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Convention and Compromise

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1 Convention and Compromise
Chapter 7, Section 2

2 Problems In the infant stages of the United States, the founders faced several problems. These could not be solved with the weak central government outlined in the Articles of Confederation.

3 1. Economic Depression Following the Revolutionary War, America went into a depression (a period of slow economy and high unemployment). Some reasons for this depression: Lack of trade Devaluation of money Post war rebuild

4 2. Problems with other Countries
The British remained in New York and were arming natives. The Spanish refused to allow Americans to use the Mississippi River.

5 3. Slavery Quakers in Pennsylvania organized the first American antislavery society. Slowly many of the northern states began doing away with slavery altogether. Southern states chose to keep the institution of slavery. Many thought doing away with slavery would hurt the southern economy. This issue would be one that would divide the north and the south for many years to come.

6 4. Farmers Farmers faced problems following the war as well.
States began placing taxes on farmers. Because trade was slow many could not pay the money being requested. If a farmer could not pay his taxes, he could have his land taken away and he could be thrown in jail. Many farmers became highly upset and began to protest and revolt.

7 Shays’ Rebellion In 1786, one farmer named Daniel Shays led a revolt on a arsenal in Springfield, Massachusetts. This revolt was known as Shays’ rebellion. Although the revolt was quickly put down, many people lost faith in the protection the government could provide.

8 Time for Change Many people began demanding change to the Articles of Confederation. Others feared that changing the Articles might make the central government too powerful. A meeting to revise the Articles of Confederation would soon take place in Philadelphia 1787.

9 Who were the Federalists and Anti-Federalists?
Federalists- those that supported the Constitution. These men supported a strong national government. Anti-Federalists- those that opposed the Constitution. These men supported strong state governments and a less powerful national government.

10 Famous Federalists Alexander Hamilton James Madison John Jay
Benjamin Franklin

11 Famous Anti-Federalists
George Mason Samuel Adams John Hancock Patrick Henry

12 The Constitutional Convention
The Constitutional Convention took place in Philadelphia in May 1787. 55 delegates from the various states attended. Native Americans, African Americans and women were not permitted to attend. Due to his great leadership in the Revolutionary War, George Washington was asked to preside over these meetings. The delegates decided they would shut and lock all doors and windows and meet in secret so information would not leak out to the public. This would also allow people to talk more freely.

13 Virginia v. New Jersey Populations in 1787 ~ 747,000 ~ 184,000
Show as visual aid while you go through Virginia and New Jersey comparison with students out loud and students fill in blanks. ~ 747,000 ~ 184,000

14 Virginia Plan At the start of the convention, Edmund Randolph presented the Virginia Plan. (drafted by James Madison) The Virginia Plan said that government would have a two house legislature (Senate and House of Representatives) and that the number of representatives would be based on the state’s population. Delegates from the smaller states immediately criticized the plan saying it was unfair. Why?

15 New Jersey Plan William Paterson of New Jersey responded with something he called the New Jersey Plan. The New Jersey Plan said that there should be a one house legislature with equal representation and this legislature would set taxes and control trade.

16 Compromise On June 19th the delegates voted to resolve conflict between the Virginia Plan and the New Jersey Plan Roger Sherman came up with a theory that would be known as the Great Compromise. It said that the Senate would have equal representation (NJ Plan) and the House of Representatives would be based on population (VA Plan).

17 The Three-Fifths Compromise
Southern states wanted to include slaves as part of the population. The northern states said that slaves should not be counted because they were merely property. The Three-Fifths Compromise said that an enslaved person would count as three-fifths of a free man. In other words 5 slaves = 3 free men for the purpose of representation in government. 3/5

18 Bill of Rights Anti-Federalists still feared a strong government might take away the rights of the people. George Mason proposed that a Bill of Rights be added to the Constitution. Federalists disagreed with Mason and his proposal was initially defeated.

19 Approving the Constitution
For the new constitution to be ratified, 9 of the 13 states had to approve …..only then could the new form of government come into existence.

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