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Region 14 Mathematics Curriculum Update K-8

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1 Region 14 Mathematics Curriculum Update K-8
Overarching goal: To ensure that all students in grades K-8 have access to a challenging and equitable mathematics curriculum. Presented by Anne Uberti K-8 Instructional Math Coach, Region #14

2 Goal #1: Create common pacing guides for instruction, grades K-8.
Ensures delivery of the same curriculum within each grade level Establishes instructional focal points of major mathematical concepts for each grade Enables teachers to discuss instructional strategies while all working on same material

3 Sample Portion of Grade 4 Pacing Guide
Topic Time Frame Test Dates 08/09 1 Math Around Us 3 Days N/A 3 Investigating Length 9 9/14 2 Using Addition and Subtraction 7 9/26 4 Investigating Five-Digit Numbers 6 10/4 5 Investigating Shapes and Their Angles 10/21 Finding Fractions 10 11/5 Multiplying by One-Digit Numbers 8 11/26 Working with Time 12/8 Exploring Shapes & Perimeters 12/18 Working with Fractions 1/13 11 Linking Multiplication/Division 1/23 This is a sample portion of a pacing guide used by teachers in Grades The guide gives the teacher the name of the topic as well as the number of days they should spend on it, including assessment. Teachers then fill in the assessment date, so they all give the assessment on the same day.

4 Sample Portion of WMS CMP2 Schedule
08-09 5th 6th S 6th E 7th S 7th E 8th S 8th E PT DAU B&P I V&P F&W Algebra I B&P II B&P III S&S C&S ATN S&D MSA TMM HLII WYE LFP 09-10 ??? F&W* WYE** GGG/KHM SWS/DD ? At the Middle School, we are still in the early stages of implementation of a new program. This guide was developed to help individual teachers keep their instruction on track, as well as to ensure that no gaps occur as students move from one grade to the next.

5 Sample Portion of Grade 6 Detailed Pacing Guide
Bits and Pieces II (Pre-CMT) 2 -2 ½ weeks – Late Nov./Dec. Problem Periods Comments Standard Enriched 1.1 Getting Close Optional Game works well as a full class activity. 1.2 Estimating Sums 2 1 Part B3 brings up common denominators. Exposure only here. 2.1 Land Sections 2.2 Visiting the Spice Shop Note the algebra in part D. 3.4 Changing Forms 3.5 Writing a Multiplication Algorithm Skip problem but design algorithm as full class activity 4.1 Preparing Food Post CMT 4.2 Fundraising Continues Assessment TOTAL (pre-CMT) 13 10 From the general WMS pacing guide, we are also working on creating more detailed versions. Similar to what we have done in the lower grades, we are looking at each lesson to determine its importance and placement for instruction during the year.

6 Goal #2: Develop common post- assessments for each unit of study, grades 1-8.
Common assessments ensure common instruction Assessments designed to demonstrate student thinking Assessments are used by teachers to guide and focus instruction Common assessments allow teachers to meet and discuss student work

7 Grade 2 Topic 4 Scoring Rubric
S Number and Operations Count on by fives from a given amount (ex. 17, 22, 27) /2 Locate, label, compare and order whole numbers up to 1000 /10 Identify and solve sums of 100 /3 Use models to represent and write whole numbers to 1,000 /4 Describe the magnitude of 2- and 3- digit numbers /5 Total Number and Operations /24 Mathematical Applications Performance Task A - Performance Task B /1 Total Mathematical Applications /6 Test Total /30 This is a sample of the rubric being used by 2nd grade teachers. It indicates particular skills and allows the teacher to make a judgment on a students understanding of a concept based on the work.

8 Grades 3 – 5 Common Scoring Rubric for Topic Assessments
The rubric below explains all the levels of performance which can be achieved on GWM Topic Assessments: Score Descriptor 4 Student work contains evidence of advanced understanding and application of concepts presented on assessment and extension task. 3 Student work demonstrates full understanding of the concepts and strategies presented during topic. 2 Student work demonstrates partial understanding of the concepts and strategies presented during topic. Work may be incomplete, inaccurate or inconsistent from problem to problem. 1 Student work demonstrates very little understanding of the concepts and strategies presented during topic. Work may not have been attempted or contain significant errors. In grades 3-5, each question may require a student to pull together several skills and concepts, so we created a holistic rubric that is based on the student’s work and is aligned to the grading scale on their report card.

9 Goal # 3: Develop benchmark assessments for Grades K-8
Benchmarks aligned to 2007 CT State Mathematics Standards and Connecticut Mastery Test objectives Provides broader view of student performance than end of unit tests Allows for monitoring of student performance over time Can be used to identify gaps in instructional programs

10 Sample Portion Grade 3 Benchmark Blueprint
# Standard GLE Skill CMT Strand CMT Points Score ALGEBRAIC REASONING 1. 1.1 3 Patterns 22b 2 2. 1 22a 3. Classification & Logical Reasoning 24a 7b. 1.3 6 Computation Computation with Whole Numbers 7b 10 NUMERICAL & PROPORTIONAL REASONING 8. 2.1 Number Sense Order, Magnitude & Rounding 4d 17. 2.2 11 Models for Operations 5a GEOMETRY & MEASUREMENT 18. 3.1 Geometry Geometric Shapes & Properties 17b 23. 3.3 9 Measurement Customary & Metric Measures 16b 24. 16c 8 PROBABILITY & STATISTICS 25. 4.1 Data Analysis Tables, Graphs & Charts 19 26. 4.3 Probability 21a 27. 28. Integrated * Problem Solving Mathematical Applications 25 29. 24b Total Points 38 For each benchmark, there is an accompanying test blueprint which show how each test items is aligned to the state standard, the grade level expectation, as well as the CMT strand.

11 Sample Portion of Benchmark Data Collection Forms
Teacher: Grade 3 Midyear Math Assessment: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7a 7b 17 18 19 24 25 26 27 28 29 % 22b 22a 24a 5c 9a 5a 17b 4a 16c 21a 21b 24b 38 32 84% 36 95% 11 29% 20 53% 31 82% 37 97% 76% 14.5 12 13 16 15 14 13.5 85% 71% 94% 88% 35% 79% Following the scoring of the tests, teachers input data into excel spreadsheets which calculate individual results and results by skill. This information can then be used by teachers to address whole class weakness, form small groups for instruction, or give them permission to move on from a skill that has been mastered by all.

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