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European Physical Society Accelerator Group General Assembly

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1 European Physical Society Accelerator Group General Assembly
G. Arduini, M. Seidel

2 G. Arduini, M. Seidel - EPS-AG General Assembly
Agenda Introduction and Status Report of Activities (G. Arduini) – 12:45 – 13:05 Peer Review Pilot Project at IPAC’17 (R. Assmann) – 13:05 – 13:20  Report of the EPS-AG Treasurer (A. Jansson) – 13:20 – 13:30 Report of the EPS-AG Internal Auditors (G. Bisoffi) - 13:30 – 13:40 Any other business – 13:40 – 13:45 15/05/2017 G. Arduini, M. Seidel - EPS-AG General Assembly

3 G. Arduini, M. Seidel - EPS-AG General Assembly
Aims of EPS-AG The aims of the EPS Accelerator Group are: to promote research and development of all kinds of particle accelerators and the associated technology, as well as their applications; to encourage contacts between specialists in the field in European and non-European institutions, in particular through the organization of the International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC) when held in Europe; to stimulate international co-operation and exchange of information; to promote efficient and effective use of resources and foster high standards 15/05/2017 G. Arduini, M. Seidel - EPS-AG General Assembly

4 G. Arduini, M. Seidel - EPS-AG General Assembly
Who are we? EPS-AG: 250 members to date The EPS-AG is managed by an Elected Board (18 Members). Elections to the Board are held every three years, and a General Assembly takes place during each IPAC in Europe. 15/05/2017 G. Arduini, M. Seidel - EPS-AG General Assembly

5 Elected Board Members (2014-17)
Board Chair Gianluigi Arduini, CERN Board Chair-Elect Mike Seidel, PSI Former Board Chair, Ex-officio Andy Wolski, U. Liverpool, Cockcroft Institute CERN Paul Collier, Maurizio Vretenar, Frank Zimmermann France Philip Bambade, LAL Marie-Emmanuelle Couprie, SOLEIL Germany Ralph Assmann, DESY Oliver Boine-Frankenheim, GSI Anke-Susanne Müller, FZK/ANKA Italy Giovanni Bisoffi, INFN/LNL Susanna Guiducci, INFN/LNF Spain Angeles Faus-Golfe, IFIC/LAL Montse Pont, CELLS Sweden Andreas Jansson, ESS Switzerland Hans-Heinrich Braun, PSI UK Deepa Angal-Kalinin, STFC/DL/ASTeC 15/05/2017 G. Arduini, M. Seidel - EPS-AG General Assembly

6 Elected Board Members (2017-20)
Board Chair Mike Seidel, PSI Board Chair-Elect To be elected on 17 May Former Board Chair, Ex-officio Gianluigi Arduini, CERN CERN Paul Collier, Maurizio Vretenar, Frank Zimmermann France Philip Bambade, LAL Marie-Emmanuelle Couprie, SOLEIL Germany Ralph Assmann, DESY Mei Bai, GSI Sara Casalbuoni. KIT Italy Giovanni Bisoffi, INFN/LNL Cristina Vaccarezza, INFN/LNF Russia Eugene Levichev, BINP Spain Ubaldo Iriso, CELLS Sweden Andreas Jansson, ESS Switzerland Sven Reiche, PSI UK Jim Clarke, STFC/DL Peter McIntosh, STFC/DL Eugene Levichev - Budker Institute for Nuclear Physics, Novosibirsk, Russia 15/05/2017 G. Arduini, M. Seidel - EPS-AG General Assembly

7 G. Arduini, M. Seidel - EPS-AG General Assembly
IPAC EPS-AG has organized the European Particle Accelerator Conferences (EPAC) since 1988 Strong support to the creation of an International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC) Aim: provide a comprehensive world-wide overview of the field of particle accelerators, as well as presentations of progress in all technologies involved. Since year cycle: Americas Asia (including Oceania) Europe (including Russia, Middle-East and Africa). 15/05/2017 G. Arduini, M. Seidel - EPS-AG General Assembly

8 G. Arduini, M. Seidel - EPS-AG General Assembly
IPAC MoU for the Coordination of IPACs in the three regions brought into effect at IPAC’15 (invaluable contribution by A. Wolski) The MoU defines a common set of rules for organizing IPACs, still leaving enough room for development. Formalizing an effort of coordinating actions on subjects of common interest, e.g.: Publications Student support Approach towards Industry 15/05/2017 G. Arduini, M. Seidel - EPS-AG General Assembly

9 EPS Accelerator Group Prizes, 2017
Aimed at recognizing/highlighting the work of colleagues at different levels in their career as a model for the community  promotion of our field The Rolf Wideröe Prize for “outstanding work in the accelerator field without age limit” is awarded to Dr. Lyndon Evans, Retired from CERN, currently Director of the Linear Collider Collaboration and Guest Professor Imperial College London 15/05/2017 G. Arduini, M. Seidel - EPS-AG General Assembly

10 EPS Accelerator Group Prizes, 2017
The Gersch Budker Prize, for “a recent significant, original contribution to the accelerator field, with no age limit,” is awarded to Dr. Pantaleo Raimondi, ESRF, Director, Accelerator and Source Division The Frank Sacherer Prize, for “an individual in the early part of his or her career, having made a recent significant, original contribution to the accelerator field,” is awarded to Dr. Anna Grassellino, FNAL, USA 15/05/2017 G. Arduini, M. Seidel - EPS-AG General Assembly

