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Welcome English II Parents!

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome English II Parents!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome English II Parents!
Adam Schoen Orange Wing, Room O-102 Phone: ext. 2585 Make sure you’ve signed in! Class website: Google “Schoenglish” (Schoen + English)

2 Who am I?

3 Website Schoenglish = Schoen + english

4 My schedule: 1st– English II Academic 2nd– Conference
3rd– English II Pre-AP 4th– English II Academic 5th– Lunch 6th– English II Academic 7th– Conference 8th – English II Pre-AP Posted outside my door 3 Academic 2 Pre-AP

5 Grading 20% Homework and daily grades
30% Quizzes Tip: Have a goal of 90 or above on Vocab Quizzes! 50% Tests and Major Projects 9 weeks report cards (two 3-week progress reports) Academic builds toward the STAAR English II Exam – March 30th

6 Testing Days Tests are on even days
Quizzes and daily grades can fall on any day (Check my website calendar or your student’s)

7 Late Work / Make up / tutorials
No late work accepted in English department Make up work completed within the number of days missed (absent 1 day=1 day upon return to submit work) Major projects due even if absent or -10 points/day Tutorials: Tuesday PM, Friday AM

8 Cell phones Once the bell rings, cell phones away, unless directed by teachers Cell phones taken up and turned into the principal. 1st time Warning, Punishments Subsequent During quizzes and tests, all cell phones must go in the hanging pockets by the door for the entirety of class, or receive a zero Why? (Self-control and) Academic Dishonesty  Next slide!

9 Academic dishonesty All work you expect to get credit for should be your own Cheating and copying is a pervasive issue because technology makes it easy Any work that appears to represent academic dishonesty will prompt a conference with teacher, student, and parent. May result in loss of grade with additional disciplinary actions by the principal.

10 Supplies Academic! Every student has a journal, vocabulary book ($12)
Maintain calendar/agenda. Periodically checked for an easy daily grade. Buying texts optional: 1st 9 weeks: Sophocles’ “Antigone” 2nd 9 weeks: short stories in textbook 3rd 9 weeks: Shakespeare’s “Julius Caesar” (recommended buy) 4th 9 weeks: Steinbeck’s Of Mice and Men and Orwell’s 1984

11 Supplies Pre-AP! Every student has a journal, vocabulary book ($12)
Maintain calendar/agenda. Checked periodically for an easy daily grade. Texts 1st 9 weeks: Sophocles’ “Antigone” (in textbook) 2nd 9 weeks: Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice, Barnes and Noble edition 3rd 9 weeks: Charles Dickens’ A Tale of Two Cities, Barnes and Noble edition 4th 9 weeks: short stories for research paper (provided) Shakespeare’s “Julius Caesar” (recommended buy)

12 Website Schoenglish = Schoen + english

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