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Lists: Bus, Chaperone, Roommate

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1 Lists: Bus, Chaperone, Roommate
Pick up the packet with your name on it. This has your bus number, chaperon, and roommates are highlighted. These decisions are final. A lot of time and consideration went into making these lists. Holiday Inn at Chantilly, VA Oct. 25th-27th Courtyard by Marriott in Gettysburg Oct. 24th

2 Chaperons for 2018 Bus 1 Bus 2 Bus 3 Bus 4 Mr. Manuel Mrs. Edlred
Mrs. Miller Mrs.Moore Mrs. Summers Mr. Englebert Bus 3 Bus 4 Ms. Hilycord Mr. Ferrara Mr. Lawson Mrs. Smith Mrs. Blake Mrs. Jordan

3 Dress Code Touring Attire: Thursday, Friday, Saturday Boys
khakis, dress pants or colored denim button shirts with collar, plain t’s, sweaters comfortable shoes light jacket/hoodie Girls khakis, dress slacks, colored denim, knee-length skirts or dresses shirts, blouses, plain t ‘s, sweaters comfortable shoes – closed toe    


5 Dress Code Cont’d ***This attire cannot be worn while touring.
Traveling Attire: Wednesday, Sunday Boys and Girls School appropriate attire. Includes jeans, sweats, shorts (be sure they are long enough) ** The CMS Washington, DC shirt must be worn on this first day of travel. ***This attire cannot be worn while touring.

6 Packing Suggestions touring clothes ◦ snacks for hotel room under garments ◦ phone socks ◦ spending $ shoes (not new ones) ◦ jacket hygiene products *rain poncho sleeping attire ◦ plastic bag for dirty clothes clothes to travel home in ** pack hotel items in larger suitcase, bring small bag for bus (electronic items, $, etc) Parents assist your children with their packing!!!!!

7 Academic and Behavior Guidelines Students will be removed from the trip and forfeit all fees paid if they receive: - OSS before we leave on the 24th. - any grades lower than a D- at the end of the grading period. Grades will be checked over fall break. **Your $715 payment will be forfeited if your child is removed from the trip due to grades or behavior problems.

8 Medications All prescribed medications by a doctor must be sent in their original packaging. Tylenol, Motrin, etc. may be put in a small plastic bag but must be identified as to what it is. Instructions must be given as to the quantity and timing of doses for all medications. Parent signature is also required on the instructions. Your child’s name must be written on the plastic bag that is holding the medication. Give medications to chaperon on Wednesday before we leave.

9 Arrival to school on Oct. 24th
Parking – DO NOT PARK IN BUS LINE Please use parking lots in front or back of school. Report to Grey Box at 6:00 AM with all of your belongings. Find your chaperon and check in, give them any medications you are taking with you. Buses will pull out by 7:00 AM. There will be no waiting. We are on a schedule even when not touring.

10 Trip Itinerary Wednesday – Arrive in Gettysburg 7:30pm
Thursday – Gettysburg, Mt. Vernon, night tour Friday – Supreme Court, Library of Congress, Capitol Bldg tour, Cathedral tour, Holocaust Museum, White House, night tour Saturday – Arlington, American History Museum, African American History Museum, Souvenir City, Air Force Memorial Sunday – depart no later than 7:00, arrive home around 9:00 pm **** An updated itinerary will be placed on the school website next week. Itineraries are always subject to change.

11 Arrival at Central on the 28th
We should be back near 9:00 pm. Students will be instructed to call parents when we are 30 minutes away. Please be on time to pick up your children. ***Your children are expected to be at school on Monday, just like their teachers. 

12 General Trip Guidelines
 1. Students may not use their electronic devices while touring. Cell phones may only be used to take pictures or contact parents when not touring. Anyone texting while touring will lose the use of their phone. Even if their parents are the ones texting them! Inappropriate use of social media will result in permanent loss of phone for the duration of the trip as well as punitive measures at school when we return. 2. All students are to complete the Washington, DC journal project. These will be collected at the end of your trip and given to your Social Studies teacher. They will be returned to you once your teacher has had time to evaluate them. All students will complete this journal. 3. All students will be respectful of all adults who are accompanying us on the trip. Follow all directions and instructions you are given. 4. Never be alone while visiting a museum or memorial. 5. Always be on time. 6. Proper hotel etiquette is a must. Chaperones will give you instructions as to when lights are to be out and when your are expected to go to sleep. Hotel Security will be stationed on each of our floors every evening. 7. All school rules apply.

13 How do I contact Mrs. Eudy or Mr. Manuel while my child is in DC?
No cell phone numbers will be shared with parents. Mr. Manuel and Mrs. Eudy will have full access to their accounts. If you have an emergency and need me to contact you as soon as possible please call the office and they will contact us.

14 Before leaving today: Sign the final contract and turn in to Mr. Manuel or Mrs. Eudy. These forms must be signed before you will be allowed on a bus on Oct. 24th. No student will be allowed to attend the trip without this signed contract. Complete the order form for your box lunch selection. Any orders not received by the end of the week will result in a peanut butter and jelly lunch selected for you. I will have completed order forms with me in DC.

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