Political Intimidation

40 Results of the 14th Amendment
overturned the Dred Scott decision by recognizing the citizenship of African Americans it upheld the right of all citizens to "equal protection" and "due process" of law. The amendment required that two thirds of Congress vote to grant amnesty to ex- Confederates before they could hold public office

41 15th Amendment Forbids the US or any state from preventing a person from voting because of “race, color, or previous condition of servitude.

42 The amendment was also motivated by the desire of the Republican Party to secure its political power in the South.

43 SC refused to ratify the 14th & 15th amendments

44 South Carolina was part of the 2nd Military district under the command of General Daniel Sickles

45 As a result, General Sickles took control of the state government

46 Sickles was in charge of making sure certain changes were made in SC politics

47 His primary focus was to guarantee the civil rights of blacks

48 Before the state would be reinstated into the Union it had to re-write its Constitution and ratify the 14th and 15th Amendments

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