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Parent Liaison CCS, Sacramento CA.

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Presentation on theme: "Parent Liaison CCS, Sacramento CA."— Presentation transcript:

1 Parent Liaison CCS, Sacramento CA

2 Parent Liaison Connect with families Educate and Empower families
Listen, brainstorm, offer resources Educate and Empower families Promote family centered care Transition to Adulthood As a parent of a child with health care needs I can relate to other CCS parents on a unique level. We strive to connect families to resources and information so they can advocate for their needs and sole problems. Family Centered Care – value the family. Connect with the family. Generosity of spirit Adulthood – How to plan to fade out CCS and pediatric services

3 Connect with Families Listen Brainstorm Resources
Families need to be heard Reflect back, validate Promote resilience Brainstorm Options to solve a problem To overcome a barrier New view Resources Concrete resources Recreation resources Allow families to connect with each other To connect with the community Therapeutic benefits

4 Advocacy skills Service Navigation
Advocacy skills Service Navigation CCS, IHSS, Regional Center, Medi-Cal Special Education how to participate, rights and responsibilities Educate and Empower

5 Family Centered Care Focus on the family, the client
The parent perspective A day in the life of Listen, value Strengths/Challenges Barriers We represent the parent perspective. Parents are the expert on their child. Value what they have to say. Listen Each family has strengths and challenges, explore those strengths and validate. Don’t assume. Don’t judge. ID barriers, try to find ways to overcome or go around.

6 Work Leukemia Diagnosis No transportation Struggle to pay bills
Other kids Imagine if you will.. Your 3 year old is just diagnosed with leukemia You have no transportation to and from the hospital You are on the verge of losing your job because of all the time off You had to borrow money to pay your utilities Oh and you have another child, a six year old. Who is taking care of the six year old? Homework, school projects, before and after school care. How would you cope, react, feel? What is it like to take a medically fragile child on the bus? What if English is not your primary language? What if your extended family is no longer able to help? What if you have no extended family or circle of support?

7 Transition to Adulthood
Managing changes in healthcare  Conservatorship Special needs trust Adult day programs Independent/assisted living  Employment Higher education

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