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MATES Maritime Alliance for fostering the European Blue economy through a Marine Technology Skilling Strategy Sector Skill Alliances ERASMUS + KA2 Cooperation.

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Presentation on theme: "MATES Maritime Alliance for fostering the European Blue economy through a Marine Technology Skilling Strategy Sector Skill Alliances ERASMUS + KA2 Cooperation."— Presentation transcript:

1 MATES Maritime Alliance for fostering the European Blue economy through a Marine Technology Skilling Strategy Sector Skill Alliances ERASMUS + KA2 Cooperation and innovation and Exchange of good practices Lucía Fraga Lago Blue skills Expert Group, Industry-Education Cooperation subgroup 2018, January the 16th + info: Coordinated by

Quality and relevance of skill Upskilling pathway Key competences framework VET as a first choice Digital skills and Jobs coalition Visibility and comparability Revision of EQF Skills profile tool for 3rd country nationals Skills intelligence Revision of EUROPASS Analysis of brain drain BLUEPRINT FOR SECTORIAL COOPERATION ON SKILLS Initiative on graduate tracking Sector Skills Alliances are an instrument to contribute to the New Skills Agenda for Europe, and in particular to improve the quality and relevance of Europe’s Vocational Education and Training. The Blue Print for sectoral cooperation on skills is one of the 10 actions of the New Skills Agenda for Europe and the call KA2, above referred Sector Skills Alliances between education and training providers and the world of work aimed at promoting employability, contributing to the creation of new sector-specific or cross-sectoral curricula, developing innovative methods of vocational teaching and training and putting the Union transparency and recognition tools into practice.

ENCOMPASS THE MARITIME TECHNOLOGIES WITH A STRATEGY FOR TACKLING SKILLS’ SHORTAGES 4 YEARS OF ACTIVITY: 2018 – 2021 17 PARTNERS, 8 EU COUNTRIES 4,9 M€ BUDGET 80% CO-FINANCED BY ERASMUS + PROGRAM 11 PILOT ACTIONS 1 LONG TERM STRATEGY & ACTION PLAN MATES’ objective is to develop a skills strategy that addresses the main drivers of change to the maritime industry, in particular shipbuilding and offshore renewable energy, which are strongly linked and require of new capacities built to succeed in an increasingly digital, green and knowledge driven economy.

MARITIME TECHNOLOGIES IN MATES Life Long Learning Professional Training Vocational Training Higher Education Secondary Education Shipbuilding Offshore Renewable Energies Related Manufacturers & developers Engineering Consultancy R&D Operations & Maintenance Environmental Services Logistics (,,,) Platforms and training mechanisms Mobility Professional profiles Design of trainings Digital skills Green skills Innovation skills SERVICES EDUCATION & TRAINING INDUSTRY Skills’ Gaps- STRATEGY & ACTION PLAN SOCIETY - OCEAN LITERACY Blue growth governance & public sector activities MATES will enhance competitiveness and innovation capacity of the maritime technologies value chain by filling specific skills´ gaps between education offer and industry needs The maritime technologies value chain is understood in its broad sense, focusing on two pillar industry sectors, shipbuilding and off-shore energy, with their intersections and all associated activities and services

5 THEMATIC APPROACH Cross-cutting integration of Ocean Literacy
GOAL: Match demand and supply of skills INDUSTRYLED // DEMAND DRIVEN SHIPBUILDING OFFSHORE RENEWABLES E SKILL GAPS on the managerial and operational level Digital skills Green skills Automation Robotics Big Data & Data Analytics Cloud computing 3D Printing Internet of Things Sustainable practices Reduction of carbón emissions Recycling Efficient use of ressources 21st Century skills Revision of specific technical CV Specific occupational profiles: Skills Proficiency level From a thematic perspective a special attention will be paid to the gaps regarding: Digital (and data enabled) skills, Green skills ,and innovation and knowledge management skills (the so called 21st century skills). Ocean literacy will act for MATES project as a transversal and multidirectional content in all workpackages: - Boosting the transfer of scientific knowledge to the industry sectors, integrating the industrial perspective in literacy delivery and widening the industrial perspective about the new possibilities that ‘maritimIZED’ CVs can yield for blue growth and jobs. - Raising awareness about the maritime industry’s careers among society, research and education communities, in order to attract youngsters to select future maritime professions. OCEAN LITTERACY Transfer scientific knowledge to/from industry Raising awareness about the maritime industry’s careers among society Funds rising Knowledge Transfer Innovation / Knowledge management Entrepreneurship

6 PARTNERSHIP: 17 partners form 8 countries
Partnership will have a node in all major European sea-basins including the outermost region of Azores.