11 EPS Accelerator Group Prizes, 2017
A Prize for a student registered for a PhD or diploma in accelerator physics or engineering or a trainee accelerator physicist or engineer in the educational phase of their professional career, for the quality of work and promise for the future. Awarded to Fabrizio Giuseppe Bisesto, INFN/LNF From this year onwards the prize is dedicated to the memory of Bruno Touschek. 15/05/2017 G. Arduini, M. Seidel - EPS-AG General Assembly

12 G. Arduini, M. Seidel - EPS-AG General Assembly
EPS Fellows EPS Fellows from the accelerator domain: Patrizio Antici Caterina Biscari Reinhard Brinkmann (2016) Albert Hoffmann Kurt Hübner Eberhard Keil Steve Myers Mike Poole Sergio Tazzari Reinhard Brinkmann is the director of the accelerator department at DESY. Under his directorship the European XFEL was build and it was just successfully commissioned and lased for the first time. Before he was HERA-e coordinator and strongly involved in the TESLA LC study. 15/05/2017 G. Arduini, M. Seidel - EPS-AG General Assembly

13 Engagement with Students
Favour the interaction among students and Accelerator Scientists Particularly important for small Centres/Universities/Countries entering the field Student poster session is the highlight of the IPAC conferences (~100 participants) EPS-AG is coordinating the collection of funds among the various European Laboratories to finance the grants for European Students EPS-AG is heavily involved in the organization of the Student Poster Session in particular in the IPAC taking place in Europe Grat opportunity to exchange experience 15/05/2017 G. Arduini, M. Seidel - EPS-AG General Assembly

14 Engagement with Students
Student programme: Floor for students to present their work and establish contacts with Universities, Research Institutes and Industries for their possible professional development Relying on the strong support of the European Laboratories: Student grants (to European Students): IPAC’14: 89 (54), IPAC’15: 82 (30), IPAC’16: 77 (27), IPAC’17 95 (41) Among the European Student Grant recipients: best JUAS student How to extend/guarantee sustainability to the student programme? Sponsorship by Industries  Being pursued in general for the IPAC series 15/05/2017 G. Arduini, M. Seidel - EPS-AG General Assembly

15 G. Arduini, M. Seidel - EPS-AG Elected Board Meeting
IUPAP The mission of IUPAP (International Union of Pure an Applied Physics) is to assist in the worldwide development of physics, to foster international cooperation in physics, and to help in the application of physics toward solving problems of concern to humanity. IUPAP carries out this mission by sponsoring international meetings; fostering communications and publications; encouraging research and education; fostering the free circulation of scientists; promoting international agreements on symbols, units and nomenclature; and cooperating with other organisations on disciplinary and interdisciplinary problems. 17/05/2017 G. Arduini, M. Seidel - EPS-AG Elected Board Meeting

16 G. Arduini, M. Seidel - EPS-AG Elected Board Meeting
IUPAP – WG14 Recognition of Accelerator Science: as a “cross cutting field of Physics” for its impact in the progress of many branches of science (material, nuclear, elementary particle sciences) as well as of medical and environmental applications IUPAP at its 28th General Assembly (7/11/2014) has mandated a Working Group (WG14) To recommend to the IUPAP what structure (Working Group or Commission) it should put in place at its 2017 General Assembly to adequately cover accelerator science To recommend how to ensure that the new structure put into place will cooperate with, but not duplicate the work of, WG1, ICFA To recommend Initial membership of the proposed new structure EPS-AG is participating to this activity 17/05/2017 G. Arduini, M. Seidel - EPS-AG Elected Board Meeting

17 Open Access Publications
The recognition of the quality of research in the field of accelerator physics and technology depends also on our capability to disseminate the results of our research: Importance of new publications Importance of acknowledging previous work  references!! Physical Review Accelerators and Beams is the reference journal for High Quality Publications. IPAC JACoW proceedings are the optimum channel to communicate rapidly recent incremental progress in the field Recent Initiatives: More space provided for references in JACoW IPAC proceedings and stricter guidelines for their format Survey among the EPS-AG members to collect feedback concerning the PRAB publication criteria/policies and on possible means to enhance its visibility and impact. Peer Review Pilot Project (see Ralph Assmann’s presentation) 15/05/2017 G. Arduini, M. Seidel - EPS-AG General Assembly

18 G. Arduini, M. Seidel - EPS-AG General Assembly
PRAB Survey Rather limited feedback (12 replies although in some cases representative of an institute). Your voice is important!! Summary: Impact factor is becoming more and more important but it is not (yet) a strong drive for the selection of the journal  importance of proper citation of previous work!! PRAB acceptance criteria are considered adequate/sometimes too strict (in particular for technology/engineering papers) Time from submission to publication is not a real issue (also thanks to the good complementarity with JACoW ....and the new refereed version of the IPAC proceedings?) Encouragement to include Special Conference editions Review papers Need referees to support this activity. You? 15/05/2017 G. Arduini, M. Seidel - EPS-AG General Assembly

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Next General Assembly May-June 2020 Caen 15/05/2017 G. Arduini, M. Seidel - EPS-AG General Assembly

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Your feedback Your needs Your help are important for us! 15/05/2017 G. Arduini, M. Seidel - EPS-AG General Assembly

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15/05/2017 G. Arduini, M. Seidel - EPS-AG General Assembly

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