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Young Marine of the Year

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1 Young Marine of the Year
Jeremy Jones Director of Operations ALC 2018

2 FY 2018 YMOY Board Stats UNIT 259 Units
119 Units scheduled a board (45.95%) 94 Units completed the board process (36.29%) 156 Units awarded the YMOY Ribbon (60.23%) REGIMENT 24 Regiments 19 scheduled a board (79.17%) 16 completed the board process (66.67%) 17 awarded the YMOY ribbon (70.83%) BATTALION 69 Battalions 48 scheduled a board (69.56%) 38 completed the board process (55.07%) 48 awarded the YMOY Ribbon (69.56%) Information that was provided to the Division Commanders on Feb 24, We need to improve these stats, particularly at the Unit Level. *Data pulled on Feb 23, 2018

3 Unit Young Marine of the Year
Unit YMOY selection board process begins in September and concludes with finalizing the report in the database by October 10th. All Young Marine units shall have a Unit Young Marine of the Year. Requirements (Unit): > Unit board consists of UC, XO, and one additional AV (minimum). The senior YM of the unit may be a member of the board, if the UC desires, and that YM is not a candidate for Unit YMOY. > One guest member may be included (i.e., local council member, MCL Detachment Commandant, host facility commander, mayor, CEO of business that supports unit, etc.). > Each member of the board shall ask each Young Marine appearing before the board two questions. Each Young Marine presenting themselves before the board shall receive the same questions, tasks, and examinations in the same order. This information is pulled directly from the new Registered Adult Volunteer Manual.

4 Unit Young Marine of the Year
Eligibility: > All YMs in unit with minimum one (1) year in Young Marines program since date of recruit graduation – date of rank to YM-Private. This information is pulled directly from the new Registered Adult Volunteer Manual.

5 Battalion Young Marine of the Year
Battalion YMOY selection board process begins in October and concludes with finalizing the report in the database by October 31st. All Young Marine Battalions shall have a Battalion Young Marine of the Year. Requirements: > Battalion selection board consists of the Battalion Commander and all Unit Commanders in the Battalion (XO may be substituted if UC unavailable). Outgoing Battalion YMOY may also be a member of the board if Battalion Commander desires. One guest member may be included (i.e., local council member, mayor, etc.). > Each member of the board shall ask each Young Marine appearing before the board two questions. Each Young Marine presenting themselves before the board shall receive the same questions, tasks, and examinations in the same order. This information is pulled directly from the new Registered Adult Volunteer Manual.

6 Battalion Young Marine of the Year
Eligibility: > All Junior Leadership School (JLS) graduates that have minimum 24 months in program since date of recruit graduation – date of rank to YM-Private) > RRW participation during previous year (yes, YMs unit must have participated in RRW) > Minimum Rank – YM Corporal > Minimum Age 11 as of 31 December, previous year of year of selection This information is pulled directly from the new Registered Adult Volunteer Manual.

7 Regiment Young Marine of the Year
Regiment YMOY selection board process begins in November and concludes with finalizing the report in the database by November 15th. All Young Marine Regiments shall have a Regiment Young Marine of the Year. Requirements: > Regiment selection board consists of the Regiment Commander and all Battalion Commanders (XO may be substituted if BC unavailable). Outgoing Regiment YMOY may also be a member of the board if Regiment Commander desires. One guest member may be included (i.e., local council member, mayor, etc.). > Each member of the board shall ask each Young Marine appearing before the board two questions. Each Young Marine presenting themselves before the board shall receive the same questions, tasks, and examinations in the same order. This information is pulled directly from the new Registered Adult Volunteer Manual.

8 Regiment Young Marine of the Year
Eligibility: > All Senior Leadership School (SLS) graduates > Earned Attendance ribbon > Earned Community Service ribbon (2nd Award) > Earned Academic Achievement ribbon within past two years > RRW participation in previous year > Minimum rank – YM-SSgt > Minimum age 13 as of 31 December, previous year of year selected This information is pulled directly from the new Registered Adult Volunteer Manual.