The complementarities of the profiles and their position in relation to skills needs and delivery, this is relevant to assure an efficient implementation of work, but also to harness the future sustainability of the network and its long term commitment towards the strategy

8 Long-term Industry lead Action Plan
PROJECT STRUCTURE WP2: Baseline Strategy& foresight WP3: Prioritisation and action lines WP4. Practical Pilot Experiences (PEs) Mobility New curricula and professional profiles New trainings Digtal skills Green Skills Innovation Management Ocean Literacy Maritime Hackaton WP5: Critical revision and Long-term industry-led Action Plan WP6: Dissemination and outreach WP7: Quality control and risk management WP8: Overall coordination & management WP1: Stakeholders’ mobilisation PLAN Preliminary strategy for bridging current and future skills needs Do: Test Check ACT Long-term Industry lead Action Plan MATES will adopt the well-known Edwards Deming Circle for permanent improvement: Plan, Do, Check, Act (PDCA) that will be improved with the elements of Agile technologies for a dynamic market response: The work plan will start with the mobilisation of stakeholders beyond the project to broaden the partnership capacity to carry-out the work, assure sustainability, multiply impact, and obtain continuous feedback. They will be invited to contribute to assess the current and future situation of the sectors and its implications for the labour market regarding skills’ needs and employability. From a comprehensive assessment and foresight analysis a prioritization of action lines will be made in a preliminary strategy document (Plan) and a number of Pilot Experiences will be planned and launched to contribute to these action lines and test the strategy (Do). Critical revision of the pilots and their results confronted with the preliminary strategy design will allow a fine tuning (Check) and the set-up of a Long-Term Action Plan (Roadmap). The action plan will assign responsibilities and reflect commitment by those partners and external stakeholders which will harness and mainstream the strategy and its recommendations in the long term (in the horizon of the 2030) (Act). The project activity will provide continuous feedback to the initial Plan to enable agility and continuous improvement. Acknowledging the relevance of past efforts to set the scene for this proposal, the project is planned to concentrate most of the efforts and time of the partnership in the accomplishment of practical pilot experiences. This work plan design is also fundamental to guarantee that the project touches the ground of the regional and local context and actors and generates impact at this level, underpinning also the Regional Specialisation Strategies (RIS3). This is essential to get sufficient involvement of key actors in these contexts to upscale the strategic design (at EU level and with long term perspective) and assure sustainability.

Diagnostics: State of Play of the sectoral skills gaps. Foresight activities: future scenarios considering State of Play and main trends. Design of solutions and priority actions: Key elements to be taught for target groups: unemployed, low to middle-skilled workers and university graduates. Appropriate mixed training schemes: combining local and blended training with on-the-job learning and e-learning Competence profile of trainers and new occupational profiles needed. Knowledge and competences assessment schemes. Innovation ecosystems around the maritime technologies and sectors with upgraded capacities and skills and increased mobility options PLAN: PRELIMINARY STRATEGY FOR BRIDGING CURRENT AND FUTURE SKILLS NEEDS Diagnostics. Desktop analysis of all relevant documents and materials which allow an updated description of the current state of play of the sectoral skills gaps. Foresight activities: design of scenarios that consider the description of the state of play and trends driven by different factors: technology, economy, environment, social perspectives, policy and governance aspects, etc. Design of solutions and priority actions: Identify key elements to be taught to increase new knowledge and new technologies awareness, ocean and digital literacy and productive skills for each target group of the project (unemployed, low to middle-skilled workers in shipbuilding and offshore energy value chain and university graduates) Develop and implement appropriate mixed training schemes (combining local and blended training with on-the-job learning and e-learning) Define the necessary competence profile of trainers and new Ocupational Profiles needed. Develop knowledge and competences assessment scheme and tests to effectively manage and assess training and upskilling progress by trainees; Enhance innovation ecosystems around the maritime technologies and sectors with upgraded capacities and skills and increased mobility options. This first activities will conform the first Deliverable: A PRELIMINARY STRATEGY PLAN FOR BRIDGING CURRENT AND FUTURE SKILLS NEEDS

DO: 11 PILOT EXPERIENCES TOPIC: DOP: Definition of new Occupational Profiles ED2MIT: Education and Training for Data Driven Maritime Industry MOOC Training COURSE Freeboard & The Magnus effect: Simulate industry spaces in learning centers Green mov: exchanges on green technologies Green Maritime Hackathon MOL2:Maritime on the Loop of Ocean Literacy Renewable Energies Crash Courses Summer school GOAL: Recognition & identification of skills Reskilling/upskilling workforce Innovation in training Contact academy – industry Attractiveness of maritime careers Seek technical solutions Visibility Training of Trainers Improve clients knowledge Specialization Test the most promising training/learning schemes for each target group as pilot experiences (second group of deliverables) covering the three pillars for the proposal (shipbuilding, ocean renewables and ocean literacy).

