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Presentation on theme: "PROTESTANT REFORMATION"— Presentation transcript:

What root words do you see in each Protestant + Reformation?

2 Protestant Reformation
During the Renaissance, the church came increasingly under fire. Christians across Europe, at all levels of society accused the clergy of corruption and abuse.

3 During Medieval Times… most high clergy were nobles
They competed with other nobles for land and money

4 ABUSES In Middle Ages Popes get caught up in worldly affairs. (secular) Fought wars to protect papal states (crusades) Hired painters and sculptors to beautify churches Sold INDULGENCES

5 Indulgences A lessening the time a soul would have to spend in purgatory During Middle Ages, they are sold for doing good deeds. (like going on a crusade!) By 1400’s Church is selling indulgences in exchange for gifts and money.

6 PROTEST! Humanists like Erasmus led the protest against indulgences


8 PROTEST! 1517 German monk and professor who triggers revolt and asks for reform What “pushed Luther over the edge?” Pg. 347

9 95 Theses Arguments against indulgences and other abuses
Church calls on him to recant, or give up his views. Reading- How does Luther react? Answer 1-3 after reading “Martin Luther makes his stand”

10 THE PRINTING PRESS The 95 Theses spread through Europe rapidly!

11 Excommunication The Pope demanded that Martin Luther recant (give up) his views Martin Luther refused and the Pope excommunicated him in 1521

12 Martin Luther’s teachings
Salvation through faith alone not sacraments Rejected the idea of priests and popes He wanted everyone to read the Bible and translated it into German He banned 5 of the 7 sacraments He banned indulgences, confession, pilgrimages, and prayers to saints

13 FIND OUT - 346 Who is John Calvin- What did he do?
List 5 ideas taught by Calvin What is Predestination?

14 John Calvin Effected the Reformation
Salvation gained through faith alone Predestination 2 people- saints and sinners Girls receive religious training

15 What is Predestination?
The idea that God had long ago determined who would gain salvation Two kinds of people Saints sinners

16 Effects of the Protestant Reformation
Christianity splits (again) Warfare! 30 years war

17 List of Christian Churches…


19 HW- Henry VIII NEWS REPORT Who is he? How is he involved in the
reformation? Sec 4 – page 428



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