9 Division Young Marine of the Year
Division YMOY selection board process begins in November and Headquarters Young Marines concludes with finalizing the report in the database no later than 21 December. All qualified candidates for Division YMOY consideration should appear before the Division YMOY selection board. The selected YMOY’s package will be mailed to Headquarters Young Marines, ATTN: Deputy Director. Requirements > Division selection board consists of Division, Assistant Division, and Regiment Commanders (XO may be substituted if RC unavailable). Outgoing Division YMOY may also be a member if the board if Division Commander desires. One guest member may be included (i.e., local council member, mayor, etc.). > Each member of the board shall ask each Young Marine appearing before the board two questions. Each Young Marine presenting themselves before the board shall receive the same questions, tasks, and examinations in the same order. This information is pulled directly from the new Registered Adult Volunteer Manual.

10 Division Young Marine of the Year
Eligibility: > All Advance Leadership School (ALS) graduates > Earned Attendance ribbon > Earned Community Service ribbon (3rd Award) > Earned Academic Achievement ribbon within past two years > Project Alert certified > RRW participation in previous year > Minimum rank – YM-GySgt > Minimum age 14 as of 31 December, previous year of year selected This information is pulled directly from the new Registered Adult Volunteer Manual.

11 YMOY - UNIT 2017 has seen many updates and
improvements to the Young Marines Program to include the Young Marine of the Year Selection. This presentation will guide you through the process of selecting a Unit Young Marine of the Year by completing a selection board and reporting the results; all in the Young Marines Database! Tutorial created by Mrs. Borka prior to the FY18 YMOY selection boards. Explain that the tutorial provides a step by step process, that if followed will result in not only the YMOY selection, but also a notification to the chain of command.

12 YMOY - UNIT Eligibility Requirements:
All Young Marines with a minimum of one (1) year in the program since date of recruit graduation (promotion to YM-PVT). Click on “YMOY” to view requirements for each level of Young Marine of the Year.

13 YMOY - UNIT YMOY Requirements Overview

14 YMOY - UNIT Eligibility:
To view eligible YMs in your unit, select “Eligibility Matrix” from the YMOY Menu.

15 YMOY - UNIT To view all unit level active Young Marines’ eligibility:
Select “All Active Young Marines” then click “Save”.

16 YMOY - UNIT To view only unit level eligible Young Marines:
Select “Eligible Young Marines Only” then click “Save”.

17 YMOY - UNIT Start the Unit YMOY selection by first setting up the Board. Click on “Unit Boards” in the YMOY Menu Select “Set Up Board” Note: Only one board may be set up per operating year. Then, set the Board date

18 YMOY - UNIT The next step will be selecting the Board Members.
Unit board consists of UC, XO, & one additional RA (minimum). One of the unit’s senior ranking YMs can be a member if UC desires and that YM is not a candidate for Unit YMOY. One guest member may be included (i.e., local council member, mayor, CEO of business that supports unit, etc.). If UC or XO is unavailable, senior board member may appoint another RA to the board.

19 YMOY - UNIT Once the board has been set up, several menu items will appear. “Set-Up Board” will allow you to edit the board members or date. “Nominees” will display the YM’s Name, Rank, Age (on 12/31), contact s, and link to “View Record Book” To generate an to eligible Young Marines, select “ s”, then “Generate ”

20 YMOY - UNIT s may be sent to each eligible YM, along with their “lives with” contacts, to provide upcoming selection board date and location, uniform requirements, etc.

21 YMOY - UNIT Selection Board Results
Selection boards have begun, now its time to record and report the results for Unit Young Marine of the Year Selection. Select “Results”

22 YMOY - UNIT Selection Board Results:
When completing the results report, include notes on each YM’s performance. Try to keep notes positive and constructive. If a YM did not stand the board, please note the reason. Board Summary: Should contain a synopsis of the entire board process and include an explanation for the YMOY selection. This page may be saved each time an edit or addition is made. Be sure it is complete prior to selecting “Finalize”.

23 YMOY - UNIT Finalize Report:
When “Finalize” is selected, a pop-up will appear asking if is your intent to submit results up the chain. Once “OK” is selected, the board results and report cannot be changed.* *If YMOY board results are disputed, only YMNHQ may may make changes to the YMOY board results.

24 YMOY - UNIT Board History:
Once a YMOY board has been completed, results are viewable by selecting “Unit Boards” in the “YMOY” menu. From here, there is the option to “View Report” and “View Record Book” of the selected YMOY. Note: YMOY ribbon award is not automatically awarded to avoid premature notification through Fall In.