ELEMENTS FOR THE PROPOSED STRUCTURE ACT: LONG TERM INDUSTRY LED ACTION PLAN CHECK: Monitoring Assessment Critical revision Capitalize ressources Mobilize Funding Ensure sustainability and Scalability DISSEMINATION & OUTREACH The monitoring and assessment of the pilot’s performance and impact, will allow the design of Long-term Strategic Action Plan to capitalize on existing resources, mobilize funding and ensure the sustainability and scalability of the project results; this scaled-up action plan will need to include a time-frame, committed actors and the identification of potential funding sources. A sound dissemination and outreach plan, with a strong input from Ocean Literacy partners, will be essential to: underpin the strategy, increase the attractiveness of maritime technologies professions and careers and raising awareness about them among societal and education communities to attract young talent to rejuvenate the industry. assure the strategy’s future uptake. Embed the industrial perspective in ocean literacy initiatives, Spread an updated image for the maritime technologies in the blue economy, with a convincing message that the sector has a high-tech future with a long-term positive perspective.

ORGANIZATION Mobilization: A stakeholders network integrating partners and external experts will be organized in THEMATIC GROUPS: Delivering education and training activities Representing the industry (companies, associations, trade unions, etc.) and sectoral umbrella organizations at EU Level. Research organizations to identify technological trends and anticipating the future scenarios Administrations with capacity uptake the strategy and institutionalize it Key Agents THEMATIC GROUPS Digital skills Green Technologies Innovation Management Shipbuilding Offshore activities Ocean literacy Gender balance ACT AS CONSULTANCY EXPERTS Revision of activities Validation processes Evaluation of results The project mobilises a network of main stakeholders in the fields of shipbuilding and offshore renewable energies and connected activities, green technologies, digital skills, open access, ocean literacy and innovation management. Additionally a Thematic group on Gender Balance and Inclusiveness will be established to guarantee an appropriate follow up of the project’s policy on gender balance, equity and inclusiveness. The implication of multiple stakeholders with relevant background, beyond the partnership, will start from the very beginning of the project and their points of view will feed all the following activities in the project, contributing to the legitimacy and soundness of the strategy. From a technical perspective, Thematic Groups will also be proposed as an internal body to deliver expert’s advice and assist any activity focused on one of their Thematic issues. These groups will also assist the measurement of the project impact through indicators associated to core themes.

13 Thematic Groups Management Commitee Steering Board Project Secretariat
ORGANIZATION Thematic Groups Management Commitee Steering Board Project Secretariat A core group, the Management Committee (MC), will deal with operational management. For technical monitoring and orientation, the MC will be assisted by WP Leaders and representatives of Thematic Groups. WP Leaders will get their support for monitoring activity from Task Leaders. The strategic orientation of the activity and the main decisions will be discussed and decided by the Steering Board (SB) that will involve a representative of each partner organisation. Finally, a project secretariat will be in charge of dealing with the administrative and financial issues, with the collaboration from all partners. The MC will be chaired by the Project Coordinator (CETMAR) and integrated by the technical staff for the partners with a consultancy profile: AQUATT, AQUATERA, INDIGOMED, AQUALEX, one partner from the industry (ASIME) one partner from Universities and Research Centres (WEGEMT) and one partner from administration (XUNTA). They will focus on overall technical performance, being involved in the daily activity of the project. When needed, they will use the Thematic Groups as an advisory body for the project. The steering will meet every six months (before the SB Meeting) or more frequently through digital means if deemed necessary. SB, will be chaired by the project coordinator and Co-chaired by ASIME (to assure the strategic decisions in the project are made under an industry-led perspective). The SB will involve all partners and meet twice per year, but may also be consulted in between meetings if needed, using mail or any other digital system. This structure will decide the strategic orientations of the project. Meeting hosts will be rotating along the partnership countries and institutions, assuring that the partnership organises meetings covering all the European sea-basins. Project Secretariat made by the project coordinator assisted by one administrative staff person at CETMAR, and a financial/administrative representative designated by each partner organization. This secretariat will focus on daily operational aspects in relation to funding, legal issues management and administrative burden.

Azores (FRCT) Ireland (AQUATT-AMC) Scotland (AQUATERA) Flanders-Netherlands (Univ Ghent/Univ Amsterdam) Mediterranean (Greece: IndigoMed & CERTHIT). EVENTS REGIONAL WS: 3 WP1- Stakeholder mob: M4 WP2-Baseline strategy: M12 WP5- Long Term Plan: M44 INTERNATIONAL WS: 2 WP2-Baseline strategy: M15 WP5- Long Term Plan: M47 Bruxelles Porto

Presentation to DG MARE (Blue skills expert group): January 2018 Coordinators’ meeting with Commission: Brussels, January Kick off Meeting: Brussels, 7-8 February 2018 Organization of LOCAL WORKSHOP for Stakeholder mobilization: April 2018 Presentation at European Maritime Day: Burgass, 31 May-1 June 2018 Proposal of participation in a workshop and presentation of the Industry implications: Training and new skills demand in offshore energies and shipbuilding, by the Galician Association of Metallurgical Industries (ASIME)

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