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Early Literacy A Focus On Preschool.

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1 Early Literacy A Focus On Preschool

2 One of the best predictors of whether a child will function competently in school and go one to contribute actively in an increasingly literate society is the level to which the child progresses in reading and writing NAEYC 1998, 30

3 Early child years are crucial in literacy development because:
Introduction Early child years are crucial in literacy development because: 1. The development of language and literacy begins at birth. 2. It is a lifelong process. 3. The primary function of language is to communicate.

4 Communication of Infants
Infants use the following to communicate: Cries Gurgles Various gestures Facial expressions

5 Preschoolers use language to:
Convey their feelings Convey their desires Interact with others Ask questions Think about things Represent what they know Talk about imaginary situations

6 The process of becoming literate begins at birth.
Ask the participants how this happens? Literacy begins at birth when the infant comes in contact with print in their environment.

7 Understanding Literacy Development
Teale and Sulzby (1989) point out that: Learning to read and write begins very early in life, that is for almost all children in a literate society. The functions of literacy are an integral part of the learning process that is taking place. Reading, writing (and speaking) develop concurrently and interrelatedly in young children. Children learn through active engagement, constructing their understanding of how written language works.

8 Promoting Literacy in the Classroom
Establish a Positive Climate that Supports Children as Literacy Learners How can a teacher provide this type of climate? Preschool programs must create a climate where children’s efforts at learning to read and write are positively supported and expanded. This can be done in all the interest area in the classroom, as well as read-aloud times. Have the teachers brainstorm ideas.

9 Supportive Environment
How do you create an environment that promotes reading and writing? Create a comfortable, cozy, well-lit area away from active areas in the classroom. Provide opportunities for reading and writing and oral communication throughout the day. Display writing materials such as paper, pencils, crayons and markers where they are easily accessible to children. Ask the teachers how they would support dual language learners? Remind them to provide non-English materials and resources where possible to support the child’s natural language.

10 Cont. Provide a variety of age-appropriate and culturally diverse materials throughout the classroom. Display written materials made by the children such as a book made by the children. Provide tape recorders for children to listen to themselves as readers or record themselves as they retell a familiar story that was read to them, record nursery rhymes or record for other purposes. Parents and families love to see things displayed that are made by the children. While your teacher-made bulletin boards and displays are beautiful…the parents couldn’t care less. They would rather see the room decorated with children’s work.

11 How can we engage parents in literacy activity?
Have the teachers brainstorm again on idea of engaging parents. Involvement is different than engaging.

12 Ways to Engage Parents in Literacy Activities
Discuss with parents books that children enjoy. Provide feedback to parents on how children are using reading and writing by showing and discussing writing and reading in the context of art, housekeeping and so on. Share written recipes that children have used for a cooking project and encourage parents to use these recipes at home. Use favorite recipes in the classroom that children have brought in from home.

13 Assessing Literacy Development
Teachers should have realistic expectations of children’s reading and writing abilities according to their ages and stages of development. How do teachers assess literacy development?

14 Assessment can be documented through observations.
As children engage in meaningful experiences involving oral and written language in the range of daily activities, the teacher may make anecdotal records or notes about children’s literacy activities or use checklists to record frequently observed behaviors.

15 Assessment can be documented through performance sampling.
Cumulative samples of children’s writing can present evidence of their progress from scribbling and using letter- like forms, to words (for example, their own names), invented spelling and other writing strategies.

16 How often should literacy development be assessed?
Assessment of literacy development must occur on an ongoing basis, during children’s engagement in meaningful everyday activities.

17 Reading and Writing with Preschool Children

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