25 YMOY - UNIT Unit YMOY Report:
YMOY Selection Report is automatically ed to the Commanders at Battalion, Regiment and Division, as well as the Deputy Directors at Headquarters. Report contains list of Board Members, selected YMOY with notes, and the Board Summary.

26 Awards ALC 2018

27 Distinguished Order of Merit
The Distinguished Order of Merit(DOM) is the highest award a Young Marine can earn. The DOM is intended for those Advanced Young Marines who have committed themselves to the ideals of the Young Marine Program.

28 Distinguished Order of Merit
Notice of Intent DOM Notice of Intent(NOI) typed into Word Document, attached to an , and sent to Unit Commander(UC) DOM NOI submitted to the YM Director of Operations DOM NOI sent to DivCom UC will be notified of approval within 30 business days of receipt of NOI Submissions to the DirOps for tracking, Ops Team discusses and forwards to the Deputy Director for final approval and award.

29 Distinguished Order of Merit
Submission Process DOM Request Submission Form is found in the YM Library in the “Awards” folder. DOM prerequisites and requirements are found on the DOM Request Submission Form (not the awards manual). Completed DOM Request Submission Form is submitted to YM Director of Operations. Submissions to the DirOps for tracking, Ops Team discusses and forwards to the Deputy Director for final approval and award.

30 Distinguished Service Ribbon
Awarded to a Young Marine who, while serving in any capacity with the Young Marines, distinguishes himself/herself by exceptionally meritorious service to the Young Marines in a duty of great responsibility. Examples: National and Division Young Marines of the Year. Young Marines who make an impact that contributes to the success of the entire program. Typically over a long, sustained period of time, think over their YM career. Awarded by the National Executive Director

31 Personal Commendation Ribbon
Awarded to a Young Marine who distinguishes himself/herself by exceptionally meritorious conduct in performing outstanding service. Young Marines who make an impact to the program at the Division level and below. National and Division Leadership School Cadre. Planning and executing higher level encampments, field meets, symposiums, etc. Awarded by the National Executive Director

32 Meritorious Service Ribbon
Awarded to a Young Marine while serving in any capacity with the Young Marines Program who distinguishes themselves by meritorious achievement or service. Young Marines who make an impact outside of their own unit. Planning, training, mentoring other units, battalions, regiments. Lowest Issuing Authority: Division Commander

33 Lifesaving 1st Degree Ribbon
Awarded to any person who, while serving in any capacity as a Young Marine, distinguishes himself/herself by heroism for acts of lifesaving, or attempted lifesaving without regard to the risk of one’s own life for the benefit of another human being. Car Accident with fire Aviation Mishap Rip-tide Rescue Awarded by the National Executive Director

34 Lifesaving 2nd Degree Ribbon
Awarded to any person who, while serving in any capacity as a Young Marine, distinguishes himself/herself by heroism for acts of lifesaving, or attempted lifesaving with limited life-threatening risk of one’s own life for the benefit of another human being. Car Accident with no fire Burning Building no entry Water Rescue via watercraft or boat Awarded by the National Executive Director

35 Lifesaving 3rd Degree Ribbon
Awarded to any person who, while serving in any capacity as a Young Marine, distinguishes himself/herself by heroism for acts of lifesaving, or attempted lifesaving of another human being, animal, or wildlife. Swimming Pool Rescue Choking Dog in a vehicle on a hot day Awarded by the National Executive Director

36 Personal Achievement Ribbon
Awarded to members of the Young Marines who distinguish themselves by outstanding meritorious achievement or service to the Young Marines Program. Young Marines that have completed something significant. DYMOY 1000+ hours of community service. Fundraising $$$ that was far above what was expected. Served in a higher level billet with distinction. Lowest Issuing Authority: Regimental Commander

37 Commendation of Merit Ribbon
Awarded to a Young Marine for a single act of meritorious service, not sufficient to warrant the Personal Achievement Ribbon, for service to the Young Marines Program. Young Marine who makes an impact in a leadership position in your unit, at an encampment, at a community service event. Lowest Issuing Authority: Unit Commander

38 Young Marine Achievement Ribbon
Awarded to a Young Marine for a single act of meritorious service or achievement not sufficient to warrant the Commendation of Merit, for service to the Young Marines Program. Impact award! For the Young Marine that does something awesome. Sustained high 1st class PFT scores, leadership/mentorship that is beyond their age, anything noteworthy. Lowest Issuing Authority: Unit Commander

39 Submission Process

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