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UCLA High Energy & Astro-Particle (HEAP) Seminar

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1 UCLA High Energy & Astro-Particle (HEAP) Seminar
“First Oscillation Results From NOvA” Presented by Christopher Backhouse, Caltech The discovery of nonzero neutrino masses, and the phenomenon of neutrino oscillations, has raised a wealth of new and intriguing questions. What is the ordering of the neutrino mass states? Is there CP-violation in the lepton sector? Is there any structure to the neutrino mixing angles? The NOvA experiment directly addresses these questions, and has recently made its first measurements of the changes undergone by a powerful neutrino beam over an 810km baseline, from its source at Fermilab to a 14kton detector in Ash River, Minnesota. I will present these new results and discuss the future oscillation and non-oscillation physics program of NOvA. Christopher Backhouse is a postdoctoral scholar at Caltech investigating neutrino flavor change with the NOvA experiment. His research focuses on multiple unresolved questions in neutrino physics, including the ordering of the neutrino mass states and the possibility of CP violation in the lepton sector. Chris received his PhD from the University of Oxford for work on the MINOS experiment, where he had key roles in precision measurements of muon neutrino oscillations and searches for sterile neutrinos. Location: PAB 4-330 Date: Monday, February 22nd, 2016 Time: 12:30pm Refreshments at 12:15pm

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